Marvel's Strongest Saint

202. Rush To Rescue (3/7)

The Mayan pantheon is unlike other pantheons. There is no blood relationship between the gods. It is more like a tribal alliance. Among them, Quetzalcoatl is the most powerful and is regarded as the god king of the Mayan pantheon.

At the moment, Quetzalcoatl hated Su Bai in his heart, calmed down, faced the four doors, and ordered: "Chak, the rain god, and Ischel, the moon goddess, you enter the 'life' door.

"Hu Nabo, the God of Creation, your strength is second only to mine, enter the 'old' gate."

"Itzamna, the god of words, Kokata, the god of war, you enter the sick door!"

"As for me." Quetzalcoatl's eyes widened, staring fiercely at the giant bronze door in front of him and the word "death", "I never believe that there is really death after entering this door?!"

"This is the space created by Su Bai. It will not be perfect. There will definitely be flaws in the four doors. Once you escape, Su Bai will die!"

Quetzalcoatl's words fell 560 times, and the gods among them all nodded in silence. The hatred and fear of Su Bai in their hearts had reached a peak. They stopped hesitation at the moment and followed Quetzalcoatl's instructions to stand in front of the four doors. .

"Birth", "Ageing", "Sickness", and "Death", the four doors were opened in sequence, and the situation behind the doors could not be seen, only countless dark blue lights shining.

Rain God Chak and Moon Goddess Ischel looked at each other and flew into the "Life" door. After passing through the dark blue light, all the previous scenes disappeared.

Darkness, endless darkness!

There is no light, no sound, just a monotonous space. You can feel that your inner self is moving at an extremely fast speed.

But such progress makes no sense.

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the rain god Chuck. Inside the "Sheng" door, there is an infinite space, or a spiral space, with no end!

There is no way to rebirth, it is a path of asceticism with no end (ajbd), it can only linger forever.

Hu Nabo, the God of Creation, who entered the 'old' door, had not yet reacted. The vitality in his body was rapidly drained. He aged in an instant and even lost the strength to walk.

Itzamna, the god of writing, and Kokata, the god of war, walked into the sick door and were surprised to find that there were black spots on the body surface, which were being eroded by the disease.

When Quetzalcoatl entered the "death" door, the 10,000-meter-long snake body was cut off in an instant.

Indeed, as Quetzalcoatl expected, Su Bai's first use of the four-door skill of the god was not perfect, but the weak link in space was definitely not among the death doors!

On the contrary, the power of space in the Death Gate is the most abundant, creating chaotic space turbulence, so that it can kill him, the God King, in a very short time!

If you choose the door of death, there will be nothing but death.

In just two breaths, a light green god-king level godhead lay peacefully on the death door!

Quetzalcoatl never dreamed that he would fall in this way and be played to death by Su Bai without even the power to resist.

In this space, Su Bai exists like a creator. All rules are customized by Su Bai. Su Bai can modify the space at will, and even modify the life force in a god at will!

This has long surpassed the realm and strength of ordinary god kings. Only the ancient gods from ten thousand years ago can compete with the great power possessed by Su Bai!

At the moment when his divine body was annihilated, Quetzalcoatl was filled with remorse. What he regretted most was that he had become the leader and attracted Su Bai's attention, which led to such a disaster, but he had no chance to repent.

After Quetzalcoatl died, a golden shadow of huge amounts suddenly appeared in this space. It was Su Bai. He closed his eyes tightly and uttered a soft voice in his mouth: Hui!"

The other Mayan gods who were still struggling felt a terrifying power coming over them, and they had no resistance at all. Their bodies instantly turned into tiny particles, leaving only the godhead in place.

On the earth, in front of the Olympus Mountains, the other gods all looked at this scene in horror.

Different from the perspective of the Mayan God System, they only saw Su Bai condensing the power of dark blue space and covering the entire Mayan God System. The six gods disappeared instantly, but within a short period of time, there were six gods. It floated into Su Bai's hands.

In the end what happened?

It can be seen from the godhead in Su Bai's hand!

In the blink of an eye, all the main gods of a pantheon were killed, and even the godhead was held in Su Bai's hands. There was no possibility of rebirth?!


Such strength makes other gods on the earth feel deeply uneasy. After today, who can stop Su Bai?

The tense atmosphere reached its peak in an instant. The God's Telekinesis was sent out one after another. Hundreds of minor gods and hundreds of thousands of warriors of gods received the message one after another. Huge amounts of space transmission channels were opened one after another, and they were about to enter a state of all-out war!

Dabiao, the forest god of the Finnish pantheon, shouted angrily: "Su Bai, you killed Quetzalcoatl, the king of the Mayan pantheon for no reason. Such tyrant behavior will never be tolerated! The earth's pantheon shares the same hatred with hundreds of gods. , millions of warriors of gods [fight you alone!”

It's a pity that before Da Biao's words could finish, endless lightning appeared in the sky. This was not Diana's sky power, but the power of Thor!

A huge amount of colorful transmission channels took shape very quickly, and high-tech spaceships drilled out of it in a steady stream, and their number soon exceeded 10,000!

Judging from the logo on the ship, it turns out to be Asgard’s large fleet!

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