Marvel's Strongest Saint

215. Tai Particles (1/5)

The information about Tai particles sealed in Watheim is top secret. Even the Son of God who has not yet taken office cannot pry into it. Only the God-Kings of the past generations can know it.

Unexpectedly, Su Bai's special status has been obvious for a long time.

In fact, when he obtained the Space gem, he had already planned Tai particles————the Reality Gem in Infinite Gems!

People tend to say that certain opinions are true, and using this stone can truly and quite literally turn those opinions into reality. This gem is perhaps the most powerful, but also the most difficult to use. Using it, people can realize any dream. All scientific codes and natural laws are meaningless in front of it, because it can arbitrarily alter reality.

"Such a powerful Reality Gem is only used by the Dark Elves as a weapon to spread darkness. It is a bit overkill."

Stepping on the unique black-red land of Watheim, Su Bai's small universe spread instantly, and the golden-red aperture visible to the naked eye spread and instantly enveloped the entire Watheim.

No The God's Telekinesis can be transmitted, and no The God's Telekinesis can enter, even the space has been blocked by Su Bai, unless the person peeping can have a strength that far exceeds Su Bai - the Seventh Sense Stage Perfection!

Thirty years have passed since Su Bai discovered the secret of the War of the Twelve Titans!

Because of his special physique and strong vitality, Su Bai has already evolved into a longevity species.

For longevity species, these thirty years are just a fleeting moment. But in these thirty years, Su Bai has still made amazing achievements!

The reputation of the Lord of the Stars has spread throughout the Milky Way, and the emerging cosmic empire spanning the two galaxies is rising at a speed that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

With supreme power in hand, Su Bai's strength has also reached a new peak.

It is precisely because of this that Su Bai chose this moment to harvest Tai particles——Su Bai definitely knew that as long as he released Tai particles, he would wake up the sleeping work of the dark elves.

The dark elves were born in the initial darkness of the universe. As the first owners of Tai particles, they also left a great name in the universe and are an extremely powerful race.

They regard spreading primitive darkness as their lifelong belief and attempt to bring the entire universe into darkness again.

With Tai particles, they almost accomplished their goal.

Thousands of years ago, Bol, the greatest god-king of the Aesir clan and the first god-king, led the cosmic coalition in a decisive battle with the dark elves in Watheim!

The cosmic coalition is trying to suppress the spread of darkness. Its military strength far exceeds that of the dark elves, and reinforcements are coming one after another.

The Dark Elves were defeated. After the war, Watheim became the territory of the Aesir Protoss and was designated as one of the "Nine Realms", and the Tai particles were also buried underground in Watheim.

But the dark elves have not completely died out. They are still hidden in the darkness of the universe. As a civilization that develops together with technology and divine power, they still have very good strength to this day, but they have lost their former king. Like a plate of loose sand.

Possessing Tai particles will awaken the king of the dark elves and attract the hostility of the dark elves. It is the treasure of their family. The king of the dark elves can naturally feel the existence of Tai particles.

Su Bai thought to himself: "The dark elves are no longer something to be afraid of. What really worries me is the powerful energy generated by the two Infinite Gems coming together, which is enough to alarm the entire universe!

0…Please give me flowers…

Even so, Su Bai is ready at this moment and is confident of grabbing the second Infinite Gems!

The small universe covered the entire Wertheim. It didn't take long for Su Bai to discover a secret realm on this planet. His body flashed. When he reappeared, he had arrived 10,000 meters underground in Wertheim, close to the core of the star. You can feel Wathelm's heartbeat.


The high temperature and strong pressure emanating from this place alone are enough to force the intruders back, but it has no effect on Su Bai.

A dark red stone pillar with a height of 100 meters appeared in front of Su Bai. The stone pillar was hollow, with dark red liquid flowing, but it did not flow out of the stone pillar. It was obviously imprisoned.

Su Bai took a step forward, and a pure white shadow appeared in front of the tower. It was ten meters tall, holding a giant sword in its hand, emitting pure white light, with a solemn face, and a divine voice.

Judging from the face, it is very similar to the God King Odin. It is the deceased God King Bol who set up the last layer of protection here!

This pure white Boer shadow emitted powerful energy fluctuations, and he spoke very seriously: "Here"

Before he finished speaking, a golden red light flashed out of Su Bai's hand, instantly shattering the pure white shadow.

The underground space returned to calm again, with only Su Bai's crisp footsteps left. Stepping onto the high platform, Su Bai easily dissolved the space restrictions on the stone pillars.

After unblocking, the dark red Tai particles floated out and automatically spread to Su Bai's body. .

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