Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 236: Humanity's First Step Across Borders!

When Malekith exited the virtual world, it was just approaching dusk!

Next to him is Dr. Banner who is researching dark elf cells.

Malekith stood up, looking at the sky outside the window, he couldn't tell what time it was on earth.

He spent the night in the virtual world, and that night felt too long!

"Well, what about him?" Malekith asked Dr. Banner with some embarrassment.

He is the only king of a dark elf, and he is always superior when he asks questions, and his subordinates will do everything they say. And now that he was 'hijacked' to the earth by Xu Dan, he must be careful when he speaks!

Banner looked at the cells of the dark elf Malekith as if no one else was there, as if he was doing something insignificant, but he didn't know what kind of expression he would show after letting Malkis find out.

"Xu Dan said that he was going to lead people to build. Judging from his expression, he should be doing something big. He has always been like this!"

"Construction? Major event?" Malekith was slightly puzzled by human behavior.

The leader of this dark elf race never expected that at the moment Xu Dan had brought a batch of large construction machines into the dark world of Wat Alheim!

Compared with the earth, the construction environment here is far worse, but those construction machines didn't complain, following Xu Dan's order, the rumbling sound started.

A large pit tens of meters deep has been dug out of the dark ground. It may take several months if manpower is used, but it only takes a few hours in front of large machines.

After the pit was dug, the ground began to be weighed down.

It is still the traditional construction method, and it is still the familiar taste.

The specifications of the foundation are fixed, and it doesn't matter if it's one centimeter bigger or one centimeter smaller in front of large machinery!

However, after the machine laid a solid foundation, it slowly backed away, and did not continue the construction.

At this time, Xu Dan stepped forward. Compared with the big pit in front of him, his human figure seemed too small.

Sometimes I have to lament the beauty of heavy industry. Human wisdom has created heavy machinery, and these heavy machinery have replaced manpower.

"I thought it would be difficult to dig a foundation in Walter Alheim, but I didn't expect this machine to be so powerful!"

While muttering, he jumped straight towards the huge amounts of deep pit.


The feeling of landing is very solid, it doesn't feel like stepping on the ground of the dark world, but like a ground completely made of modern technology.

He estimated, walked to the center of the deep pit, and then took out a small toy from his pocket.

This toy has a tower shape that looks like a miniature Eiffel Tower.

After placing the little toy on the ground, he took out another device like a mobile phone, and the camera shined on the little toy on the ground.

On the screen of the instrument, a red box selects the small iron tower, and four lines connect the four sides.

Seeing that the screen was still red, Xu Dan had no choice but to lower his head and move the small iron tower slightly to the right.

Sure enough, with such a slight movement, the red frame on the screen turned green.

This means that the placement of the small iron tower is correct!

Overjoyed in his heart, he hurriedly ran out of the deep pit.

This small iron tower is actually an Antarctic signal base station that has been reduced by Pym particles!

It is not only to be built in the dark world of Walter Alheim, but also to be built in other eight realms! This is the work that must be done to connect the nine realms!

Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, the signal base stations established by Antarctic companies can already penetrate the deep sea and achieve true global coverage.

However, the Nine Realms are too big, and the king has already been connected together by the power of space. The strong signal on the earth alone cannot spread that far.

Also too weak to use!

Under today's conditions, the signal can be transmitted, which is certain, but it still needs the support of the base station.

As the Tai particles gun accurately hit the small iron tower in the deep pit, it quickly zoomed in.

Since Dr. Pym joined the Antarctic company, Pym particles have become a shared technology within the Antarctic company. The old man was very reluctant at first, but as his Pym particles helped him again and again, he felt proud Spontaneously, I agreed to share......

It may be a bit wasteful to use the Pym particles that can be enlarged and reduced at will in the construction industry, but I have to admit that this method is combined with large machinery, and the construction efficiency is very high!

The original small toy is rapidly enlarged, and it only takes one breath to transform from a small toy into a towering iron tower!

This iron tower is somewhat different from the Eiffel Tower, because it stands in this dark world like a dark castle, not so empty.

Such an iron tower has a large new element reactor inside, so there is no need to worry about energy.

Xu Dan walked over like this, opened the gate of the iron tower, and entered the interior to activate the operation of the entire iron tower.

In an instant, the inside of the entire dark iron tower was as bright as day.

The energy supplied by the new element Antarctic reactor is like a body line, rushing directly from the bottom to the highest point, activating countless signal receiving transmitters along the way.

At this time, Xu Dan simply took out his mobile phone and looked at the signal display in the upper right corner.

From a small 'x' at the beginning, it slowly turned into five blank bars, and then, the smallest and shortest of the five bars became a solid body again, but quickly disappeared again and again!

In the next second, the signal display directly changed to two grids, but this was also unstable, and it changed back to one grid again.

This repeated flashing back and forth continued for more than 30 seconds at 2.6 before stopping. In the end, the signal on his mobile phone was stable and full!

This means that the construction of this Antarctic signal base station has been successful!

He can even stand in the dark world Wat Alheim and call the people on Earth now!

Think about it, what a shocking thing this is!

The completion of the signal base station also means that in this era, the two worlds are truly connected.

It also means that the virtual game market can officially take its first step towards the world beyond the earth!

Asgard's time, in fact, can't be regarded as "opening the outside market", it can only be said that Asgard's technology was needed under the circumstance of insufficient technology, and the two cooperated!

It is the first time to say that it is really marching towards the outside world!.

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