Captain America's reaction can be said to be both expected and unexpected.

As expected, he had already stood in the opposite camp, dealing a great blow and damage to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Unexpectedly, he really chose this way, ignoring everyone's persuasion, as well as Tony Stark's sincerity.


Tony Stark was so angry that he couldn't speak, he just kept saying yes.

Everyone on the "Five Five Seven" S.H.I.E.L.D side looked gloomy, which was in great contrast to the secret joy of the HYDRA camp on the opposite side.

Only then did Xu Dan understand that it is very simple to protect a friend from skin trauma, as long as he is strong enough.

However, if you want to protect your friends from being hurt in your heart, it is almost impossible.

Emotion will hurt.

There are many people in this world, and the gap between each person is greater than the gap between humans and other species.

Some people are aware of this, so they are very tolerant to strangers, because they know that they cannot be too demanding.

Such people can well protect themselves from harm, because they are seldom emotional.

But some people don't realize this, or in other words, they are aware of it, but they still maintain great kindness towards the world.

Just like Iron Man, although he usually looks cynical, he also has a very poisonous tongue, mocking all forces.

But his heart is soft, and he treats his friends very well.

Therefore, it is easy to get hurt.

Therefore, when he was betrayed by his friends, he seemed to suffer a lot more than others.

Because what he has to face is not only a friend who betrayed him, but also a sincere wrong payment all the time.

Just think about it, you have always been sincere to a person, but that person has always been acting in front of you.

The acting is so good that it makes you think you are best friends.

Until one day, he and another person put a knife on your most painful place.

Only then did you discover his pretense and hypocrisy, but it was too late.

Because, the knife was shining brightly in his heart, reminding himself that he deserved it.

Iron Man is in such a state right now.

Just when the scene froze for a moment, Winter Soldier laughed.

His laughter is very strange, like a hoarse night owl, not only harsh, but also very unpleasant...

"It's really ridiculous, tsk tsk tsk, the dignified Iron Man is hysterical and out of style because of a Captain America, it makes people laugh!"

While taunting Iron Man, Winter Soldier kicked Nick who was lying on the ground hard.

Although Xu Dan doesn't want to control Nick, he is a member of S.H.I.E.L.D after all.

Winter Soldier was slapping S.H.I.E.L.D in the face by treating him like this, and even everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D was shameless.

Xu Dan didn't want Iron Man to feel uncomfortable because of this, so he shot immediately.

Only a crisp, loud and incomparably huge amounts of slap sounded in the room.

The Winter Soldier, who was still laughing wildly just now, is now being tied up like Nick and falling firmly to the ground. 0.2 Xu Dan stepped on Winter Soldier's face with one foot, and said coldly:

"Keep laughing, aren't you good at laughing? Laugh again, sir, listen?"

Winter Soldier was trampled under his feet, feeling extremely angry inside, but he couldn't do anything, he could only make a "woo-woo" sound in his throat to express his resistance.

Xu Dan ignored him and stomped on him blindly. .

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