Marvel's Strongest Saint

186. Sky Goddess (4/5)

A large amount of space power poured into Diana's body through Su Bai's body. Through the flow of divine blood, it entered Diana's mind and was placed on top of the divine fire. Combined with the power of thunder, it received the power of the divine fire. Calcination.

Everything went very smoothly, even beyond the imagination of Su Bai and Diana. The power of space and the power of thunder showed a perfect fit. Under the burning of the divine fire,

The first ray of dark blue divine power was born!

This ray of dark blue divine power is not only as vast and vast as infinite space, but also carries the majesty of thunder. After observing this ray of divine power, Su Bai secretly said in his heart: "The sky!"

This is the power of the sky!

Su Bai had done a test with Diana. The power of space and the power of thunder were incompatible, so no results were obtained. Unexpectedly, under the calcination of the divine fire, the two showed unexpected coordination.

The integrate was successful, and the power of the sky was born!

In Su Bai's mind, the first generation god-king of the Greek pantheon, Ouranos, could not help but appear!

According to the ancient mythological records of Holy Place, Uranus was born from Gaea, the mother of the earth. As the most powerful god at that time, he even became the ruler of the ancient gods for a time. He was the top one in the entire universe. A group of gods!

The godhead of Uranus is the trinity godhead that symbolizes hope, future, and sky.

From a blood perspective, Diana's divine bloodline can indeed be traced back to Ouranos, the ancient King of God. However, the bloodline of the Greek pantheon has been passed down from generation to generation and has become thinner and thinner. This is different from the bloodline of the Greek pantheon. Each generation of god-kings has too many heirs, which is closely related.

In the third generation, Zeus, as the god king, only Awakened the "Thunder" godhead. It can be seen that compared with the first generation god king Uranus, the bloodline has been diluted to a level that can be called "weak".

But this time in Diana's adventure, stimulated by Su Bai's power of space, the divine blood actually returned to its source. The power of space and the power of thunder unexpectedly successfully integrated, giving birth to the power of the sky!

Although he only inherited one-third of the divine attributes of Uranus, compared to Thor's divine attributes, it is already several times, even dozens of times more powerful!

Such gratifying results allowed Su Bai and Diana to advance further and further. The power of space conveyed and the power of thunder absorbed reached a delicate balance. After the calcining of the divine fire, wisps of dark blue sky power began to weave, Condensed into the godhead of the sky!

In this process, the passage of time seems to have lost its meaning, but the more complete the sky is, the deeper the understanding of Su Bai will be!

In the gradually taking shape of the sky godhead, Su Bai saw endless darkness and infinite space. The wisp of thunder emerged, piercing the darkness and bringing thunder light. Gradually, space and thunder light were combined, and the sky was born.

The birth process of the sky godhead is the birth process of the sky. It has great reference significance for the construction of Su Bai's small universe. Su Bai has already felt it through quiet realization.

The bottleneck in the early stage of the seventh sense of the small universe has begun to loosen. It is only a final step, an opportunity, to break through to a new realm.

The dark blue sky has more and more divine power, and a cube godhead has taken shape. The fluctuations of divine power coming from Diana are becoming more and more violent, which is enough to rival a god-king. If the destructive power of the Saints is not included, it is equivalent to the current one. Su Bai’s strength!

At the same time, a dark blue sky mark also appeared on Diana's forehead. As long as the sky godhead is successfully condensed, she will be the unique sky goddess on earth.

The divine fire burned to a fierce level, and the last ray of the sky's divine power also took shape, becoming the last component of the sky's godhead. The moment it merged, the entire solar system let out a soft roar.

At this moment when the godhead took shape, the joy on Diana's face just appeared, but it quickly disappeared with a muffled groan!

Even Diana's body showed faint dark blue light spots, and her body structure became extremely unstable, with the risk of collapse at any time!

"`||The divine power of the firmament contained in the firmament godhead is simply too powerful! Although the Space gem Awakened the bloodline of the ancient King of God, he is ultimately the descendant of the fourth generation. With Diana's current life level, It’s unbearable!”

Su Bai's heart trembled. At this critical moment, he became calmer and his thinking was extremely clear. He immediately cut off the transmission of space power. The vast vitality belonging to the Ophiuchus Golden Saint was transmitted into Diana's body. in vivo.

Ophiuchus is not only a master of the twelve constellations of the zodiac (good money), he is originally a great and compassionate existence like a god, saving countless people with his vast vitality, and can even bring the dead back to life.

This majestic vitality entered Diana's body and immediately stabilized Diana's body that was about to collapse, and forcibly neutralized the riot caused by the formation of Cangchuan's godhead.

The expression on Diana's face was no longer painful, the sky godhead gradually stabilized, and finally stood still in Diana's mind, integrating successfully.

At this moment, the nine major galaxies in the solar system paused imperceptibly for a second. Circles of shockwaves visible to the naked eye rippled away, shattering countless stars and forming a brilliant meteor shower, which seemed to be celebrating the birth of the goddess of the sky! .

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