Marvel's Strongest Saint

31. The Second Phase Of The Development Plan

Su Bai controlled the boat and sailed towards London at an extremely fast speed.

There is no fear of being discovered by British warships, the small boat can sail at a faster speed!

I saw Su Bai reciting a spell, and the speed of the boat increased again for a year, and it was already an afterimage among ordinary people!

The observer who had just discovered Su Bai was surrounded by British sailors. The rolling waves confirmed that this was not a dream, but the situation in front of him was really weird!

No sailor dared to speak and watched helplessly as Su Bai's boat rowed into huge waves and sailed towards the Port of London.

After the boat flew a certain distance, a colonel came to his senses and yelled: "Report to headquarters?! We have discovered aliens!"

There was a lot of discussion on the boat. A sailor touched his head and whispered: "Is that small boat a UFO from aliens?"

Su Bai was not in the mood to care about that. After putting it on, Diana clearly saw the dull expressions of the sailors, and immediately felt that controlling the boat was very interesting. The spell was written in the cabin. Diana took a moment to write it down, and began to Su Bai asked for control of the boat!

It turns out that being a woman driver can be very scary.

Su Bai was definitely enjoying his leisure time, but he didn't expect that Diana's sailing skills were too weird.

"Diana, don't drift around!"

While Su Bai was speaking, the boat drew an almost circular arc before moving forward.

Diana, who left Paradise Island, seemed to have broken free from an invisible shackles on her body, and was a little too playful.

Fortunately, the boat sailed into the Port of London smoothly two hours later.

The best proof of coming to London is the smoky sky. Even at noon, the clouds look like they are about to rain.

Today's Britain is still in the afterglow of the Empire on which the sun never sets, and it still maintains its reputation as the world's factory. Its chimneys tower into the sky, constantly puffing out black mist.

"I don't like this place!"

Diana, who was used to seeing blue skies and white clouds, parked the boat on a deserted river bank. She frowned and complained as soon as she got off the boat.

Indeed, the air quality in London during this period was much worse than that of later capitals, “but this is one of the largest distribution centers and settlements of mankind today!”

Su Bai stepped off the boat and recited a spell, and the boat turned into the size of a finger file, which was put into the bag given by Hippolyte.

"Okay, let's go find Ares now!"

Diana regained her strength slowly, but Su Bai rolled his eyes in his mind and explained: "Diana, to be honest, I don't know the specific location of Ares, but if you know, you can give me directions. "

Diana disagreed and confirmed: "Ares, as the God of War, coexists with war. If we go to the most intense war, we can find traces of Ares!"

Su Bai shook his head, "It's not that simple. We need to make a lot of preparations before looking for Ares."

After speaking, Su Bai took Diana towards the city center.

The streets of London in 1918 seemed messy and disorderly. There were no concrete roads on the ground and they were filled with mud after rain. A simple car was often followed by a horse-drawn carriage.

The men all wear suits, and the women who go out on the street are mostly dressed in whalebone skirts. They often wear a big hat and a folding fan in their hands to show their aristocratic temperament.

The little boy selling newspapers shouted and ran. During the war, people were still coming and going on the streets. From time to time, neatly dressed troops walked through the streets, exaggerating the tense atmosphere.

Diana's attention was quickly drawn to the display windows on the street. There were many things she had never seen before, including beautiful clothes and novel jewelry, which were naturally attractive to women.

At the same time, Su Bai and Diana also attracted the attention of many people!

Diana's flawless face was definitely the most beautiful woman on the street.

Su Bai has black hair and black eyes and is an Asian. Since thirty years ago, Asians have been going to Europe to study, but most of them are in France, Germany, and the United States, and few of them cross the sea to the UK.

Such a strange combination is naturally eye-catching, not to mention that Diana often makes some strange actions, such as now, she saw a baby being held on the roadside.

"Wow, what a cute baby!" Diana walked forward, completely unaware of the alert eyes of the woman holding the baby, and reached out to touch it.

Su Bai sighed softly in his heart and hurriedly pulled Diana back. At the same time, the voice of the Wheel of Time suddenly sounded in his mind: "Master, the second phase of the Wonder Woman training plan has officially begun!"

"Mission goal: Help Wonder Woman Diana integrate into today's society and be able to live in the secular world as a normal person!"

"The mission is successful and the reward is 5,000 redemption points!"

"Does the master accept the mission?"

To be honest, Su Bai was a little reluctant. After all, he was only eighteen years old.

When Su Bai entered the society, he had a black question mark on his face!

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