Marvel's Strongest Saint

244. Death Of Odin (5/5)

"Hela, this is the divine domain of the Aesir clan, not the hell dimension, but the country of the Deadman!"

As Odin finished speaking, he raised the Eternal Spear in his hand, and a bit of golden light appeared on the tip of the gun. Then, the whole of Asgard bloomed with dazzling golden light! All the golden light converged on the Eternal Spear, Condensed into infinite power, even a being as powerful as Hela would never dare to ignore Odin at the moment!

Odin recited a complicated spell in his hand, and the Eternal Spear flew out automatically, crossing time and space again, and appeared above Hela's head, but this time, the Eternal Power did not fall, but formed a pure golden The space barrier actually trapped Hela within it.

Odin used to be the owner of the Space gem. Perhaps his understanding of the laws of space is not as profound as that of Su Bai, but he is definitely an extremely skilled owner of the laws of space——not to mention this pure golden space barrier. It was built with the entire Asgard as its core and was completed thousands of years ago, but Odin narrowed the scope.

Only when Asgard completely collapses will this pure golden protective shield completely disappear. This was quickly understood by Hela. This is the owner of the "09 Deadman Country" and couldn't help but say A sneer: "Odin, do you think such a protective shield can trap me? The whole of Asgard is about to collapse. The Twilight of the Gods has come, and even you can't stop it!"

Odin didn't have a trace of panic, his face was extremely peaceful, and he said very calmly: "I have no intention of stopping it, because this day will come sooner or later, and the collapse of Asgard has already exceeded my expectations."

It turns out that when Odin cast the pure golden space barrier, he no longer had the idea of ​​retaining Asgard, he just wanted to delay it for more time!

During this precious time, Odin immediately turned around, patted Thor's shoulder heavily, and for the first time showed unreserved fatherly love in his eyes, and said very seriously: "Thor, from this moment on , I officially appoint you as the new God-King of Asgard!"

Immediately afterwards, Odin sent out The God's Telekinesis, which was passed into Thor's mind: "Immediately lead the Aesir clan members to Midgard to recuperate. After this battle, we will seek opportunities to rebuild Asgard!"

Thor's heart was shocked. He had never thought that after Odin woke up, he was already prepared to die in battle. The instructions he gave now were completely like his last words!

Thor opened his mouth, never willing to accept such a cruel reality, but before he could speak, Odin became stern again: "As the God King and as a father, I order you for the last time to leave immediately!"

Thor gritted his teeth, and blood oozed from his gums before he made a decisive decision without any hesitation: "All Asgardian warriors listen to my order, assemble and retreat!"

The entire battlefield was stunned, but it was still following Thor's orders in a very orderly manner. At the same time, the pure golden protective barrier surrounding Hela had begun to be invaded by lavender energy.

How could Hela let the gods of Asgard leave? Without Hela's signal, the fire giant king Surt, the giant wolf Fenrir, the serpent Yemengard, and the army willing to become Hela's subordinates, quickly formed an encirclement network. In a melee with the gods of Asgard, even if the space channel is opened, it will be difficult to evacuate them all in a short time!

It was at this time that the dark red sky of Asgard tore open two huge amounts of air, and fleets of two brand-new camps emerged from them. Powerful energy weapons were launched, forming an excellent strategic cover, which was the key The Marauder team and the Nova Corps are here at any time!

"It's the God King Odin! Odin has awakened!"

The two large fleets that entered Asgard were shocked when they discovered the God King Odin. After getting in touch with Odin, they quickly learned about the current situation in Asgard and Odin's decision.

A rather tragic order quickly spread among the two fleets: "Asgard is about to detonate, the current primary combat goal has changed, do your best to cover the retreat of the Asgard gods!"

New suppressive firepower appeared, gaining an absolute advantage in numbers. The evacuation, which had been nearly at a standstill, was carried out again extremely quickly. Soon, only Heimdall, the God of Dawn, was left, guarding the gods of Asgard. Before the transmission channel.

The expression on Heimdall's face did not change at all. He turned off the transmission channel without any hesitation. At the same time, he signaled to the Marauder team and Nova Legion that the mission had been completed and they could leave!

Another two large teleportation channels were closed. Asgard, the former paradise of the Aesir clan, now only has a large number of fire giants, sea monsters, and the king of fire giants, Surt.

Fenrir the wolf, Yemengard the snake!

The three legendary monsters were staring at Odin and Heimdall, launching fierce attacks non-stop.

The two Asgardian rulers were back to back, both trying their best. Odin even smiled and shouted with emotion: "It seems like we are back when we were young, we were fighting on the battlefield!"

Heimdall stood the golden giant sword in front of him, and also showed a bright smile. While taking a big breath, he said: "It's just that this time, we can't escape unscathed. God King, it's time!"

Heimdall has sensed that the pure golden space barrier created by Odin is on the verge of collapse, and he can even see the extremely ferocious expression on Hela's face.

This Death God seems to have anticipated everything that will happen next!

The moment of final decision came.

At this moment, Odin's face was full of solemnity, and he sang softly: "After the twilight of the gods, the earth is more beautiful than the destroyed old world, the greenery is deeper, the fruit trees are full of fruits, and the gurgling water sounds in the early morning. The fresh air came. In this distant world, the beautiful plains still exist as before. The surviving gods walked on the green grass on the plains. In the grass, they seemed to see the gold they spent in the past. years."

"The surviving gods looked at each other in surprise and joy. Everyone had endless thoughts in their hearts. They couldn't help but cry with joy. They were determined to rebuild the palace that was so vivid in their memories and rebuild a brand new world of happiness."

"Although the Tribulation Fire destroyed Asgard, it also burned away all evil. A new order was re-established, and the new world will be better!"

As the words fell, Odin and Heimdall closed their eyes at the same time, instantly detonating the godhead in their bodies.

Their bodies bloomed with infinite golden light, and together with Asgard, which also bloomed with endless golden light, they swallowed up all the sins within them.

The fire giant king Surte, the giant wolf Fenrir, the big snake Yemengard, and even the figure of Death God Hela, all dissipated unwillingly in this golden light, leaving behind countless epic legends. Jiade, annihilated together in the universe. .

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