Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 161 Just Expulsion? No, No, It's Better To Kill Them All!

"I promise, my understanding of Xu Dan just now was a little bit wrong. He just trampled a big fish to death, but I made a fuss. I'm so short-sighted!" A member of Mutant Brotherhood laughed at himself, Immediately after a burst of fatigue, he lay down on the side.

Mutant Super Ability can indeed be released for free, but it requires physical or mental energy.

The Abilities of their group are mixed, being able to form a front and advance madly towards the enemy for so long has already consumed too much! Some have even collapsed!

"Brothers, I think we should be considered heroes now, even if we are not heroes, we are still the fighters behind that hero, right?"

"Yeah, I suddenly feel a little brighter for no reason, obviously I am in the middle of a battle, and I am still very tired..."

"This should be the feeling of doing good deeds!"

"I think it should be Mr. Xu Dan who gave me motivation! He was so cool just now!"

"Everyone, keep fighting, win this battle, and expel the alien wild dogs!"

Xu Dan's battle is actually just the beginning.

In addition to what he just solved, the thousands of Chitauri troops that appeared on Earth are actually just the tip of the iceberg!

In that big hole in the sky, there is still a real alien army hidden!

When they came to invade the earth, it is naturally impossible to bring only a few thousand troops. No matter how confident they are in combat power, this is a strategy to attack a civilization. Without an army of hundreds of thousands, how can we talk about an interstellar invasion!

It is conceivable that behind the portal, what a terrifying amount is hidden!

"Xu Dan!" At this moment, Tony flew over suddenly, his new battle suit had all kinds of remnants, and it seemed that he had fought a fierce battle, "We must close that hole!"

Thor on the side nodded, it was the first time he saw this iron-skinned earthman pleasing to the eye, "Yes, this is Chitauri, they are huge in number!"

At the same time, Black widow's voice came from the headset, "Tony, I'm doing it! Dr. Selvig has regained consciousness, but the instrument has a protective cover, which is closed!"

"What? A device like this can't be turned off? Wait, I'll go up and blow it up!" Tony felt irritable. He was playing with fire upstairs, but now he told him the fire couldn't be extinguished!

Can you not be angry?

Black Widow quickly responded: "The doctor said that there is a backup left, and Loki's scepter must be used to close it!"

"Loki's scepter...." Tony turned his attention to Xu Dan again, "Dan, we must use Loki's scepter to close the door in the sky!"

It is said that Xu Dan did not intend to hand over the scepter, this thing originally belonged to Loki, but Loki started a war, and he won the battle, so this thing is now his trophy!

Therefore, ownership and usage rights are in his hands.

"That portal is going to be closed," Xu Dan said.

Tony hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Then let me take you up, let's close that hole!"

However, Xu Dan rejected his invitation, "It is to be closed, but it is not sent now!"



The sound came to the ears of the Avengers alliance team through Tony's headset, causing a series of doubts immediately.

Now the Chitauri army is like a beehive, constantly marching towards the earth, but the combat power on the ground is very limited.

The soldiers here are not regular troops, and the ordnance battles of regular troops can indeed last for a long time!

But most of these people are consuming a lot of physical energy, using super abilities or simply fighting hand-to-hand! Such a protracted battle, they can't afford it!

Xu Dan shook his head calmly, and slowly raised his head to look at the big dark and deep hole!

His sight seemed to be able to see the evil inside through the door of space.

"Others have invaded the earth, don't we just think about how to drive them out?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Smart people have already guessed what Xu Dan wants to do, but, is that really possible?

Do Earthlings have that strength?

"If you think that our earth has won just by expelling these sinners, then I have nothing to say.


Thor weighed his own Mjolnir, and raised his chin towards Xu Dan, "My friend, I listen to you, and I am willing to be with you! Such a battle makes my blood boil!!

Aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D ship.

Nick Fury is participating in an emergency video conference.


"We decided to use nuclear bombs!" The high-level leaders unanimously passed such an order.

The closest to New York is their spaceship, which carries a nuclear bomb, that is to say, Nick Fury will personally send New York to the sky!

"No! Fucking nuclear bombs, you know that our soldiers are still fighting in New York, and the people have not been completely evacuated. Do you want to make it a no-man's land?!"

"This is an order." The senior said coldly.

Nick Fury really wants to walk up to these guys right now and shoot them one by one and kill this stupid thing.

In the current situation in New York, it is obvious that humans have the advantage, but even if humans are at a disadvantage, there are still a large number of troops!


Just at this time, it is required to use nuclear weapons on the battlefield!

Isn't this brain in Mi Gongtian? What is it?

"Fuck you!" Nick Fury cursed, and immediately cut off the communication!

Then, he said to agent Hill: "Hill, don't allow any planes to take off, do it now! Hurry up!"

"Yes, sir!"

However, as soon as the voice fell, the command module had already issued an alarm, and a monitor below hurriedly reported: "Sir, a plane is taking off!"

"Mommy Fuck!"

Without even thinking about it, Nick Fury rushed out of the command room, holding an anti-tank rocket launcher in his hand, and rushed towards the deck!

The rocket drew a long tail flame and hit the fighter plane accurately!


Nick Fury couldn't care less about who he killed, so he breathed a sigh of relief anyway.

Killing one person is better than killing hundreds of thousands!

However, in the next second, a roar suddenly sounded, it was the silence of the engine!

Nick Fury was shocked, and saw that another fighter jet was also activated, and these people actually!!!

Reloading the bazooka takes time, now it's too late!

In desperation, Nick Fury pulled out his pistol and went crazy!

But even if it hits the plane, it's just a tiny white spot!

After a short taxi, the fighter has already taken off!

Nick Fury was paralyzed, feeling that the whole world was gray. .

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