Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 42 Bullseye Sniper

Jin Bing gave Bullseye the task of bringing Xu Dan back alive.

Now he not only wants to take over Xu Dan's company, but also wants to meet this mysterious man in the end.

According to the instructions, Bullseye was riding a motorcycle, and in the early hours of the morning, he was waiting on Xu Dan's only way to work.

Xu Dan drives every morning, from the villa to the company, generally speaking, it only takes ten minutes. If there is a traffic jam, he will be late.

But he's the boss, and none of that matters.

Bullseye saw the supercar from a distance, and a mentally ill smile suddenly appeared on his face. He immediately started the motorcycle, went the wrong way on the road, and rushed straight towards Xu Dan's sports car.

The speed of the sports car is extremely fast, and the speed of the bullseye motorcycle is also fast.

But his hands are faster. During the high-speed speeding, he reached for his belt. It turns out that it is not an ordinary belt. The belt buckle can be removed and used as flying darts!

For Bullseye, a toothpick can be a deadly weapon!

Not to mention this special flying darts!

According to the speed of the sports car and the strength with which he threw the flying darts, he could definitely penetrate the glass in front of the sports car and hit Xu Dan's shoulder inside with one blow! When the sports car overturns, the layers of emergency protection in the high-end sports car will definitely ensure that Xu Dan is not dead. As long as he is not dead, he is considered alive. This does not violate Jin Bing's mission requirements.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is difficult to hit the driver on the seat, let alone the high-precision operation of hitting the driver's shoulder!

But Bullseye just can do it!

His super-ability-like throwing accuracy, if you say you hit the right eye, you definitely don't hit the left eye!


Flying darts cut through the air and shot towards the supercar!

On the sports car, Xu Dan had already noticed the motorcycle driving in the opposite direction!

Reasonably speaking, this kind of motorcycle can drive in the urban area, but it is not allowed to go on the expressway at all!

Now the other party is not only on the high speed, but also going backwards, thinking with his toes, he knows that the other party has a problem!

They came to 'assassinate' him, this is the fourth wave!

Due to the strengthening of the gift package, Xu Dan's spirit is very amazing. When he is driving, even if he runs 300 miles, he still feels that the time around him is flowing slowly!

It seems like everything is slow!

In such a situation, he can make many incredible driving skills.

When he found that the man on the motorcycle waved his hand, he knew that the other party was using a hidden weapon.

Immediately turn the steering wheel quickly, and make an emergency dodge in the side lane. The ultra-high-performance car tires make a creaking friction sound against the ground!

Under Bullseye's horrified gaze, that supercar seemed to have moved a certain distance in Shi Gengsheng's life!

And his flying darts also came to nothing!

What Bullseye pursued all his life was to hit the target with every shot, and any miss would be a shame to him.

After all, he has some mental problems, and he is very annoyed at the shame of this miss!

This is the greatest shame in his life! !

How shameful is it?

Even if it's a fool, throwing a brick straight at the oncoming sports car can easily hit it!

But he, bullseye!

Also used special flying darts, the balance is not the same.

He aimed at Xu Dan's shoulder, but the flying darts not only missed people, they didn't even hit the fucking car!

The opponent even took the car with him, dodging his attack!

Others may not feel it, but to Bullseye, it's a scorching sarcasm! !

"Ah!!" He roared, and regardless of the danger, he turned the accelerator of the motorcycle suddenly, and the speed suddenly increased!

This was a desperate act. On the highway, he was heading towards a sports car!

The speed is very high, and the two are about to collide, which is very dangerous!

He is still accelerating at this time!

Once they collide together, the car may be hit and flipped, but he on the motorcycle will definitely die into a puddle of mud!

While accelerating, he reached out again, reached for the belt, and took out another flying darts.

He is planning to throw it at close range!

One hundred meters!

Fifty meters!

Ten meters!

In just one hundred meters, at the speed of a sports car, it doesn't take a few seconds at all, it's there in an instant!

Seeing that the two were about to collide, Bullseye quickly turned the head of the motorcycle at the last moment and avoided the sports car in an emergency!

Just when his person was parallel to the window of the driver's seat of the sports car, he finally made his move!

This time, it is an excellent opportunity to start!

Time seems to be frozen at this moment!

The bullseye is almost close to the car body, so the distance between the two people is very close!

The distance can adjust the accuracy of throwing. If you can’t hit the ten rings from ten meters away, then if you can’t hit the ten rings within one meter, you can really commit suicide!

That's no different from trash! For a world-class precision thrower!

He waved his hand, and the silver flying darts in his hand were about to fly out!

At this critical moment, with his sharp eyesight, he seemed to see Xu Dan turning his head slightly, with a mockery on his face!

hateful! !

Damn it! !

Time slowed down, Xu Dan's mocking smile was engraved in Bullseye's mind.


Suddenly, there was a low roar from the engine of the sports car, and the whole car, as if it had a jet propeller, exploded at the limit speed, and the taillights of the car were as dazzling as streamers!

Bullseye's attack failed again!

This is a fatal humiliation for him!

Just like a cat catching a mouse, it will not be eaten at the first time, but slowly played to death!

For the first time, relying on his incredible driving skills, Shi Gengsheng moved horizontally and dodged his flying darts!

This time, he humiliated his IQ severely by relying on pure super running speed!

However, before he had time to make a decision, he was hit by the strong airflow following the sports car on his face, feeling like he was lacking oxygen for a while!

Fortunately, there were no other vehicles behind Xu Dan, otherwise, during his short time of lack of oxygen and feeling suffocated, he might have been hit by another car and flew into the sky!

Bullseye hurriedly reduced the speed of the motorcycle and used the drift to steer.

When he turned his head to look for Xu Dan, there was no sign of Xu Dan, and he couldn't even see Xu Dan's license plate number!

"Damn, damn, damn! Ahh!"

"Xu Dan! Xu Dan! I remember you, you humiliated me, I must make you pay the price!!"

Roaring, Bullseye drove the motorcycle and chased after Xu Dan in the direction where Xu Dan disappeared!

He has some mental problems, and he swears that if he doesn't kill Xu Dan today and return the shame that Xu Dan brought to him, he won't be called Bullseye!

As for Jin Bing's mission, he automatically listed it on the second line.

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