Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 302 Today's Banner, Black Widow, And Xu Dan Are All Here!

"Hi ma'am, your crab rolls are ready, and the shrimp rolls are ready here."

"Then you need another packed one. We'll make it for you later when you're about to leave."

"Good, thank you very much."

Black widow smiled very gracefully at the waiter.

"Xu Dong, we have arrived at Luke's Restaurant!"

Mary put on the handbrake at the moment, and said to Xu Dan.

Mary knew that Luke's restaurant was a very famous "280" restaurant.

But many times I am too busy, and then I am not particularly willing.

Go out and eat alone.

Then I never came to this restaurant to eat.

Although many people came to this restaurant to eat, they all said that this restaurant is really very delicious.

But Mary still said silently in her heart

Maybe wait until I find one day, my other half.........

We were able to eat here, but no one thought that time had passed, three years.

In the past three years, Mary has never found the right person for her.

On the contrary, all the emotions silently accumulated in her heart were used on the man sitting behind her now.

Although Mary may not know it herself.

Is this so-called love in the true sense, or what people call adoration?

But Mary clearly knows that whenever Xu Dan smiles at others...

In other words, when she was a little bit special to others, Mary felt a very strange feeling in her heart.

It was as if something had stuck in her heart, that kind of tingling feeling, Mary really hated it!

It was only later that she gradually realized that maybe this was her liking that she had been unwilling to admit.


This was the first time she went out to eat with someone who was throbbing in her heart.

even though. She and Xu Dan have been working together for so many years, but this is the first time she has come out to eat with him, and it is still lunch.

"Okay, then you go to the restaurant first, I will park the car first and then come to you.

"No, I'll wait for you at the door, it's okay."


After speaking, Mary drove to the underground garage.

However, Xu Dan waited for Mary's arrival at the door just as he promised.

Mary is also dressed more formally today, because what she thinks is...

My unworn red skirt, which has been in the closet for a long time, can actually be used for a while.

But I didn't expect that today would be such a coincidence!

Will come here for dinner with my boss...……………

She was wondering if God suddenly gave her a hint...

Tell her today is a very good day, but Mary knows that work and relationship are two different things, and the two should not be confused.

Yet in the restaurant the two single men in full swing here are basking in Black widow elegance.

"Hey, I said Banner, do you want to go up and say hello?"

Loveski egged on Banner!

In fact, Lovsky wanted Black Widow's contact information very much in his heart.

In fact, he himself wanted to go up and say hello.

But maybe no matter what, it's because of identity and face...

After all, there are so many people in this restaurant now!

Besides, if this matter is mentioned, if this lady refuses herself in embarrassment... 5.6...

Then this must be the headline on tomorrow's news!

Definitely Loveski wasn't saying he underestimated his friends.

He just thought maybe this lady would be a good fit for Banner.

Definitely Banner is also very popular with ladies in this style.

So Lowski gave the opportunity to Banner.

Definitely Loveski doesn't like this type, he just said that maybe he doesn't want to fall in love right now!.

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