Captain America sighed and said in a low voice:

"Tony, you know that as a member of the Avengers, I will always take saving the world as my mission. In the crisis moment of S.H.I.E.L.D, I want to stand up and fight with you, you know?

However, I am already a traitor, am I still qualified to do so? Do I have a choice?"

Iron Man smiled coldly: "If I knew today, why should I be the first?"

Captain America shook his head, his tone showed firmness, and continued: "If I were given a second chance to choose, I would still choose this way.

Iron Man said angrily: "You are crazy, what good did that Tu Bing do to you? Make you willing to work for him.

As soon as Captain America raised such a question, he began to keep his mouth shut and stopped talking.

Iron Man calmed down, and then asked: "Forget it, I won't ask these questions, and you won't tell them anyway.

Now that you're interested in rejoining us, let's talk about your relationship with the Winter Soldier. "

Captain America still kept his mouth shut and said nothing.

Iron Man rolled his eyes and said: "Hey, please, it's not a secret, it should be okay to say it?

Can't you tell us all your previous stories?"

Captain America sighed and said slowly: "Winter Soldier and I were comrades in arms many years ago, and we were separated during a mission.

Finally, I saw him fall off the glacier.

I thought he was dead, but he reappeared in front of me, and became the assassin sent by HYDRA to kill me.

It's all very hard for me to accept, and I'm especially in pain.

Tony you know what? I'm in so much pain. "

Iron Man didn't expect there to be so many twists and turns, and he regretted Captain America's misunderstanding.

Iron Man said apologetically, "Sorry, Steve, I didn't know there were so many stories in it.

Captain America shook his head, and said embarrassingly, "I'm the one who should say sorry."

"I didn't discuss it with you, and I didn't tell you the truth, so I acted self-righteously, and made you sad and sad. It really shouldn't be.

It can be seen that Captain America is very self-blaming.

Instead of comforting him, Iron Man nodded and said bitterly, "That's right, Steve, you really shouldn't.


If you can say it, we will all understand you.

Have you forgotten our tacit understanding of fighting together?"

Captain America sighed and said, "But I was already wrong."

Iron Man retorted: "What does that matter, if you make a mistake, you can correct it."

Captain America shook his head again: "No escape, I don't know what I mean, I mean I know it's wrong, but I don't want to change it, or I can't change it."

Iron Man was inexplicable by Captain America's words|opened his mouth and asked "why".

Captain America bit his lip, and said as if he had made a lot of determination: "I didn't intend to tell you, but it's better to say it.

I once promised Winter Soldier that we will fight together no matter what, and now he has regained his life with great difficulty, so I can't just abandon him and stand against him. "

Iron Man said in disbelief: "What about us? Can we stand on the opposite side of us?

Didn't you also say that you want to fight side by side with us? Why doesn't that count as righteousness?".

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