For completing the side mission, Su Bai received two thousand redemption points and an opportunity to strengthen his physical fitness.

Regarding physical fitness strengthening, the explanation given by the Wheel of Time is to "adjust the muscles, bones, blood and even cells in the body to the best state of human beings"!

"It is recommended that the host take the lead in physical strengthening, which can greatly enhance the host's coordination, improve blood circulation, increase explosive power, and repair minor problems left by the host."

Although he obtained a small universe, Su Bai's figure has not changed much. It is definitely more credible to say that he is a magician than a saint. After all, he does not even have a prominent muscle, and he does not appear to exercise regularly.

Su Bai did not use hesitation and directly used the opportunity to strengthen his physical fitness.

A golden light emerged out of thin air and penetrated into Su Bai's body. Strengthening only happened in the blink of an eye, but for Su Bai, it was a long process.

He could clearly feel the growth and division of cells, the flow of blood faster, and the heartbeat faster.

The muscles digested the mysterious power contained in the golden light, swelled, and presented the most perfect streamlined shape, which was not overly exaggerated but also demonstrated the explosive power contained within.

The bones in various parts of the body made a sound like frying beans, became denser, and increased by 5 centimeters out of thin air.

After coming back to his senses, Su Bai felt that even his breathing became smoother. From the mirror in the dormitory, he could clearly see that the outline of his muscles seemed to be carved by the God of Beauty, perfectly in line with the proportion of the golden section, with smooth and healthy lines. As for the beauty, just one look at it can make a young girl feel flustered.

The only fly in the ointment is that during the strengthening process, some black substances seeped out from the pores of the skin, which are harmful substances that have been expelled. It was very uncomfortable to stick to the skin, which made Su Bai frown slightly.

Starting from his right hand, Su Bai precisely controlled the force of each muscle. After a slight tremor, he peeled off the black substance on the surface of the skin, but he was still a little unsatisfied.

The Holy Cloth of the Phoenix Seat can be stored in the space of the Wheel of Time, and all items produced by the Wheel of Time can be stored, and there happens to be a large bath in the dormitory.

The water in the bathhouse is light blue and translucent, something Su Bai has never seen before. When you soak in it, you will feel slightly warm. The fatigue from your whole body will be swept away, and you will feel a sense of relief that goes straight to your head.

"Wheel of Time, bring up the exchange list and show it to me."

Su Bai also received two thousand redemption points. He soaked in the bath and started his first redemption comfortably.

"As you command, Master."

Soon, Su Bai discovered that his order was too broad, or that the Wheel of Time was really as it said, capable of redeeming everything in the universe!

Countless small icons appeared in Su Bai's mind, all in the format of "name, effect, source, redemption points".

After browsing hundreds of items, Su Bai quickly discovered something interesting: "All the items in the Saint Seiya Universe power system are purple, while the items in other power systems are all red."

Wheel of Time explained: "The owner can definitely redeem items from other power systems, but there will be an exchange penalty and you will have to pay three times the original exchange points."

"The owner chose the small universe power system, and the items in the system can enjoy the half-price discount exchange rule!"

Su Bai laughed, "It's interesting. Let's screen out all the things related to Saint Seiya."

The icons in my mind rotated rapidly, leaving only about 10,000, which can be roughly divided into two parts: combat clothing and fighting ability.

The battle clothes include not only the holy clothes, but also the scale clothes, divine clothes, Ming clothes and Chu Zhen!

Chu Zhen: The artifact and battle suit granted by Gaea, the Mother Goddess of the Titan, to the Twelve Gods of Titan. It is an artifact that combines offense and defense, and its performance is far superior to that of the golden holy suit.

Su Bai clicked his tongue and looked at the first piece of Chu Zhen - the Great Scythe of Cronus, which can cut off time and space, split dimensions, and cut through nothingness. Its usual form is a black scythe of extremely huge amounts, with the ability to reflect all attacks.

“The original price was one million redemption points, and the current price is five hundred thousand redemption points!

"Even with a 50% discount, I can't afford it!" Su Bai shook his head and looked down.

"The Gemini Golden Saint Cloth: Armor of Light, a battle suit that has never been destroyed, originally has a function that can absorb light and can convert the light shining on it into energy."

"The original price is 100,000 redemption points, and the current price is 50,000 redemption points!"

Further down, even the cheapest bronze holy cloth requires five thousand redemption points. Su Bai simply stopped looking at it to avoid being itchy, and shifted his attention to the second category, Fighting Ability.

There are even more categories of Fighting Ability. Su Bai casually scanned and saw many exciting projects!

"Lushan Shenglongba: The explosive power is enough to make the Lushan Waterfall flow upstream three thousand feet. This is the Fighting Ability that only belongs to the Saints!"

"The original price is two thousand redemption points, the current price is one thousand redemption points!"

"Galactic Starburst: Golden Fighting Ability, release your own small universe to the limit, and focus energy on the opponent. Its power is enough to rival the supernova explosion that destroys the galaxy."

"The original price is 30,000 points for redemption, and the current price is 15,000 points for redemption."

"Athena's Wonder (single-player version): Forbidden secrets, as powerful as the Big Bang that created the universe!"

"The original price is 100,000 redemption points, and the current price is 50,000 redemption points!"

"The Twelve Zodiac's Roar (single player version): Breaking through the limit, the twelve constellations of the Zodiac appear behind you. The most powerful secret is released by combining the constellation moves of the twelve golden saints! Eclipse time and space, and the destructive power is far beyond Athena’s wonder!”

"The original price was one million redemption points, and the current price is five hundred thousand redemption points!"

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