Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 175: The Little Devil's Naive Plan

In a wooden house, two men wearing black kimonos sip tea.

The two looked at each other normally, but they didn't speak for a long time, as if they were waiting for someone.

Suddenly, a man with five short stature walked in.

Different from the two sitting on the ground, he was wearing a suit and leather shoes, with the demeanor of a high-class person in society.

Seeing the visitor, the expressions of the two tea drinkers finally changed, and they bowed slightly to show their respect.

"Kameda-kun, Ida-kun, I'm very sorry, I'm late!" said the social person in a suit and leather shoes, and saw that his usual aloof attitude disappeared in front of these two people, and now he behaved like a dog licking .

Facing this man's apology, the two of them had no dissatisfaction, because they knew in their hearts that this seemingly wretched man was the current ruler of the island country.

In a country, no matter how powerful an individual is, one must respect those in power!

"Your Excellency is busy with business, we should wait." Ida combed his hair back, his hair fell directly to his shoulders, but his eyebrows were like two sharp swords.

Opposite him is the white-haired Kameda, who has short white hair. He never said a word.

The man took off his suit and crossed his legs.

"The two seniors are highly respected, I should apologize." He said again.

520 This time, Ida didn't refuse anymore, so he took a sip of tea silently, waiting for the man's next words.

"It's like this, I am anxious for the two seniors to come over, because I want to discuss a cooperation with the two.

"What cooperation?" Ida asked.

If it is within the territory of an island country, don’t talk about cooperation. In today’s world [the person in power still needs to discuss cooperation with others in person? Isn’t it enough to order directly?

However, since this person has spoken, the so-called cooperation we are going to talk about this time is definitely not simple.

That's right, if it's a simple matter, there's no need to invite both of them over at the same time.

The soldiers in the hands of those in power alone are enough to do things.

The man put his hands flat on the table, and said with a gentle expression, "I need two people to help me assassinate a person."


That was decades ago, when they were young, and in that era, which force did not cultivate a group of executioners!

What age is it now!

They have all washed their hands for twenty years!

But let the people in power tell them personally, let them kill people?

"If it's about killing people, neither my daughter-in-law Kameda-kun nor I are very interested," Ida said.

However, the man seemed to be very sure, when he heard Ida's euphemistic refusal, his expression didn't change at all, he still smiled gently.

"I remember that, eleven years ago, Mr. Kameda and Mr. Ida seemed to have teamed up to bloodbath a martial arts gym. Definitely, the two of you didn't leave any evidence. Until now, the murderer is still on the run!"

"Are you threatening us?"

"Don't dare."

Ida cast his eyes on Kameda, who was opposite him, and finally nodded helplessly, and asked, "You have to make sure it's only this time! Who did you kill?"

Only then did the man smile with satisfaction, and said slowly: "I can definitely guarantee that this is the only time. As for the person I killed, the two of you may not be strangers to each other, or in other words, everyone in the world is no stranger to it!"

Ida thought for a while, and tentatively asked, "You mean...the Iron Man from the United States?"

"No." The man shook his head.

"That's Xu Dan?"

The man smiled happily and kept nodding his head.

"Yes, yes, that's the person."

"Why do you want the two of us to assassinate him?" Ida asked puzzled.

Not to brag, either of the two of them can be used to assassinate the president of the United States, and now, they want to join forces to assassinate a somewhat capable businessman

The man smiled gently and said: "The two of you probably haven't heard of the Antarctic military industry. It's like the first-class executioner group in your era. The current executioner has (jdf) contacts with all countries in the world. The only thing that excludes us is the big island country. It is conceivable how dangerous our situation is, will it be in the middle of the night

What about being beheaded by the executioner?"

Ida and Kameda looked at each other again. This kind of metaphor is very appropriate, and it also made the two masters who have been reclusive all the year round pay 12 points of attention.

"Okay, we agree."

The two got up slowly, although they were close to the end of their lives, their figures were still strong.

When he walked to the door, Kameda, who had been silent all this time, slowly turned around and gave the man a meaningful look.

"I hope you won't break your promise." Kameda's voice was heavy, like a Deadman soaked in the shadows.

The deterrent force at that moment almost made the man suffocate.

"Don't worry, two seniors!"

Flying from the island country to New York, the two masters put on decent suits.

When they landed in New York and came out of the airport, they were immediately attracted by the scenery in front of them.

How should I put it, flying from an island country to New York is like entering a city from the countryside!

For the two hermits, the prosperity of the island city is already very tall, with all kinds of high-rise buildings and pedestrians on the streets.

However, in comparison, it is found that those tall buildings are like cannon barrels piled up with soil in the countryside!

In just half a year, New York has experienced a leap in technological advancement. In fact, what has changed is not only New York, but the whole world.

Starting from the disaster-stricken sites of the New York War, 90% of the urban reconstruction used is the high-end technology that Xu Dan obtained from the Chitauri brain, turning the entire block into the style of Xandar!

Definitely, there is a fee for this.

In the city, the maglev car runs at high speed on the mid-air track, like a flying swallow flying in the sky.

Among the crowd, many gossiping women gathered together and pointed at them.

It was not the first time for them to come to this noisy city, and it was precisely because they were tired of this noise that they frowned dissatisfiedly.

I really want all these people to disappear!

However, that's just thinking about it.

In order to assassinate Xu Dan, the two of them put on modern black technology for the first time—behind them, there was an auxiliary team following them, guiding them along the way.

Following the voice in the earphones, they moved straight in the direction of Xu Dan's villa.

The night was getting dark, and it was a good time for the killer to act.

Under the dim moonlight, Ida slowly picked up a Taidao. This Taidao has been with him for a long time. It has drunk the blood of thousands of people, and the murderous aura contained in it is like Beast.

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