Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 155 The Chitauri Army Invaded, And Loki Will Do Both?

Meanwhile, in New York, the Stark Building tops.

An old man is deftly arranging the equipment. In the center of the equipment is the Tesseract.

He is Dr. Selvig controlled by Loki using the psychic scepter.

Loki had actually been eyeing Selvig a long time ago, making plans for his next plan.

Now, Selvig will be his pawn to open that portal!

With the flashing of the electric arc, the power of the Tesseract was immediately aroused, and towards the sky directly above the Stark Building, ten straight blue rays shot up!

This energy light has some kind of magical power, impacting the designated airspace.

Soon, in that place, a small pitch-black hole slowly melted open!

The light of the earth is reflected in, making it possible to see what is there!

That's an army of aliens eager to try!

Its face is ferocious, and its whole body reveals the breath of fighting!

From bottom to top, the portal quickly turned into a large black hole with a diameter of more than ten meters in the sky!

On the street, people all looked up at the sky, all shocked by this 957 scene!

"What is that, my God!"

"Is Stark Industries doing something high-tech again?"

"Oh my god, that looks awful!"

When the portal was just opened, people were not aware of the crisis.

Just wondering, even fantasizing about what super weapon Stark Industries is going to research!

However, all of this is not the action of Stark Industries!

The portal opened to a certain extent, and the Chitauri army in space finally couldn't hold back the excitement in their hearts, and immediately howled through the portal and flew towards the earth on a flight body!

These Chitauri are not only extremely ugly in appearance, but also extremely dark in their hearts, or they have no hearts at all, because their essence is more like a kind of electronic life.

When they invaded the earth, they attacked the civilians below without any hesitation!

boom boom boom

With the sound of gunfire, those who like to watch the excitement reacted!


As for whether Stark Industries is doing research, they don't care anymore!

My mind is blank!

Just want to live!

It's a pity that the firepower of the Chitauri army, even the vanguard, is not something these civilians can eat!

In the first attack of the Chitauri army invading the earth, they crushed people ruthlessly like ants!

The ion cannon fire is particularly powerful, every time it hits a person, it will be blasted into several pieces on the spot! It is obviously RPG-like power, but in their hands, it is like a machine gun.

The scene was extremely cruel, and the people around were even more desperate!


Shouts.............Screams...howls of pain fill the city!

Think about it a few minutes ago, they were still drinking tea and chatting in the world's largest city, savoring life, talking about forming a team to have a black night or something.

Those who are a little older will still think about what to cook when they go home for a while!

The quality of life is high level, and the mood is relaxed and happy!

But the crisis came so suddenly!

That beautiful picture is like being ruthlessly pierced by a Nepalese machete with flames attached, and then torn into pieces!

beep woo woo!~

woo woo~!

The United States police were the first to arrive at the scene. After all, there is a Stark industry in this area. They need to focus on patrolling here and maintain normal order here.

Now this situation is their task!

Although these policemen are usually very loose, and even plot against beautiful girls, but at this time of crisis, they have no choice but to drive a police car to maintain the most efficient and safe escape!

The panicked crowd felt a little relieved when they heard the siren.

(cjfh) There was a little more hope for escape, but the good times didn't last long, and a flight device of Chitauri quickly approached!

Chitauri's ugly face is too frightening, and the strange-looking gun in his hand locks the police car!

Then, a cannonball went out...

Chitauri's behavior is extremely despicable.

Xu Dan is well aware of this, not only the Chitauri, it should be said that most of the extraterrestrial races are hostile to humans.

Knowing this, he paid so much attention to the interstellar invasion.

Because people on Earth are weak, and in this Marvel universe, powerful civilizations are like stars in the sky, too many to count!

Human beings cannot know the moral values ​​of these powerful civilizations, nor can they know how these powerful civilizations view the earth. But they know that as long as they want to attack the earth, it is easy to send a warship!

That's why he desperately hopes that the earth can accelerate its development and embark on the interstellar journey as soon as possible. Even if he doesn't want to invade others, he must at least have the ability to protect himself!

When the vibration of the spaceship temporarily stabilized, he didn't follow Tony to join the defensive battle, but rushed directly to the deck of the spaceship!

Only fools will follow to fight!

He is a game dealer, and he was invited by Tony to study this Mind Gem.

Now the spaceship is under attack, he definitely wants to find a safe place!

This spaceship is S.H.I.E.L.D's spaceship, and the damaged one is also S.H.I.E.L.D. He can fight a group of mercenaries!

As for the safest place on this spaceship, it is his own plane!

He may not believe anything else, but he still has great confidence in the aircraft produced by his company!

But just as he was passing through a passage, the voice of the Red Queen rang out on the radio next to him!

Successful intrusion...Master, master, New York City has detected an invasion by an unknown force, and it is expected to threaten your property in three hours. "

Xu Dan, who was running, suddenly froze in his footsteps, and he understood instantly.

In the current situation, except for the invasion of the Chitauri army, I really can't think of anyone else who will invade the earth.

It's just that I didn't expect it to be so fast. According to the original plot, at least after the spaceship attack was resolved, the portal over there slowly opened!

Loki, this bitch, now knows how to do both!

"Red Empress, send this message to Braised Egg too!"

"Yes, man!"

"Open the door of the spaceship, start our plane, I will go back first!"

"It has been executed."

"By the way, it's time to remind those forces that should be notified. Let me see their sincerity."

"Yes, master!"

Xu Dan nodded and continued to run towards the deck.

Because the people of S.H.I.E.L.D are very sensible and left him a lot of space, his plane was not hit by other objects when the spaceship was out of balance. .

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