Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 149 Is It Because I, Loki, Have Stopped Flirting, Or Is The Power Of The Scepter Not Strong

Mad, this scene doesn't look like Loki is going to harm the earth, but it looks like these people are going to hunt and kill Loki!

"No matter what, send me down first!"


At the moment, all the forces on earth are on their way to country dé.

Black widow drove the Quin Jet, carrying the United States captain Rogers, according to their flight speed, it should have been the fastest.

However, when they arrived near the dé country, they found another plane, which looked more advanced than their Quin Jet!

"Could it be Loki's fighter?" Rogers asked curiously.

Black widow is different, she shouted directly at the other party, after all, standing behind her is a group of men!~

No way, Shi Geng, the waist!

Soon, she received a reply from the other party.

"X-Men?" Black Widow slowly frowned, as an S.H.I.E.L.D agent with a very high level of authority, he was very clear about organizations like X-Men, "Unexpectedly, when we were short of manpower, , X-Men also stood up, fortunately, fortunately."

However, the vigilantes on the X-Men fighter plane on the other side don't think so.

In front of a few Mutants with super abilities, not to mention the two people on Quin Jet, the target Loki seems to be nothing like a biscuit!


Scott smiled grimly, wondering if he could withstand the laser light?

Beast Hank is fiddling with his fingernails, he has heard of the evil god Loki, wondering if he can single out?

The two ladies, Storm and Phoenix, looked at each other and smiled, who is the 'god' on this land?


dark power!

The two fighter planes have locked on Loki's coordinates, drawing a long line in the dark night, flying to the doctor quickly!

At the same time, above the plane, the space seemed to be distorted. If one looked closely, one could vaguely see the shape of a flying saucer.

Yes, that's not a flying saucer, that's Wakanda's stealth ship!

On the spaceship, T'Challa was wearing a Black Panther battle suit with a Black Panther helmet under his armpit, with a confident look on his face.

Beside him is the bald female general Okoye, a living emoji.

In comparison, the expression on her face has become disdain for the so-called evil god Loki, rather than simple confidence!

The people of Wakanda only believe in a leopard god, what are other gods?

It's a matter of faith!

"Wow, bro, you are about to fight God, are you nervous? `~!" Beside the two, there is a virtual projection.

Although Suri cannot participate in the battle, he can help them fight through black technology!

Hearing this, T'Challa chuckled and replied in an African accent: "What kind of god, according to Xu Dan, is just an alien. What kind of god is that?"

"Wakanda Hail!"

X!! X!!

On the ground, the torrent surged.

Under the cover of the night, I can't see what kind of monsters and ghosts are below, but I know that their direction is also Loki!

Mutant is not a specialty of the United States, but it is all over the world.

In Europe, there are naturally a large number of Mutants!

And Magneto's influence in Mutant, that is a dominance!

If you want to drive a country-wide Mutant, you only need one sentence!

These Mutants are like a group of mythical vampires when the Ability unfolds!

They converged into a torrent on the ground, the purpose "is the coordinates given by Magneto and Professor X!

On weekdays, these Mutants, how dare they rush forward in such a grand manner!

What greeted them would be a rain of bullets one after another!

But today, with the permission and instigation of Magneto and Professor X, they are like chicken blood!

Dash through the streets recklessly!

It's not just the excitement of catching Loki, it's the excitement of being free to roam the streets!

How many Mutants would want to see this scene?

I'm afraid they all want to!

The evil god Loki didn't know what evil he had done, how could he offend so many people!

Now that these people come up, among other things, they can poke him to death with just a little finger!

However, exposing the location is also in the plan of this cunning god!

Loki knows very well that it will take a certain amount of time to manufacture a large teleportation array.

It's not that he has nowhere to hide, it's that he's too lazy to wait, it's so boring!

He wants to play with these lowly humans!

So, he blatantly attacked the mansion, and then, amidst the terrified screams of those humble humans, he slowly revealed the incarnation of his god!

Ah! Such a heroic figure!

He is alone, no, he is a god, and he is running away with a group of inferior people!

Enjoyed it so much!

What a delight to see these humble humans fleeing!

"|| Get on your knees!!" he yelled at the humans.

In order to set off his majesty, he even picked up the soul scepter and fired a cannon at one place!

The energy of Infinite Gems is not a vegetarian, just a single burst of energy blasts the stone statue not far away into powder!


Everyone was so frightened that they hugged their heads and squatted down!


How can this work!

He wants these lowly humans to kneel!

"Get on your knees!!" Loki repeated again!

However, the bones of these people seem to be more stone than imagined!

No one kneels down to him!

How embarrassing!

Is it because I, Loki, have stopped flirting, or is the power of the psychic scepter not strong enough?

It doesn't matter if you don't kneel down, but in the crowd, there is an old man who slowly stood up!

Mare Fake, the bones of these people are really stone-like!

"very good!"

Loki gritted his teeth and smiled, intending to make an example of others!

As long as this old man is killed, see if these people are afraid! (by Li Le)

However, just as he was aiming at the old man, a shield suddenly attacked and killed him!

That was when Rogers threw his own shield at Loki in desperation, interrupting his spellcasting action!


These humble human beings, the bones are really Shi Geng!

In the next instant, Loki saw the human who had attacked him!

That guy is actually wearing a costume, funny!

Are humans such ridiculous creatures?

He went up to meet him, he wanted to defeat this early bird, and then make these people kneel down!

Captain America Rogers' fighting Ability, that's nothing to say, he took the upper hand when he came up, and the farmer's three punches beat Loki to the brink of misery!

However, Loki is a descendant of the Frost Titan after all, and his physical fitness is there. After realizing it, he counterattacked Rogers as a magician and knocked him to the ground!

He used the scepter to force Rogers, shouting: "Kneel down!!".

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