Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 295 What The Hell Am I Nervous About!

Now Xu Dan wants to tidy himself up as soon as possible, and then finish the next job properly.

Then, take a good rest and sleep well.

Wait for your own software to go on the market at twelve o'clock tonight.

In fact, this software Xu Dan also understands in his heart...

Perhaps for people nowadays, games are only a small part of life!

After all, everyone lives in a busy job, and lives in the superhero.

Don't waste too much time on the game!

Unless your own game is different from other games, there is something more eye-catching than superhero!

Otherwise, it is impossible for his game to survive for too long!

Time may say that it has just been listed today, or it will be off the shelves tomorrow.

Just because of the simplest reason, that basically no one wants to use this game software.

Xu Dan didn't want this kind of result!

What he wants is for everyone to have it downloaded on their phones.

This game can't be said to reach 100%, but it must at least rise to more than half.

Just like in their world, King of Glory is available on almost everyone's mobile phone!

Tonight, Xu Dan couldn't sleep all night......

Because his software will be released in two hours!

He felt very nervous, and he didn't invite any spokesperson for this software.

To introduce my own product, I didn't make corresponding promotional activities, nothing, just like this, it went on the market quietly......

"Hey, I can't sleep〃々!"

Xu Dan got off his tatami bed, opened the refrigerator and drank a glass of milk, but the milk didn't seem to have any effect on making him fall asleep.

So he walked into his room that he rarely entered...

A place dedicated to drinking, where precious wines from various countries and regions are stored, as well as champagne.

"I didn't want to drink!"

Xu Dan is also very speechless to himself!

In fact, he himself didn't even know what he was doing.

When the first software developed by himself, King of Fighters, was launched, he didn't feel much.

And that game is so inexplicably listed!

The most important thing is that it is very popular!

At that time, I didn't do any publicity, but...

Iron Man, Spider-man Captain America fans are not so crazy!

""||I hope my software can win everyone's favor. "

Xu Dan talked to himself while drinking wine and talking about the factory.

In fact, he doesn't know in his heart (well) what is he nervous about?

However, the energy invested in this software and my own labor are much more than the crude King of Fighters that was launched on the market at the beginning.

Xu Dan is very clear in his heart, if this software is sold out

Then this will be a historic opportunity for him to improve his status, and it will also be the best opportunity for everyone to recognize himself. .

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