Marvel's Strongest Saint

49. The Peace Process

No matter how simple something is related to politics, it will become meaningful, let alone such a semi-public award ceremony.

There were not too many witnesses at the scene. All those present were the top powerful aristocrats in the UK, and they also had full weight in the entire Europe. Su Bai and Diana entered this circle in the simplest and crudest way: Su Bai became a duke, and Diana became a grand duke.

Europeans value glory and fame no less than life. He easily obtained a very high title, and the nobles present always looked at Su Bai with a little jealousy and curiosity.

However, the Queen and Prime Minister of England feel that this is an extremely correct decision.

"The war has entered the later stages. Although the war situation is stalemate, the general trend is already clear. There is some anti-war wave in the country, but the war-weary mood of the people is far from reaching the limit. In fact, it is best for the British to wait for two months before holding peace talks. It’s the interests of the empire, but this is Holy Place’s request, so it can’t be refused.”

"Merlin is the magician who assists King Arthur and is a witness to the entire British Empire. Naturally, he will follow Merlin's advice."

The discussion process between the British Queen and the Prime Minister was extremely short, and their opinions were surprisingly unanimous. The reason why Diana was defined as a Grand Duke was because Merlin noted that Diana was the princess of Paradise Island. Even though she did not know where and how old she was, out of respect, This still made Diana the only new female Grand Duchess in Europe in the past two hundred years.

Su Bai also gained the respect of the Queen of England. Leeds Castle, which is famous in the history of history and architecture and is known as the "Queen of Castles", became the property of Su Bai as a symbolic fiefdom of the Duke.

Everyone present was speculating on the identities of Su Bai and Diana. As one of the parties involved, Diana softly asked Su Bai when the Queen read out the oath: "What is a Grand Duke?"

Su Bai had a smile on her lips and said softly: "The title between the king and the duke, the top title. Congratulations, you have become one of the most noble women in Europe. Definitely, not many people know about it now. "

Diana was a little surprised, and then frowned. She had no experience of being a Grand Duchess, "Then what do I need to do? For example, learn to dance in high heels?"

Su Bai shook his head and glanced at the people around him, "We don't have to do anything, we just need to wait for the ceremony to end, and then the dignitaries will come up one by one to greet and please. The Queen of England invites us to dinner, and the Prime Minister welcomes us to his Office visits should be like this.”

"But our purpose is to end the war and prevent Ares' evil from spreading." Diana was a little confused.

Su Bai shrugged and said meaningfully: "But sometimes to end the war, you don't need to use fists. It is the politicians who control everything behind the scenes. The war is all over Europe. As the leader of the Allied Powers, if Britain takes a stand at the moment , hoping for peace talks, other members of the Allied Powers can only follow up - as for the Allied Powers, they are already at a disadvantage, but they are leaving such a good opportunity."

"It's just." Su Bai raised his eyebrows and his tone became a little more serious: "It's just that Ares will never let the war end so easily. We must be ready to punch at any time, and even go to the battlefield for a walk."

Diana nodded and said in agreement: "That would be the best, but the easiest way is to destroy Ares's godhead. Without Ares, there will be no more wars in the world. Do you think so? no?"

Su Bai turned her head, looked at each other, and sighed in her heart, but did not immediately reject Diana's remarks. At this moment, the Queen of England's oath was read out, and someone had already sat up from his seat and went to Su Bai and Diana. Come to the location.

This time, Su Bai and Diana showed a kind of indifference in a tacit understanding. Neither of them were the type of people. After some blunt politeness, they finally ended the slightly embarrassing conversation.

After that, the Queen of England went to London Radio non-stop and delivered an emotional speech, longing for the arrival of peace. The Prime Minister is also in intensive discussions with the military to plan subsequent actions.

The whole of Europe is in the midst of changes, and the forces of war and peace are constantly intertwined. Su Bai, who is at the center of the historical process, is sitting at the highest point of Leeds Castle, looking up at the stars and the bright moon.

All the servants in the castle were dismissed by Su Bai, feeling a little lonely. Unknowingly, it has been a month since he arrived in this world. It was like a dream, and Su Bai couldn't help but sigh.

It happened that at this time, Diana also came to the highest point of the castle. After seeing Su Bai, she was curious, "What are you doing here?"

Su Bai chuckled lightly and asked, "Are you worried?"

Diana's face was indeed not very good-looking. After hearing what Su Bai said, she forced a smile. She took a few steps forward and sat next to Su Bai.

The hair blown by the evening breeze exuded a faint fragrance. Turning her head, there was a hint of melancholy in Diana's clear eyes, "Su Bai, who am I?"

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