"There's nothing surprising about it, I haven't killed anyone indiscriminately from beginning to end, and all those who died at my hands deserve it. Jiang Yuan said noncommittally.

"Although, I think what you said is very likely to be true, but Jiang Yuan, large-scale murder is still not right, especially in this era, if you can, let's kill fewer people in the future, if you really see those people as unpleasant, you can just teach them a hard lesson, or send them to prison or something, instead of killing the other party without sparing.

Rather than let the other party die happily, don't you think that it would be more relieving to let him be in prison and tortured, so that he can spend the rest of his life to pay for his sins. Qin Gelei was silent for a moment, and then said to Jiang Yuan solemnly again.

"That's a good idea, I'll consider it. Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

Now that he has hundreds of millions of biological energy, Jiang Yuan no longer needs to kill people like crazy, instead of killing people, it is better to go to the sea to have a shot.

But of course, this does not mean that if someone really comes to trouble Jiang Yuan, Jiang Yuan will let the other party dangle in front of him.

He will definitely not be soft when he should be killed.

This is just to deceive Jean Grey, anyway, saying beautiful things will not make you lose a piece of meat.

"Thank you. Qin Gelei said gratefully to Jiang Yuan.

If Jiang Yuan continues to kill on a large scale in the future, even if she doesn't want to confront Jiang Yuan, there will inevitably be a fight.

If that happens, there is a risk that the members around you will die.

Therefore, Jiang Yuan was able to agree to consider not killing the enemy easily, which was of great benefit in the eyes of Jean Grey.

After the two talked for a while, the steak they had ordered came up.

followed the two of them to enjoy the food with petty bourgeoisie.

After more than an hour, the two came out of the restaurant, and after walking out of the restaurant, they were taken by Jiang Yuan to the manor where Jiang Yuan lived.

The reason why I brought this here is not to do what I love to do.

Instead, Jiang Yuan was going to formally communicate with Qin Gelei about the use of the power of the phoenix and the use of telekinesis.

That's right.


Jean Grey's ability mainly comes from the power of the phoenix.

Although the power of the phoenix is usually sealed in her body to prevent it from exploding, her main source of ability is this power.

And now Jiang Yuan has extracted the power of the phoenix, and he will integrate it into his body.

Therefore, Jiang Yuan is currently using the same mental power to develop some of the means that Qin Ge can use.

Therefore, Qin Ge Lei's certain guidance, in fact, will be of great help to Jiang Yuan.

In fact, it is.

Since coming to the manor, Jean Grey has no ink, so she directly told Jiang Yuan about her use of abilities and development methods without reservation.

For the things that Qin Gelei said, Jiang Yuan was quickly absorbing experience, and the development of the power of the phoenix was growing by leaps and bounds.

In a short period of time, Jiang Yuan also knew how to exert telekinesis, and he also knew telepathy or something.

The speed of its progress was quite amazing, which made Qin Gelei, who was pointing Jiang Yuan, stunned.

Jiang Yuan's control of these abilities, in the eyes of Qin Gelei, was much, much stronger than her mastery of these powers in the first place.

In just one afternoon, Jean Grey discovered that Jiang Yuan's development and use of the power of the phoenix could be compared to her ten years of control of the power of the phoenix.

And that's not the end.

Jiang Yuan still keeps improving, every minute, every second, you can clearly see the progress.

"God, what kind of talent is this, it's a little too rebellious. Seeing this situation, Jean Grey was shocked by Jiang Yuan very much in her heart, and at the same time, she also had a strong belief in her heart that she would definitely do everything to prevent the other members of the X-Men from fighting Jiang Yuan in the future.

Such a river source is too terrifying.

No one knows how powerful he will be the next time they meet him.

When the afternoon passed, Jean Grey was sent back to X Academy by Jiang Yuan.

After sending Qin Grey back here, Jiang Yuan did not stay and teleported away without hesitation.

After Jiang Yuan left, Qin Gelei hurriedly found Professor X.

"Jean, what's going on, you're not in a calm mood, as if you've been hit like never before. As soon as Jean Grey found Professor X, Professor X was sitting in a wheelchair and paying attention to Jean Grey while smiling and saying to Jean Grey.

"Doctor, Jiang Yuan's danger far exceeds our assessment. Qin Gelei said solemnly to Jiang Yuan.

"Oh, tell me what made you say that. Professor X said.

"In contact with Jiang Yuan today, Jiang Yuan copied my ability, and it was not a simple copy, but a copy of the origin of the phoenix power sealed in my body, so that he also had such an ability. In addition, the most important thing is that his mastery of the development of the power of the phoenix is very fast and amazing, and in just one afternoon, his development of the power of the phoenix has reached my ten years of research.

With his situation, it won't be long before he can truly master the power of the phoenix, so as to completely control it, instead of being like me, who usually suppresses the power of the phoenix in his body and seals it, and doesn't dare to let it burst out at all. Jean Grey said to Professor X in a deep voice, and at the end of the day, a rather bitter expression appeared on her face.

"What?Phoenix Power?!Jiang Yuan can copy the Phoenix Power?" Professor X looked at Qin Gelei with wide eyes.

Ever since he knew that there was a super power hidden in Jean Grey's body, Professor X had searched all kinds of materials and tried to use telepathy to deeply feel the power in Jean Grey's body.

This made him understand the power of the phoenix in Jean Grey's body very highly.

Therefore, he will suddenly know that Jiang Yuan has copied all the power of the phoenix, and he will be shocked.

"Well, he can. Qin Grey responded, followed by a flash of essence in her eyes, and suddenly used telepathy to pass on some of the pictures of her conversation with Jiang Yuan today to Professor X.

"That's really the case! If he is a mutant, then he will inevitably become the number one mutant in the world, and even if he is not a mutant, he must have great potential to become the most powerful person in the world. Professor X sensed the conversation and spoke in a solemn tone. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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