After destroying the twelve Titan gods, Su Bai's figure moved instantly and passed through the gate of the underworld. Lucifer was already in his sight.

At the moment, Lucifer stared at the statue of Gaea behind the city wall, "No wonder the Twelve Titans would give up the divine power of Hades so easily. The divine power of Hades is trapped in the statue of Gaea. Gaea must be broken." It is possible to get the statue of the god.

For Lucifer, this is the last thing he wants to see. The divine power he longs for is clearly in front of him, but it is visible but not available!

And the time left for Lucifer is fleeting.

A powerful energy wave spread, Lucifer sighed softly, turned around, and Su Bai's figure suddenly appeared in his pupils.

The two people's eyes collided in the air. Lucifer paused in his heart and said in a deep voice: "Even Mephisto can't stop you? The energy fluctuation just now was also caused by Mephisto? Even the twelve gods of Titan are not yours. Rival?"

The vigilance in his heart has been raised to the limit, and the energy fluctuations of the magic sword in his hand have also gathered to the top, and his long hair as black as ink has turned into many white hairs.

It turns out that if you want to activate the full power of the magic sword, you must have the same priesthood as the Angel of Death, but Lucifer's original sin is not death. The enemy is facing the enemy, and he can only overdraw the life force in his body without caring about anything else.

At the same time, the Sword in the Stone in Su Bai's left arm was raised high at the same time, violent energy fluctuations spread out, and the surrounding space burst apart.

The momentum of the two people continued to rise, and a shocking battle was about to break out, but suddenly at this moment, an unexpected voice sounded: "Wait a minute!

Both Su Bai and Lucifer were stunned, and their eyes shifted. Between the two of them, a man wearing red and black clothing actually appeared!

Su Bai's pupils shrank slightly, and she shouted in surprise: "Deadpool? Why are you here?"

Deadpool did not speak in a hurry, but took out a pistol and pointed it at Lucifer. A bullet flew out, surpassing the power of law, surpassing the limit of the single universe, and even rivaling the ability of the supreme being OAA!

Lucifer showed no resistance and was instantly killed by Deadpool. After that, Deadpool took a deep breath and pointed the gun at Su Bai: "I'm here to kill you!"


Su Bai was stunned, then asked: "Who asked you to come?"

Deadpool chuckled, "Let you understand clearly, I was hired by the author. He said that the subscription performance was not good, and he had already lost 3,000 subscriptions. He didn't want to update, so this is the only way!"

"The reward is to make me the male protagonist of the next novel!"

"It turns out to be the author!" Su Bai was shocked and shouted in disbelief: "It's impossible. The author has an outline in his hand. I can still survive for one million words. I haven't transcended the single universe and entered the multi-universe. Dominate the almighty universe!"

Deadpool's lips raised slightly and he said: "Anyway, let's see you in the new book, if there is a new book!"

As soon as the words fell, the whole world became pure, all the past disappeared, and all stories came to an abrupt end.

The entire Almighty Universe fell into darkness. After an unknown period of time, perhaps hundreds of billions of years, a bright light suddenly flashed out of the Almighty Universe, and three big words slowly rose: "Grand Finale"!

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