Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 31 "Warcraft" Is Released, The Official Website Exploded! [Second Update]

After Skye was perfunctory by Xu Dan, Liva raised her head cautiously, she let go of her mouth, and while buttoning her small suit, she asked, "Are you really going to release "Warcraft" so soon?"

Now that "The King of Fighters" has dominated the market, in her opinion, the company should start focusing on operations in order to seek greater benefits!

To release a new work at this time, isn't it just to beat yourself up! I only ate a small piece of the "King of Fighters" cake, and I still haven't eaten a large part!

However, Xu Dan's thinking mode is completely different from others.

They came to this company, some to make money, some to learn technology, but Xu Dan's main purpose is to earn points!

Money gain has become the second grade.

With absolute market possession rights, he doesn't worry about money!

What he lacks are points!

Therefore, it is necessary to release "Warcraft" as early as possible. "The King of Fighters" is now in full swing, but there are always some people who are not "addicted" to fighting games, so the game time is not too long, and there are very few games that are played all night. players.

In this way, his points increase, although fast, but not fast enough! Must be faster!

Ambition is always insatiable, just like the universe, expanding infinitely!

Xu Dan slapped Riva's beautiful buttocks and made a loud voice, "Crack!~"


the next day.

On the official website of Anji Game Company, beside the original "King of Fighters" icon, countless pairs of eyes converged there!

Because the spokesperson of the Antarctic Game Company, Goddess Liva, has already announced that at 12:00 noon today, the new work of the Antarctic Game Company will be launched simultaneously globally!

The time is now 11:59, and some fanatical game fans have already hovered over the mysterious blank space next to "The King of Fighters"!

It is foreseeable that as soon as "Warcraft" is launched, they will definitely download it as soon as possible!

Although, until now, Antarctic Game Company has not announced the gameplay of this game, only released some promotional posters and videos, but this does not affect the trust of those game fans in this company in the slightest!

Will such a conscientious game company have bad games?

Due to the time zone, many players' hour hand has passed twelve o'clock, but the heart game still hasn't been refreshed, but they are not discouraged, they are still waiting!

It's like picking up your girlfriend at the airport, and if you don't pick it up today, you won't go back!

drop! !

When the countdown on the official website reached zero, no one had time to look at the time in the lower right corner of the computer. They lifted the mouse almost at the same time and clicked on the icon that hadn't been loaded yet! !

That's right, even before the game icon is loaded, they can't wait to download this game!

Obviously it is to download a game, but game fans are doing it like a lottery and grabbing red envelopes!

Everyone wants to be the first to play this new game!

However, it turned out that...

The official website exploded!

The huge amount of traffic directly exploded the servers of Anji Game Company, turning the official network card into a mosaic!

In front of the computer, Tony Stark rubbed his chin frantically. He was also a fan of Antarctic Game Company.

It's a bit ashamed to say it, he is already an adult, and he is worth hundreds of millions, so he shouldn't waste his life on this kind of virtual product!

However, the fact is that since he first came into contact with "The King of Fighters", he bought a whole row of game consoles for his villa!

All are used to play "The King of Fighters"!

Until later, "The King of Fighters" released the computer version, and he asked J.A.R.V.I.S to build a simulator for him to exercise his fighting skills while playing the game!

He swears that even when he was a child, he never paid so much attention to a small game!

Because he can easily clear all the games he comes into contact with!

So he was not interested in these things later, he never thought that he would be addicted to a game again in his thirties!

He even wanted to buy that game company!

For this new work, he has been waiting so long that the flowers are almost withering!

But now, the damn official website is not overcrowded!

"J.A.R.V.I.S, cut off other people's information for me, let me download first!"

"Yes, sir!"

J.A.R.V.I.S started to operate on the network, and soon put Tony's computer into the official website download queue.

In a super rich man's villa, the internet speed is definitely not bad, and the volume of "Warcraft" is not too big, and he downloaded the game in less than a minute!

"Haha, it's so beautiful! Others may still be stuck in front of the computer, but I've already started playing!"

While talking, Shi Dake opened the game.

Antarctic Game Company's consistent style is 'download and play'!

Save the decompression time, save the installation time!

A real conscience black technology company!

It's even more conscientious than his Stark industry!

"Wow!! It's not the same as the King of Fighters at all, it seems that this time the style change is very big!"

Tony clicked to start the game.

"Huh?! This is... is this a magical movie?"

Tony finished watching the opening animation and entered the novice tutorial.

"Holy shit! Is this making me play God?"

"To be precise, it is to let you experience the commander, sir."

"I know, J.A.R.V.I.S, can't you hear that is an exaggerated exclamation?"

"Yes, I know, sir."

"Damn it, then why are you pissing me off?"


Tony played the tutorial, which is the easiest game.

He has been a genius since he was a child, and he has always been unambiguous about playing games.

Halfway through the novice tutorial, he felt bored. He felt that he had understood all the content of the game, and even looking at those novice guides was as annoying as an old mother's nagging!

So, he forcibly quit the novice tutorial.

In the interface specially adjusted by Xu Dan, there is a single player option and a multiplayer option.

A single-player game naturally means a stand-alone version.

And multiplayer games are online battles!

"What's the point of standing alone? Let's fight directly!"

Tony Stark pressed the multiplayer option confidently.

Theoretically speaking, since he took a shortcut and was the first player to download the game, at this time, it would be very difficult to match players!

However, when he pressed start, he matched the opponent in almost 0.1 seconds, and soon officially entered the game map!

Looking at the official game scene, Tony was slightly surprised. Even after reading the map of the novice tutorial, now looking at the official version of the map, he was still surprised!

He used to work in the arms industry and had seen many armies and forces.

All along, he has positioned those people as reckless and rough people!

But now looking at the 'soldiers' under him, they all obeyed his orders 100%!

A pleasure called power hits my heart!

That's how those generals usually control their soldiers!

This feeling is really great!

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