Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 6 Release, Shock!

In other words, every intern who just came out is short of money.

Although the company went bankrupt, he still has channels as a game developer!

It's just that those who used to be called "Sir, Boss" now just ignore Xu Dan.

This is human nature, and he doesn't care.

Anyway, we are all business partners. No one will talk to you about your relationship in the workplace. Everything has a purpose.

He found an old "friend" who had an arcade in the north of Manhattan Island.

He planned to launch the game here first.

It is not to question the gold-absorbing ability of the optimized version of King of Fighters, but to consider the cost.

The owner of this game hall is quite conscientious.

Soon, he negotiated with his boss Jeff.

The next day, a group of beautifully dressed young girls appeared at the booth at the entrance of the game hall.

I saw that the clothes on them were full of unique temptations.

The leader is the Asian model that Xu Dan paid a lot of money for! Thirty thousand USD for an hour!

It is a pain in the flesh!

However, the model did not live up to his expectations.

After magical makeup, she cosplayed Mai Shiranui's appearance, with only two pieces of cloth on her body, and a large sherbet fruit dew on her body, the restoration rate reached an astonishing 90% or more!

Many passers-by, especially some men, when they saw the girls on the stage, their feet felt as if they had been filled with lead, and they couldn't walk!

"Oh, Shete! Kang Rui, if you show me that bitch again, I'll cut out your eyeballs!" A 1.8-meter-tall woman said while pinching her boyfriend's throat.

"I...I..." The man was speechless for a long time, but his gaze was still on that 'Shiranui Mai'.

No way, in front of sexy, everything is a paper tiger!

It was a direct impact on human nature, and no one could resist it!

Even the model who took over the job all the year round, after the tailor-made clothes on the boat, praised again and again, saying that he felt that he was very attractive.

And full of praise to the costume designer who praised Fang!

She is considered to be a middle-level model in the modeling industry. Some of the clothes on her body are made by masters, or high imitation masters. Naturally, she has unique insights into the evaluation of clothes.

So, she gladly put on the cosplay costume, and then confidently expressed herself on the platform.

"Hello, beauty, I want to ask, is there any activity in this game hall?" A fat man wearing glasses looked at the model of cos Mai Shiranui.

The fat man's line of sight followed the simple clothes, like a poisonous snake, into the depths of the secret!

Unexpectedly, this model is a veteran, her protection is as tight as an iron net!

'Mai Shiranui' smiled professionally, and replied: "Hello, please look here!"

As she spoke, she pointed to the poster posted outside the game hall.

Following the guidance, the fat man noticed those gorgeous posters.

"Fist...Emperor? Oh! God! You are that character!" the fat man exclaimed.

The model's smile remained the same, she should do as much work as she got, "The name of the game is "The King of Fighters". My cosplay character is Mai Shiranui. Do you like it?"

"I don't know... Huo... Wu? What's the name!" Fatty obviously didn't know the Japanese name.

But the model was very patient, and directly zoomed in on her moves, saying in a flattering voice, "Do you like me?"

Hearing this sound, Fatty felt that his bones were about to melt!

“Like love love!!!”

"Then go in!~"

How could a normal man be able to stand this kind of temptation, without saying a word, he rushed directly into the game hall.

The moment he walked into the game hall, he suddenly found that the atmosphere here was much warmer than before!

"Kill him! Kill him!!"

"Haha, that sand sculpture, I blocked him and even magnified his move!!"

"Oh my God!! This woman is the girl of my dreams!!"

"Dance! Dance! Dance!!"

The game hall was filled with cheers from male players.

Fatty walked behind them curiously and looked at the game on the screen.

That is undoubtedly the King of Fighters!

"Are you guys watching a movie? CG?" He wondered.

Hearing the sound, the player who was playing the game turned his head unhappily—he had chosen three female characters, and was about to give it a go, when someone frightened him from behind and owed him!

"Watfark! Do you know how to be polite, fat pig? Shouldn't you say 'excuse me' before asking someone?"

Fatty has a good temper and doesn't care if others call him a fat pig.

What's more, he is eager to know, what is on this screen? ! !

That's fascinating!

He didn't care to get angry, "I'm sorry to bother you, is this a game CG? How could it be played on this kind of machine?"

Huangmao smiled contemptuously, moved the joystick, and the characters in the game also moved, "Understood, this is the game! What kind of rubbish did you play before! This is the well-deserved No. 1 game in the world!" A game!"

"This is actually a game?!" Fatty was shocked.

The optimized version of King of Fighters is constantly washing the players' vision. When they were still addicted to the mosaic game, suddenly such an awesome game appeared, with the ultimate style of painting, the cool fighting, and the realistic characters. All amazing!

If it is said that this is a game made by God, he will believe it!

Because, apart from God, in this day and age, which game company can make this kind of super invincible game in the universe?

Fatty walked to the front desk silently and bought a one-time game currency of one hundred dollars!

He played games without sleep and food, and when night fell and he had to go home, he only used the remaining game coins and placed a letter next to it, vaguely resembling a 'G'.

The success of the first day of King of Fighters is due to Xu Dan's ghostly publicity method.

In this day and age, there is no such propaganda program.

cos + advertising posters, this is something that gradually appeared in people's sight after the otaku culture took shape in the future.

But now, this kind of publicity means unprecedented, it means traffic!


Xu Dan opened the system panel, and the moment the game was officially launched, the system had already activated a notification.

Said the point mall has been opened.

In the beginning, not many people played, so there were not many points.

After all, it's just a game hall, not a game city!

The machines inside are limited, even if players want to play, they have to queue up for a long time!

Many people couldn't wait after queuing up, and ran to other game halls, only to find that there was no such game in other game halls!

Just run back again!


Ask for support!

Recently, the Marvel theme is not very prosperous, I hope the brothers will support it!

The update is as stable as an old dog, and you can rest assured to collect it!

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