Marvel's Strongest Saint

6. Unilateral Beating

Su Bai, who puts on the Phoenix Sacred Cloth, can only be described as gorgeous!

Dark red leg armor covers the entire foot and extends to just above the knees.

The waist armor engraved with the fire phoenix glyph emits a faint red light, and his fists are transformed by the claws of the phoenix.

The breastplate extends to the shoulders, and in the center is the shape of a fire phoenix spreading its wings.

There are three fiery red phoenix feathers hanging on the back, flying in the wind.

Feeling the cheers of the Phoenix Saint Clothes, Su Bai naturally burned the small universe to the maximum. The strong wind blew, and the pressure on everyone suddenly increased.

Diana looked at Su Bai with eyes that were already a little dazzled. This was a mysterious power she had never seen before, a gorgeous holy garment, and the divine power hidden in her body was actually showing signs of awakening.

"So strong! Su Bai can really defeat Antiope!"

Diana had a vague expectation in her heart. The Amazon valkyrie who seemed invincible in her heart actually seemed a little small in front of Su Bai at this moment!

At least in terms of momentum, Antiope was completely at a disadvantage.

"Su Bai, you can win."

Diana was a little nervous. She didn't know whether the result was good or bad, but she trusted her intuition.

Antiope had already concentrated on it and made Su Bai his enemy on the spot!

Antiope had seen a person who exuded such a powerful aura as Su Bai, but that was on Mount Olympus a thousand years ago. When she went to see her, she didn't even make the people in the palace take a second look. Not even qualified!

Now, Su Bai stands in front of her, and the feeling of insignificance that has been erased by time has begun to rise!

Antiope kept hitting the shield in his right hand with the sword in his left hand, making a crisp sound, and there were beads of sweat on his palms. What kind of offensive would Su Bai on the opposite side launch?

But I heard Su Bai say: "Come on, as long as you can make me move one step, even if it knocks off one of my hairs, you win!"

What! ?

Su Bai's words echoed in the audience, and his expression was calm, not like he was joking at all!

Move one step and knock off a hair?

Such dueling conditions are simply contempt and insult!

The Amazons are all tall and strong female warriors. After years of training, it is hard for them to imagine how they can defeat their enemies without moving.

Su Bai didn't take Antiope seriously at all? !

Antiope's heart suddenly roared with rage, and he wanted to press Su Bai to the ground and flatten him.

Her mind became clearer, a trace of determination flashed in her eyes, she gathered strength under her feet, and her speed was comparable to that of a cheetah, and she pounced towards Su Bai!

"Don't be too confident, man!"

With a strong shield in front of him, Antiope squatted down, like a big bow, aiming at Su Bai's chin from top to bottom!

work hard!

The Amazons present already understood that this blow could easily crush the boulder into powder!

But Su Bai shook his head!

Perhaps Antiope had trained to a level beyond the reach of ordinary people, but for Su Bai, it was still too slow.

Antiope's offensive intentions all fell into Su Bai's eyes.

Su Bai just raised his right hand slightly, as if stroking a kitten at home, and then his hand fell on Antiope's shield and pressed it gently.

There was a "click" sound.

No one expected that Antiope, who had launched a charged attack, let out a muffled groan and was actually suppressed!

The most noble warrior of the Amazon clan was kneeling on one knee in front of Su Bai. The crisp sound was the sound of Antiope's bones cracking!

If it weren't for Antiope's strong will, he would have fainted from the pain on the spot.

Her reaction was extremely fast. The first attack failed, and she quickly revealed the sharp sword behind the shield and stabbed Su Bai straight into the abdomen!

Su Bai's palm was forward, facing the sword, and he pushed it forward.

There was a sound like breaking glass, and the sword actually disintegrated in front of Su Bai's palm!

As Su Bai's palm moves forward, the sword body disintegrates until it becomes invisible.

But there was not even a trace of white marks left on Su Bai's palm.

Su Bai is not exaggerating. The Saint Seiya's defensive power, like his offensive power, far exceeds the imagination of ordinary people!

The saints of the Awakening microcosm can smash atoms, and their bodies are protected by the microcosms. If you want to hurt the saints, you need the power to crush atoms.

If we do not take into account magic and energy attacks, and only use pure physical attacks to calculate it, it would take at least a thousand tons of huge force to burst out in an instant and be completely concentrated at one point to break through Su Bai's defense!

In other words, every punch Su Bai throws has at least a thousand tons of force, and the punch speed reaches the speed of sound!

How could Antiope's attack hurt Su Bai who was wearing the holy robe?

As the strongest Amazon warrior, Antiope's eyes were already shaken, but he still didn't want to admit defeat and wanted to attack Su Bai from the low side.

Su Bai looked down indifferently, and did not stop him. Instead, he turned sideways and pointed at the sea, and punched lightly.

At this moment, Antiope finally stopped.

All the Amazon female warriors, including the queen, opened their eyes wide, even screamed in fear, and several of them even couldn't help but retreat.

Su Bai's punch actually caused the sea to part!

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