Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 61 The Virtual Battle Room Is Successfully Developed!

This is nothing shameful.

It is semi-public in the business world.

But the question is, how did this old bald man say such "yes" words!

This is amazing!

How to explain!

"Okay, here it is." Beast broke the embarrassment by speaking suddenly.

Xu Dan walked in, and it was an empty room with special panels already arranged.

These panels are the same as those in the brain wave booster.

"Oh, it looks like the battle system is the only thing left in this scene?"

Beast Hank scratched the back of his head embarrassingly, and said: "Actually, there is still some work to be done, but most of it has been completed."

"It seems that you are really waiting for me to make the combat system!" Xu Dan rolled up his sleeves and said.

"I've studied your game and it's really good."

It seems that Hank also took a fancy to the combat system of the game from Xu Dan's team!

If a combat system can be tailored for the X-Men, the benefits will definitely be huge amounts of!

X-Men need training. There are so many Mutant accidents in the world every day, and X-Men cannot guarantee 100% proper handling.

There are even some stone battles, such as the match against the giant Magneto, they need to practice the stone more real experience!

In Xu Dan's mind, he already had a level of understanding of X-Men. He didn't even bother to look carefully at the data of the Mutants. He flicked his fingers on the keyboard and created the combat system of the virtual training room without stopping!

On the one hand, it is helping Xavier's School.

More importantly, he is using this as a test product to lay the foundation for his own development of virtual holographic games in the future!

The combat system of the virtual training room is not as simple as that of ordinary online games. After all, the living people are allowed to train in it, not a game character composed of data. Killed in training, it can't be fun at all! Be sure to control it to a certain degree!

Otherwise, I'm afraid he will be hunted down by the remaining X-Men all over the world!

This old bald man could be instantly pissed off!

The first thing Xu Dan has to do is to write down the highest instructions similar to the "Three Laws of Robotics" for the system.

You can leave no room for the trainer, but you can't kill any life.

Then, other content about the combat system was slowly entered.

The whole process lasted more than half a month!

Definitely half a month, that is, only half a day at work. He is the one who takes time out every day to perfect the system.

In the company, to be honest, there is really nothing to be busy with.

Among the three major games currently produced, even if you want it to have some bugs, they will not come out!

Even if the earliest "King of Fighters" is running until today, it still maintains absolutely zero bugs!

Countless people in the world want to crack the Antarctic company's game package, but in the end they discovered their Ability and the encryption method of the game package [It's been a century!

The only trouble is the reporters who gather downstairs every day!

Every day when Xu Dan goes to West Chester, he has to go quietly, so as not to be targeted by those dog legs and make some fishing boats.

The day Xavier's School's virtual training room was completed, let's raise our glasses to celebrate!

During these days of work, Xu Dan also got to know Cyclops, Phoenix, Storm and others in X-Men, but he didn't see Wolverine's shadow. I'm afraid that lone wolf is still wandering outside.

Xu Dan took a sip and declined Hank's warm invitation.

"You guys go ahead and drink first, I want to test the combat system in the virtual training room by myself, if there are any loopholes, I can't hold back my face!"

Hank admired this scientific research spirit very much, looked at Xu Dan's back, and looked at the fine wine in the glass.

Everyone has been working so hard for so many days in a row, but it's a bit of a waste to have good wine but don't know how to celebrate!

It can only be said that their race is the same, and they can have a carnival with a beer bonfire.

And the Chinese people who have undergone historical precipitation are always more flexible than them in thinking!

Hank is reluctant to drink, but at the same time, he is also worried that it will be dangerous for Xu Dan to test the machine alone. After all, it is a training equipment for X-Men! And X-Men are the best fighters in Mutant!

Xu Dan doesn't even have a Mutant, doesn't even have a Super Ability, how could he stand up to it!

Hank drank himself a few more drinks, and then quickly questioned Xu Dan!

However, when he came to the door of the virtual training room, it showed that the inside had already started!

"Whoa, shit... what?"

Beast Hank looked at the status display with a dazed expression, as if he had seen a ghost!

"In combat...Target: Sabretooth!"

As a member of Mutant, and also a member who has a lot of knowledge, Hank understands very well that Sabretooth is a freak with infinite strength and fierce nature!

Rather than saying that guy is a Mutant, it's more like a Sabretooth mutant!

Xu Dan in the virtual training room naturally understands what kind of existence Sabretooth is, that guy is a tough guy who can beat Wolverine!

Wolverine has Adamantium claws and is originally not weak, but under Sabretooth's hands, it's like playing with a doll!

This shows how fierce Sabretooth is!

In the virtual training room.......

Xu Dan didn't observe Sabretooth immediately, but looked around!

His eyes were full of novelty, and he murmured subconsciously: This is the virtual world! This is the so-called virtual world!"

Unlike those VR games on the market, here, you don't feel that this is a game at all!

The incomparable degree of authenticity washes away human senses!

See with your eyes!

(Nuo Haohao) Use your ears to listen!

Use your nose to smell!

Use your hands to grab the dust on the ground!

If he didn't know in advance, otherwise he would really think that this place is not those high-tech synthesis boards at all, but a real battlefield filled with gunpowder!

The sand is in the hand, the kind of touch that is indistinguishable from reality...

So shocking!

Although in the previous online game novels, I have seen countless times that the 99% authenticity, and even XXOO in the game, but when a person really comes here, it is still unavoidable to feel the shock!

"In the future, I must create a virtual game that is more realistic and interesting than this. I want my players to regard my game as the second world!"

Just as Xu Dan was stunned, a tiger howled suddenly from the left, and then, a strong man over two meters tall rushed out!

Those bony muscles look full of strength!.

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