Marvel's Strongest Saint

99. Logan Arrives (17)

Among the materials seized by Su Bai, the most abundant one is an energy ore called star crystal, which is a common currency throughout the galaxy because of its extremely wide range of uses.

Star crystals take up about half of all storage equipment and weigh about 10,000 tons!

This batch of star crystals alone is a valuable asset. It seems that this resource collection ship shuttled through the colonies of the Kree Empire, constantly collecting resources, and at the same time trading at the trading stations in the universe, it accumulated so much Star crystal.

And there is a lot of silver star sand in this material~!

Originally, Su Bai planned to go to Asgard and collect Silver Star Sand. Unexpectedly, it took no effort to obtain it. The quantity was enough for Su Bai to make two holy clothes!

The only material currently lacking to make the Golden Saint Cloth is Garmanion, and Sif has admitted that there is this alchemical material in the Asgard people's treasury, and is willing to provide some to Su Bai!

The situation is optimistic, and Su Bai has a new plan in mind, "After promoting the Phoenix Seat to the Golden Saint Cloth, I can also make a Golden Saint Cloth! Which one should I make?"

Definitely, this is a plan only if there is enough Gamanine!

In addition, there were thousands of types of ores in the supplies. Su Bai could only hand over the names based on the labels and was not sure of their utility. However, what surprised Su Bai was that all the minerals needed to make Edman alloy were also Everything is ready!

In the next week, in addition to studying the language of the universe and learning the secrets of space magic, Su Bai was trying to refine Edman alloy.

Even with the matching formula, Su Bai only successfully smelted a ball of Edman alloy after five experiments. During this period, Diana also sent back a message, saying that she would stay on Paradise Island for a few more days, and had convinced the tribe that she would bring a group of Amazons into the secular world.

But before Diana came back, Su Bai's fulfilling study life was suddenly interrupted.

On a rainy night, Su Bai had already entered the practice of the small universe, but was disturbed by an unexpected visitor.


When Su Bai appeared in front of the castle, he found that the person who broke into Su Bai's perception was Logan who was covered in scars. Even though he had strong healing ability, the injuries on his back were still deeply visible.

In Logan's arms, there was also a woman wearing a white gauze skirt. Her abdomen was wrapped with a bandage, and she could still see scarlet oozing out. Her expression was painful, and her face was pale.

The raindrops fell and soaked Logan's hair. It was not even possible to tell whether he was crying or not. He just had a look of sadness on his face and suppressed rage in his heart. When he saw Su Bai, he said sadly, "Su Bai, save me." Save her, I can only think of you, save her!"

Su Bai took Logan and the woman into the castle and learned their story.

With Su Bai's guidance, Logan realized that there were more Mutants in the world and he was not a lonely monster.

He resigned from his position in the military and began to search for Mutants throughout Europe. Due to his keen senses, he did meet some novel Mutants, some of which were very friendly to him, like the woman in his arms, Silverfox.

Some are extremely Rage, trying to kill similar people who suddenly appear and become the most powerful mutants "Just like Sabretooth!

Logan fell in love with Silverfox, fought with Sabretooth, and experienced the joys, sorrows, and joys of the world in a not too short period of time.

0…………Please give me flowers…

Just tonight, Logan's birthday, Sabretooth suddenly attacked and killed Silverfox. The two had just confirmed their relationship!

Logan fought with Sabretooth who suddenly attacked. Logan, who had lost his mind, was no match for Sabretooth. He could only lie on the ground and watch Sabretooth leave with satisfaction!

At this moment, Logan resented himself extremely, why, why are you so weak! Why can't you even defeat a Sabretooth!

After recovering a little, the first thing Logan did was to pick up Silverfox and run from Berkeley, England to London overnight. He knew that Su Bai lived in Leeds Castle. He learned this information from a Mutant.

The microcosm does have the ability to heal, but the microcosm in the later stages of The Sixth Sense will never be able to bring a Deadman back to life.

Looking at the cold body of Silverfox, Su Bai could only sigh in her heart, "She is dead, and there is nothing I can do!"

Su Bai felt that perhaps Logan, with his keen senses, had already known that Silverfox was dead, but he was unwilling to believe this fact and wanted to avoid reality.

When Su Bai said these words, Logan's remaining illusions and hopes were shattered, and his whole body was shaking. After a roar, his eyes turned red, and his bone claws stabbed out, just wanting to destroy everything in front of him. Even destroy this world!

He needs to vent, he needs to kill, destroy, and vent the anger and despair in his heart!

Su Bai had no choice but to use the powerful small universe to suppress Logan to the ground. Even so, Logan's bone claws continued to poke out, and even used his teeth, making a mess of the blue marble. Being suppressed by Su Bai, the wolf's howl still sounded throughout the night. .

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