Marvel's Strongest Saint

179.Ambition (2/5)

This vast knowledge stored in the Eternal Throne is like a mobile hard drive that can be read at any time. Su Bai, who is sitting on the throne, controls it in his heart.

However, Su Bai is not satisfied with this. Only if it is engraved in his mind forever can he be truly in control.

After a rough browse, Su Bai found that the knowledge of these eight galaxies was all-encompassing. Because the Eternals focused on technology, the knowledge on the technology side was recorded in more detail!

Compared with the scientific and technological knowledge in the hands of Su Bai, the scientific and technological level of the major countries on the earth is just like the gap between primitive people and modern people, lagging behind by several eras. Any technology in Su Bai's hands can "Nine-Two-Old" create a powerful nation on earth.

Because of these technologies, Su Bai has a long-term vision in mind. When it comes time to realize it,

Su Bai secretly thought in his heart: "Diana will become a god soon, and the day she becomes a god will be when she returns to Mount Olympus. But before that, we must first help the Asgard people get out of their predicament. Now there is a new way. Can use the wisdom crystallization of the Eternals to repair Bifrost.

It turns out that Su Bai and Diana already had an ambition in their hearts: to reopen Mount Olympus!

The Greek gods fell apart, some fell and some disappeared, but Mount Olympus still existed. It was just because of the war that it was trapped in the turbulence of space. No one could break through and enter the past. God's place.

During the past twenty years, Su Bai searched for information at Holy Place and discovered that Olympus is not like Asgard, not a planet in the universe, but an existence similar to a "small world", a spatial dimension. It is also a fortress.

As long as they work hard to find the existence on Mount Olympus, Su Bai and Diana can reopen a pantheon!

This pantheon may inherit the glorious legacy of the Greek gods, but it will never be a continuation of the Greek pantheon, but a new pantheon ruled by Su Bai and Diana.

Su Bai has not taken any action. On the one hand, it is because Diana has not yet condensed her godhead. On the other hand, it is because of the other gods on the earth.

"Other pantheons on earth, such as the Indian pantheon, the Egyptian pantheon, the Mayan pantheon, the Persian pantheon, and the African pantheon, will never sit back and watch a new pantheon be born smoothly, especially in a special world where technology is developing day by day. Era."

From the classical texts of the Holy Place, Su Bai confirmed the existence of many pantheons on earth. They all had a gap with the Magician Association. While leaving the earth under the management of the Magician Association, they absorbed less and less power of faith.

Definitely, like the "Nine Realms" of the Aesir clan, they have a "basic base" of faith and can also be called a colony of faith.

But the creation of a new pantheon may not be what these ancient gods want to see.

Therefore, there is a need to repair Asgard Bifrost.

While Su Bai's heart was spinning, a new prompt sounded in Su Bai's mind: "Congratulations to the master for completing the mission: exploring Saturn's moon Titan!"

"Mission conditions: Exploration degree exceeds 50%!"

"Current exploration level: 60%!"

"Congratulations to the master for receiving the mission reward: 50,000 redemption points!"

Su Bai originally had 45,000 redemption points, and spent 15,000 points to redeem the Corpse Qi Ghost Cang Yan. Now he has 50,000 redemption points, and the redemption points are a total of 80,000.

However, compared to Shenyi, who can easily redeem 300,000 points, and Chu Zhen, who can redeem 500,000 points, the pinnacle of Fighting Ability, the Jue Xiao of the Zodiac, which also costs 500,000 points, is still far away.

Su Bai glanced at the satellite Titan from a high altitude, and he had new doubts in his heart. Looking around, all the materials on the surface of the earth had been burned completely by the corpse energy ghost Cangyan, and everything was exposed to Su Bai. Under the induction of Bai Xiaokun.

There is no underground space, but the exploration level has only just reached the standard. The only secret that can be hidden is that tombstone: Ellie's tombstone.

"Here rests El-Lee, a good wife and mother, "the most beautiful woman of the Eternals."

Su Bai turned around and looked at the tombstone. Like the Eternal Throne, it was intact under the blue flames of the corpse-qi ghost. It was really extraordinary.

At first, I thought it was because of the special materials, but now I discovered that not even the power of the small universe can cover the tombstone.

Su Bai was shocked and thought to himself: "No, no force can destroy this tombstone. It turns out to be an existence that is almost a rule of the universe!"

There are indeed secrets in this tombstone, but it is not something that Su Bai of At the moment can explore. It is unknown whether Thanos or other beings have tampered with this tombstone.

Su Bai didn't hesitate. The Eternal Throne and the redemption points were obtained. It was already a great harvest. He kept the strangeness of the tombstone in his heart, and without taking another look, he disappeared on top of the "Titan".

Not long after Su Bai left, this seemingly plain tombstone suddenly shook, and then quickly returned to calm. .

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