Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Volume Two Chapter 257 What If Xu Dan Fucked Someone Else's FiancéE?


"So, it can be concluded that this was the one who wanted to kill the other party at the beginning, but the other party grabbed the gun and killed him back. It is a legitimate self-defense. w

Now there is only such a reason to say the past.

All the agents present felt that what the female agent said was very reasonable, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief

This is a very abnormal state!

Even though the evidence for the murderer was solid, they kept trying to excuse the murderer, and after finding out the reason, they breathed a sigh of relief!

"Then...everyone should go away, ask someone to clean this place, and then change a piece of glass!"

"Yeah, the glass is all broken, I have to change it quickly!"

"By the way, why isn't our director here today!?"

"You're such a newbie! Don't you know what happened yesterday? Oh my god, you shouldn't be here for this job!"

The crowd scattered in all directions, and the bloody smell of Sitwell permeated the small room, but no one cared at all.

It seemed that a grasshopper died just now. Everyone symbolically mourned for three seconds. After all, they didn't even know who died.

But even if the identity of the deceased is found out from the S.H.I.E.L.D system, at most everyone will continue to mourn for a while, and there must be no one who has nothing to do and seek revenge for this agent, Xu Dan, right?

As for punishing Xu Dan with legal weapons?

Didn’t you hear that? People call it ‘justifiable self-defense’!

Who would look for it for nothing, not only can't accuse Xu Dan of crimes, but also be targeted by the countries that want to curry favor with Xu Dan all day long, and the next morning he wakes up as a dead man!

Go to work with your head on your back!

Soon, the identity of the decedent was found out, it turned out to be Sitwell agent! The level in S.H.I.E.L.D is not low!

But there is a question, why did the Sitwell agent take out a weapon like Barrett to target Xu Dan?

This is obviously because he failed in the long-distance assassination, and was discovered by Xu Dan, who in turn blasted his head with Barrett! The so-called returning the same way to the other body, can be said to be very true!

"Why do you think there are people in this world who can't think of a meeting to assassinate Xu Dan? Even if you have ten thousand reasons, you still have no reason in the end! Don't you understand?"

"What if Xu DanXX is someone's fiancée?"

"What Sitwell agent already has a fiancée? We can still fall in love in our line of business? Why didn't you say it earlier, I just rejected Mary's invitation to have sex yesterday!! Damn Falk!"

"Are you trying to make me happy? Don't try so hard! By the way, do you think Xu Dan will fall in love with someone else's fiancee? He waved, what kind of woman is there in this world?"

"Hey! Carter, if Xu Dan waved to you, would you have sex with him? I really envy rich people. If I were so rich, I would buy S.H.I.E.L.D and let you work for me !"

"Please call me Sharon Carter! Thank you! And, get on with your work!"

Xu Dan did not leave S.H.I.E.L.D. The reason why he jumped from the window was to avoid blood splashing on his body. The moment he shot, he moved towards the window

At that speed, the sputtering speed of blood can't catch up with him!

He just tossed Barrett away, and continued walking toward S.H.I.E.L.D's main entrance.

There are no guards here, only agents going up and down.

He just swaggered into S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Hmm, I don't know where Pierce is. The S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters are quite big. If you search for them one by one, you'll have to find them tomorrow morning!"

Xu Dan scratched the back of his head helplessly, to be honest, it still hurts a bit!

"Red Queen?" He called softly.

On the next side, where he was, was stopped by the red queen.

The Red Queen's program is spread all over the world, as long as there is a network, there can be a Red Queen.

Xu Dan once improved the Red Queen to a certain extent, making her program more like a seed, buried all over the world, and only needs him to wake up and recognize, and the Red Queen can respond in a jumping manner.

"Yes, my master."

"Can you find out which room Pierce is in?"

"Master, if you're talking about Alexander Pierce, then he's on the roof of S.H.I.E.L.D right now, and he has twelve more takeoffs!"

Hearing the sound, Xu Dan had a look of displeasure on his face, obviously he came all the way to find Pierce, but now this guy wants to fly away!

How can this be reasonable!

As everyone knows, a few minutes ago.

Pierce sent an order notification to Winter Soldier, and then waited in the office, observing Xu Dan's movements through S.H.I.E.L.D's camera by the way.

As a result, Bu Locke, who was the first to rush forward, was instantly killed within a second, and there was another coward under him who killed himself!

If it is said that what makes Pierce feel like this is only the incompetence of the other party, then writing it down will make him feel cold inside!


Seems like something hit Xu Dan!

He quickly adjusted the monitor in the direction.

It turned out to be Sitwell!

Looking at the guy in Sitwell's hand, Pierce smiled in relief!

This is sensible!

As expected of Sitwell agent, better than that idiot Boo Locke!

Knowing that in this situation to deal with extraordinary people, special measures must be adopted. It is indeed inhumane for Barrett to use it on people, but the other party is no ordinary person!


Did Xu Dan pause just now?

Could it be that Sitwell has already fired a shot?!

Barrett's single shot only pushed that monster forward three steps? Could it scratch even a trace of blood?

What a piece of shit this Sitwell is!

Why use this weapon on Xu Dan! Can't you pull out some stronger weapons? Did you not give you permission or what?


(Li Dezhao) Pierce suddenly remembered the figure of Xu Dan in the battle in New York back then, that invincible figure of jumping up and down, I am afraid that there is really no one in this world who can resist it!

Alas, no wonder there are two of them!

Now that this guy has no good intentions when he comes here and keeps fighting, then he should retreat too!

It's a pity that Xu Dan moved too fast, the two of them couldn't last a minute, and the Winter Soldier hadn't rushed over yet!

Therefore, he could only hastily arranged for a helicopter, using the shortest distance, to take off on the roof of S.H.I.E.L.D and escape!

As for the insight plan that has been laid out in S.H.I.E.L.D for so many years, it is time to abandon it!

Keep the green hills here and don't worry about no firewood!

If we confront Xu Dan head-on now, not only will we not even have the chance to implement it, but we will also create a community!

Under such circumstances, he can make such a calm judgment, he feels that he is very awesome!.

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