"See if you can take my punch, it's considered some strength, and again, follow me out. The sentry was surprised, and then said to Jiang Yuan in a deep voice, his voice cold and impatient.

"Fight if you want to, don't talk so much nonsense. Jiang Yuan said with a squint, then teleported to continue his attack on the sentry.

A powerful force is aimed at the heart of the Sentinel.

The fist is like a dragon, and the thunder is angry King Kong!,

Today's Jiang Yuan's use of attacks is no longer an ordinary brute force, using force skills.


Seeing Jiang Yuan like this, the extremely cold voice came from the sentry's mouth, and while these voices came out, the sentry did not dodge or dodge, and then punched Jiang Yuan to the heart.

It seems to be a hard-hitting and hard-hitting game.

But in fact, the sentry was quite confident in his body, and he didn't think that Jiang Yuan could break through his physical defenses.

And the punch he threw used 20% of his strength.

Before the terrifying attack hit Jiang Yuan's side, it tore through the space, producing an incomparably astonishing sonic boom.



In the next second, the attacks of the two hit each other separately, and then produced an earth-shattering explosion, under the sound of such explosions, the sentry's body shook slightly, and then there was no reaction, and Jiang Yuan is body did not retreat in the slightest, shaking.

The reason why this happened was because at a distance of one inch from Jiang Yuan's fist, a barrier appeared, which resisted the sentinel's attack.


The sentry's eyes showed surprise again, and then without hesitation, he closed his fist and punched out again, and his power was suddenly used to forty percent.

The power of terror caused the heavens and the earth to change color, and the sun and the moon to be blind.

The mountains shook suddenly within a radius of kilometers.

A large amount of spatial turbulence was generated from the void, which was a reaction of the void being torn apart by a powerful force.

The sentinel's attacks are all brute force.

However, when the brute force reaches a certain terrible level, even if it doesn't use any skills, it is not something that anyone can compete with and resist.


The sound of breaking the air sounded suddenly, and under the sound of breaking the air, I saw a large number of iron cables, suddenly winding towards the sentry, tying up the sentry's fist at once, wrapping his body to exert force, at the same time, Jiang Yuan's front also appeared in front of the force field barrier, and when the barrier appeared, a giant hammer gathered in the sky and bombarded the sentry's head.

The giant hammer fell from the sky, extremely fast, with an obvious electric current, and the power was quite terrifying.



Then the deafening explosion sounded again, and the iron cables that bound the sentries cracked one after another under the force of the sentry, and at the same time that the iron cable broke, the sentry didn't care about the hammer attack above his head, and continued to swing his fist at Jiang Yuan's body, hitting the screen in front of Jiang Yuan at once.

For a while, the qi wave rolled, and the barrier shook, and then I saw the barrier crack inch by inch, and then collapsed violently, but at the moment when the barrier collapsed, Jiang Yuan disappeared from the place and suddenly appeared in the void.

And when Jiang Yuan appeared in the void, the sentry was hit on the head by the giant hammer attack with electricity, and suddenly the light shone brightly, enveloping the sentry at once, and the ground in a radius of kilometers centered on the sentry exploded, cracked, turned into ruins, and rolled up mushroom clouds.

In a moment, the light faded.

When the light disappeared, the sentry was seen hovering in place, and at his feet and around him was a huge crater with a diameter of more than several kilometers.

And the sentry's expression was calm, except that the clothes on his body were destroyed by the violent power of thunder and lightning, his hair and complexion were not affected by the strong current in the slightest, as if the terrifying attack just now was a itch for him at all.

As for his naked body now, the sentry didn't care in the slightest, just raised his head and looked at the void Jiang Yuan, and there was some curiosity in his eyes.

"What's going on up ahead!"

"What the hell is going on in that place!"

"Something's wrong. "


Just when the position of Jiang Yuan and the sentry was changing, the faces of the people in the flying combat skills in the distance changed greatly, and then they hurriedly connected to the satellite, and the picture of that position was enlarged and put on the screen of the fighter.

And then......

Mr. Fantastic and the others immediately saw Jiang Yuan suspended in the air, as well as the sentinels suspended on the ground, as well as the surrounding ruins with a diameter of more than a kilometer.

As for the buildings that should have existed in the ruins, they are long gone, and the same is true of the people, animals and plants that should have been there.

"Jiang Yuan, it's Jiang Yuan!"

"Xie Te, how could Jiang Yuan appear here, could it be that he also cracked the code!"

"He came here before us, and he fought with the sentinels. "


After seeing such a scene, Mr. Fantastic's eyes widened, and then each other's expressions became serious.

At the same time, at this time, among the flying aircraft carriers of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury also discovered such a situation, and not only S.H.I.E.L.D., but also the high-level of M also found such a situation.

The energy generated by such a huge explosion was monitored by the M spy satellite for the first time.

And Jiang Yuan and the sentry ignored them and were discovered by others.

After the sentry glanced up at Jiang Yuan, he then rose into the sky and continued to attack Jiang Yuan.

The two are in the sky, you come and go, and they keep fighting.

Each punch shook the void and cracked the space.

The powerful sonic boom continued one after another, like thunder, and the terrifying tornado and turbulence in space were constantly forming.

From time to time, it is also accompanied by electric light.

For a time, the battle between Jiang Yuan and the sentinels was like a divine war.

Let many people see such a scene, everyone who saw this scene was quite shocked, completely unaware of who the two people fighting in the sky were, it was so terrifying.

And the Sentinel's fight with Gangwon is not just in the same position all the time, but constantly moving to other places, which makes more people aware of their existence.

In terms of strength, although Jiang Yuan's strength seems to be very strong, it is inferior to the sentinels.

Sentinel, this guy is defined by Marvel as a pirated version of DC Superman.

The power is fully open, the speed can be close to the speed of light, and even reach the speed of light, and a single punch can burst the stars.

Although for some reason, the sentinel's state is unstable and restricts his strength, and his strength is also quite terrifying. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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