Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 190 [Congratulations! Obtained The Title Of God's Scourge! 】

The war of Noxus' invasion of Ionia is still going on, Xu Dan and Xin Della took a short break to watch this classic battle.

This is the first time that Noxus invaded Ionia on a large scale. In this first war, there was no scene given by Naya Sohasa in the "Awakening" CG.

That CG is about the second full-scale invasion of Ionia by Noxus. In that war, Irelia, Akali, Kenan, Carlma, Yasuo and others all joined the battle. is wonderful.

In comparison, the first battle actually had nothing to watch, it seemed a bit boring!

But just when Xu Dan was about to leave, Yu Guang suddenly noticed a big man with a hammer in the battlefield!

It is not uncommon for a hammer to be used as a weapon. In the Noxus legion, it is not mandatory for soldiers to carry a fixed weapon, but according to personal preference, which weapon they are good at, they can bring what weapon!

However, the shape of this person is very familiar!

Hammer, golden retriever, armor, red cape...

"That's Thor?" Xu Dan squinted his eyes, and watched carefully, "It's really Thor, I didn't expect that guy to create a set of exactly the same equipment for himself in the game!"

"Who is Thor?" Xin Della took the initiative to care about Xu Dan's affairs for the first time, perhaps because of the effect of the dragon egg meal.

Sure enough, women have to stuff their mouths! Who said there is a problem with the way straight men attack? Come out and get beaten!

Tsundere? High cold? Doesn't exist!

"My friend in another world is the man over there who was beaten on the ground with a hammer."

"Oh, another world?" Xin Della was a little puzzled. Although she knew that Xu Dan's state was a little special, she didn't know what it was.

It's all a void.

Xu Dan looked sideways at Xin Della's beautiful face...and that pair of incomprehensible long moons, and said with some excitement: "Do you want to go to my other world? I can take you there!"

In this virtual game, each character has an independent personality. It was AI at the beginning, but now with the strengthening of Mind Gem, it is estimated that it has become a living being like Ultron.

And it's very simple to bring this kind of life form from the game into reality - just exchange her from the points mall!

"What are you doing in your world? Is there any difference between your world and this world?" Xin Della asked.

"Definitely different, in my (cjag) world, there are big birds in the sky with manned flights, all kinds of delicacies on the ground, and swimsuits in the sea... ahem, there are big sharks!"

Xin Della can now automatically filter important information, and she asked with some expectation: "Food? What's there?"

"Not to mention anything else, have you tried spicy soup?"

"I haven't heard of it, what is that?"

"Hehe, don't blame me for not telling you, a bowl of Malatang has to be eaten ten times a night!"

"Why? Can't you eat it all at once?"

Xu Dan chuckled, and looked at Xin Della's big long moon retreat, "It's definitely not enough to eat.

If you are caught by such a pair of big long moon backs, ten times a night is not enough, even if you die here, you are willing to die!

"How is it? Do you want to go?"

Xin Della was silent.

Pointing to the ground, she suddenly said, "That friend of yours is about to be beaten to death."

Following Xin Della's direction, sure enough, Thor was pinned to the ground by several Ionian warriors. Although his armor was extremely thick, he couldn't stand the beating by these people!

Has now been hammered into a Muggle!


These Ionian warriors should beat Thor to death!

It's time to divert people's attention!

"Those people are invaders and enemies of Ionia. Do you think we should help Ionia and kill all these enemies?" Xu Dan asked.

Helping Ionia is not because I have any feelings for Ionia, but because Ionia is the place of birth chosen by his character. In his setting, killing the enemy is rewarded with honor and reputation!

Prestige can be exchanged for various limited rarities!

Although those so-called rare products are just a code for him...

Listening to Xu Dan's words, Xin Della shook her head, "These stupid people call this the land of birth, but I don't feel any warmth here. Who I help depends on my mood."

"Then now?"

A glamorous queen's smile slowly emerged from the corner of Xin Della's mouth, "the vermilion lips parted lightly and said: "Definitely kill them all!"

At the same time as the voice fell, the entire Navoli province shook!

Xin Della's strength is incomparable, she wants to shake the earth, it is only a matter of thought!


"Is the soul of Ionia awakened?"

Everyone, run away!"

All kinds of shouts suddenly appeared in the battlefield below, the Ionian warriors were shouting, and the Noxus army was roaring. They have already suffered a lot on the continent of Ionia in the past few days!

Although this continent is said to be miraculous in the legends, but after seeing it for real, I realize that it is even more miraculous than the legends!

But this kind of magic is costing the soldiers with their lives!

Now, there was an earthquake again inexplicably!

However, this is not an earthquake, it is actually just a small move by Xin Della!

Amidst the trembling of the earth, the rocks collapsed, burying many nearby battle groups alive, no matter whether these people were Noxus or Ionia, in short, they were killed indiscriminately!

At the same time, Xu Dan's system prompt panel is also constantly flashing data:

Prestige +1

sin +1

Prestige +1

sin +1

A series of prestige and crimes directly swiped the screen!

This prestige is really a good thing, but this crime is absolutely untouchable!

Soon, due to the large-scale massacre in Xin Della, even the prestige title and the crime title were brushed out!

【Congratulations! You have won the title of 'Famous Quartet'!】

【Congratulations! You have won the title of 'Heinous'!】

【Congratulations! You have won the title of 'Megatron Four Seas'!】

【Congratulations! You have been awarded the title of 'Scary'! Reminder: No matter which city-state you appear in, you will be arrested by the guards!】

Xu Dan wanted to cry, but at this moment, he didn't even care to see how many reputations he had earned. The eye-catching red color of the crime value has already made people into the kind of situation where everyone shouts and beats the rats in the street!

Only at this moment, he really wants to cancel the follower relationship with Xin Della!

But after thinking about it, I still endured it. If Xin Della is let go, she will turn her face and deny her, then it will be the end of the calf!.

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