Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 219: The Nine Worlds Converge!

"What sugar water?"

"Deoxyribose water."

"Are you kidding, or do you want to be here........ eh?"

"Just kidding, just kidding."

It's impossible to really get her a sip of deoxyribose water in such a wild place, right?

Now that the battle suit has been tested and the ability has been stimulated, although it can't reach the peak Scarlet Witch realm, the current level is enough.

The so-called one method is universal, Wanda's Ability is very unique, and there is no need to test the control ability anymore.

After returning to the city under the sea, Xu Dan planned to let Wanda take over the management of the remaining batch of unstable Mutants.

But before it could be implemented, an alarm came from the southwest of the city under the sea!

woo woo woo!!!

That loud siren is definitely not what anyone wants to hear!

Regardless of what happened, first of all, this alarm makes people very panic!

After all, this is a city under the sea! It is different from the city on the ground!

"Red Empress, what's the matter?" Xu Dan asked eagerly.

Soon, a little red figure appeared beside him, and the red queen reported: "Master, a large amount of seawater suddenly appeared on the high-speed pipeline leading from the main city to the southwest. 130

"Water?" Human beings cannot do without water, and the descriptions of water's attributes in countless story versions are also flexible, but in this underwater city...

But soon he reflected and said: "It shouldn't be, the pipe wall cannot be broken, even if it is man-made damage, the defense program will be triggered immediately!"

The Red Queen nodded. As Xu Dan's right-hand man, if the city under the sea is destroyed, she will receive the news as soon as possible.

This time it was obviously an abnormal event.

"The self-inspection has passed, and the data of all facilities are normal, which means that the flood came out of thin air.

"What about Mutant?" Although he accepted Mutant, it didn't mean he wouldn't doubt it.

"No trace of Mutant was found," replied the Red Queen.

Xu Dan nodded, it was too late to ask any more questions, the sea water appeared in the city out of thin air, this matter was very important.

"Block the entire southwest passage." He ordered to the Red Queen.

Even the Red Queen doesn't know the reason for that place now, and it's not a matter of water leaks. The only thing that can be done is to block and stop losses.

"Yes, master."

(cjfc) I don't know where the source of the sudden influx of seawater is, the flow rate is not very high, so when Xu Dan rushed to the scene, only the entire transportation pipeline turned into a huge test tube filled with seawater That's all.

What's more, there are many fish swimming leisurely in that huge test tube!

"These fish are really big-hearted. They don't know what their fate is, and they are still shopping there." Xu Dan was a little helpless, and then said to the red queen, "Match the origin of these fish."

It only took a second for the red queen to reply: "These are all shallow water fish, and they are the species that often exist right above us.

"Well, it looks like the space is chaotic. How come I haven't seen this kind of thing on Earth before?"

Still in doubt, the phone in Xu Dan's pocket rang, and only the black technology of Anji Company could connect the phone in the deep sea.

It was Dr. Selvig.

"Hi, what's up?"

"Dan, I have discovered a very important thing. According to my various calculations, it should be able to confirm my idea. I am now 80% sure..."

"Long story short."

"Hey, well, well, the Nine Realms may be overlapping!"

Hearing the sound, Xu Dan suddenly realized!

The Nine Realms are going to overlap, isn't this what happened in Thor2!

Well, it can also be the case now!

I remember that in the movie, flocks of birds can disappear from the sky, and then fly out from the ground! The overlapping influence of the Nine Realms is very extensive, not only the simple and literal fusion of the Nine Realms!

Those flocks of birds may have suddenly penetrated space from a certain place above the earth to appear in another world, and then traveled back to the earth in a certain place in that world, and it happens that this point is on the ground.

And the situation in front of me can be explained now, that is, the sea water flows into a certain space crack from above, and flows into other worlds. For example, if this intersection point is above other worlds, then another intersection point is at Its surface and the southwest pipeline of Xu Dan's underwater city! The water disappeared from the earth, flowed through another world, and then flowed back to the earth! But, it didn't return to its original place!

This is a very important message.

Because this series will involve a lot of information!

First, the dark elves who were once defeated by Asgard are about to be resurrected. They are a group of fools who insist on returning the universe to darkness. Definitely, they are just talking about returning the universe to the dark age. The real purpose has to be said otherwise.

Second, Tai particles, that is, Reality Gem is about to appear. As a human who is determined to collect Infinite Gems, he has to pay attention to this matter! Reality Gem plays a very important role in his plan.

Third, the union of the Nine Realms is an opportunity. For many people, this is an opportunity. Malekith wants to use this opportunity to rule the Nine Realms with the unfathomable power of Tai particles, while Xu Dan wants to use this opportunity to do more things .

"Wanda, I'll leave the matter here to you first. There shouldn't be another abnormal phenomenon like that. Otherwise, I'll have to suspect that my face is black."

"Huh?" Wanda couldn't react in time, and didn't quite know what Xu Dan was going to do.

Besides, she doesn't know much about the facilities here! She doesn't even know how to operate the basics!

But soon, Xu Dan said: "You can just stay here and take a look. In case of an accident, you can use the super ability to deal with it, but I don't think it will be done by that kind of accident again." One in a billion chance."

The Nine Realms are so big, it would be very rare to happen to appear once in one's seabed city, and the space would be chaotic. If there is a second time, it would be unreasonable!

"What about you, what are you going to do?" Wanda asked.

"I want to do something with the Red Queen!"

After the words fell, without waiting for Wanda to ask more questions, Xu Dan turned around and flew away in another direction!

Wanda looked at the back of Xu Dan who was leaving quickly, and her heart was full of doubts. In her eyes, Xu Dan has always been very stable, and he is always strategizing in everything he does!

But now, this back figure is obviously a little anxious!

Furthermore, the danger here has not been dealt with, why is he leaving at this time?

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