Marvel's Strongest Saint

84. Merlin’S Proposal (77)

The Ancient One's magic power is indeed powerful. After doing all this, she looked at Merlin. The two nodded to each other, and a large golden portal appeared behind the Ancient One.

"Dear guest of Asgard, please come with me."

Thor was not surprised at all by the Ancient One's invitation. The information just passed by Odin included new negotiations with the Ancient One. I am afraid that the relationship between the Aesir Protoss and the Magician Association is about to enter a new chapter.

But before leaving, Ancient One suddenly turned around and said to Su Bai with a smile: "Su Bai, I will definitely invite you to Kamar-Taj next time!"

Kamar-Taj is located at the foot of the Himalayas and is the place where the Ancient One practiced magic.

Everyone's eyes were once again focused on Su Bai, full of envy.

Everyone can see that the Sorcerer Supreme is very fond of Su Bai, and has never heard of the Ancient One inviting people outside the Magician Association to enter the Holy Place of Kamar-Taj. It is the true holy land of magicians, where the most precious magic books are stored.

Su Bai secretly thought something bad, "This guy Ancient One isn't planning on me, is he?"

With the lessons learned from Kaecilius, Su Bai decided to stay away from the Ancient One before he became truly powerful.

Without waiting for Su Bai to answer, Ancient One entered the portal, and Thor, who was following behind, glanced at Su Bai again before following closely.

The Ancient One left, and the chief magicians of the other three holy places followed suit. Soon, there were less than twenty people left in front of the holy place in London, including Su Bai and Diana, two members of the magician association. Non-staff personnel.

Merlin sighed and said softly: "Su Bai, Diana, you two, don't leave in a hurry. I have something to discuss with you."

Su Bai agreed and walked into London's Holy Place with Mei Lin. Compared with the initial bustle of people, it was indeed a bit desolate, and it felt like things were different and people were different.

It was the last time in the study, but there was one more Sophia. Merlin sat on the chair and said softly: "Four hundred years ago, the total number of magicians on the earth was less than twenty! But at that time, everyone A magician is not as weak as he is now."

"After the Ancient One established the Magician Association, the number of magicians on the earth began to increase rapidly, but there were very few people with amazing talents. Magician means ability.

Su Bai nodded with deep understanding, and looked at the later Doctor Strange, who was almost synonymous with ability. Under the guidance of the Ancient One, he soon became the Earth's Sorcerer Supreme! Compared with Doctor Strange, the average magician is really I want to die from anger.

Unexpectedly, Merlin changed the subject and suddenly said: "Su Bai, are you willing to become the chief magician of the holy place in London?"

When these words were spoken, not only Diana and Sophia were stunned in place, but even Su Bai, the person involved, did not turn around at once.

But the expression on Merlin's face was very serious, not joking at all.

In fact, when the Magician Association was first established, Merlin had a debate with Ancient One about whether the Magician Association should follow the elite route or recruit ordinary people and cultivate more Magicians.

The two were at loggerheads, but in the end the Ancient One gained more support, and the number of magicians began to grow explosively.

To this day, in this battle of demonic invasion, it has been proved that more magicians are not always better.

As one of the oldest magicians on earth, to be honest, when Merlin saw the Holy Place Magician's performance against the devil, his mood could only be described as wo Xiang!


In Merlin's heart, those weak spellcasters cannot be called magicians at all!

If it hadn't been for Su Bai's appearance, I'm afraid the magicians from the four holy places would not have been able to defeat the demon army if they united. This is why Kaecilius was chosen: magician

Round ones require ability.

Magician does not need collectivism, but should be a representative of heroism!

"Su Bai, you have ability, responsibility, determination, the ability to stand alone, bravery, and no fear of the dark. You have all the elements to become a great magician! If you join London Holy Place, you will be the chief magician of London Holy Place !”


Speaking of this, Merlin thought of the end of this war again.

Although Dormammu chose to retreat temporarily after the death of Kaecilius, from the moment Dormammu tore up the agreement and launched an invasion, the earth became unsafe again. "A demon may come at any time!"

Merlin desperately wants to find someone who can protect the earth, not the Aesir, but a responsible hero!

Su Bai is undoubtedly the best candidate!

But Su Bai didn't think so.

Confirming that he was not joking, Su Bai ignored Merlin's expectant eyes and said firmly and decisively: "No way!"

This time, Sophia was really dumbfounded. She almost wondered if she was dreaming or hallucinating!

The Great Magician of Merlin first invited Su Bai to be the chief magician. This was surprising enough. What was even more shocking was that Su Bai also chose to refuse?

Does he really know what sect the chief magician represents?.

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