Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 171 Earth Individual Weapon Upgrade Plan

"Since this is the case, let's modify its core authority and use it reluctantly!"

The artificial intelligence on the Chitauri main ship is just a prototype, and it is far from the wisdom of the Red Queen.

However, in any case, it is artificial intelligence, which originally possesses a considerable degree of Chitauri culture and knowledge, which is different from the specific technology obtained by the red queen.

If it is said that these technologies that have been classified by the Red Queen can greatly enhance the military strength on the earth, then this Chitauri artificial intelligence can rapidly enhance the development of the earth's grassroots!

Following Xu Dan's order, the Red Queen immediately began to operate.

I saw that the data group trapped in the cage had almost no ability to resist, and was forcibly tampered with the core program by the red queen in an instant.

"Master, it worked. Need to give it a name?"

Xu Dan shook his head and said, "Whatever, I leave it to you."

For this kind of relatively low-level artificial intelligence, Xu Dan has no interest in occupying it, just like this kind of chick-like intelligence, he can write it himself~!

The reason why it stays is just because of what it has learned.

The Red Queen's actions were quick, and not long after the two talked, Ji Company's unmanned transport plane flew onto Chitauri's birth ship.

Cleaning up the corpses inside the battleship is actually a very heavy job. You must know that there were still a large number of Chitauri hidden on the main ship at that time, but their life forms were relatively special, and they were easily wiped out.

Now, just for those corpses on the New York market, special personnel have to be dispatched for many days to clean them up, not to mention the inside of this closed battleship!

Many people may think that it is enough to just remove the dead body, but it is not the case. After transportation, necessary disinfection is required!

From the unmanned transport plane, a group of conventional robots slowly came down. The cost of these robots is relatively low, but their role is only to act as labor, and they don't need any fancy appearance and equipment.

Under the command of the Red Queen, they mechanically and comprehensively cleaned the interior of the battleship.

Cleaning these up takes a lot of time.

He temporarily left the Chitauri main ship.

Back in the city, looking up, although the appearance of Chitauri's battleship has not changed much, but I always feel that this time, it looks like it no longer has that depressing feeling

The technology obtained from the Chitauri spoils must be invested in the Antarctic military industry for production.

First of all, we need to develop the two weapons of Chitauri. Weapons are never a good thing, but for the earth that has experienced an alien invasion, advanced weapons are now the most desired thing!

In the battle of alien invasion, even the United States army was not seen, and those who came to resist the aliens were some discriminated Mutants and a few superheroes.

These people all have a certain kind of super ability, so they can resist the Chitauri army!

Just imagine, if the ordinary army had confronted the Chitauri army at that time, would the final result have been the same as it is today?

Other people's weapons can be used as bursting artillery casually, but their weapons can only kill a Chitauri for a long time!

On the battlefield, just this little difference will cause a chain reaction. If suicide weapons are not used, then human beings will be defeated in the end!

Therefore, when he obtained a large amount of Chitauri military technology, the first thing he considered to produce was individual weapons!

On today's earth, there is actually no shortage of weapons of mass destruction, but they cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

However, the individual equipment has hardly changed in the past ten years!

Since the human army began to use firearms, until today, they are still in the same state. At most, the firearms in their hands have become more accurate and powerful, but there has never been a qualitative leap!

Xu Dan is here to change that!

From the equipment he exported to various countries last time, it can be seen that he has been planning super individual equipment since the first order after the establishment of the Antarctic military industry.

It's just that most of those were exchanged from "Cross Fire", and then processed and added with insurance procedures, they can only deal with extraterrestrial life in the end.

Comparing the two, in fact, in terms of power, Chitauri's technological firearms are stronger.

And now, he is going to implement this technology in the Antarctic military industry, and then mass-produce it!


One person's exchange is a completely different concept from the mass production of the entire Antarctic military industry!

In the production line of the Antarctic military industry, basically only robots can work. In the entire Antarctic military industry, real people stay in the research room to develop theories and technologies. He doesn't want to recruit some idlers to work outside these labor-intensive tasks. , this is munitions after all!

If the next Opadry is raised, it will be the old birthday star who hanged himself!

This side is still developing production in full swing, and at the international conference on the other side, the leaders of various countries are already discussing something big!

This meeting was initiated by the President of the United States.

No way, the alien invasion is happening in their country of New York, plus, now Xu Dan is flying the main Chitauri ship above the sky!

"I suggest that armed forces should be used to forcibly attack that Xu Dan. That person's behavior has always been excessive. No matter how great his contribution to society is, he cannot be allowed to be so arrogant!"

"Uh, that, the spokesperson of the island country, I advise you to be kind. The topic we are discussing this time is related to the fate of mankind. Don't let unpleasant things happen because of your own death last time, and then remember that one saved once. people of the world."

Last time, the Antarctic military industry launched a batch of arms and firearms, and the island country was on the list of purchases.

But at that time Xu Dan emphasized the content of the contract, they didn't listen to it, they tried to use those firearms to harm innocent humans, and then lost a third of the navy in total.

But even if this matter is brought to an international court, the final winner is still Xu Dan, because it is clearly stated in the contract!

"Hmph! Tell me."

"Everyone, after experiencing this alien invasion, everyone should have realized that the earth has always been in a dangerous state. No one can guarantee whether a big hole will be opened again in the sky tomorrow! There is no guarantee that this big hole , Where will it appear on the earth! But now, some of us are doing some dirty tricks secretly for our own self-interest, this is what I want to talk about."

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