Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 74: Banner Is Attacked, And Gonitz Is Dispatched

While he was busy making two games here, Bruce Banner, who was packing up and preparing to leave, ran into some troubles in Brazil.

For some reason, General Ross found out that he was hiding in Hercinia through some means.

He actually brought a well-trained team and quietly came to arrest him!

After realizing that several armed soldiers were approaching, he made a decisive decision, directly twisted the bed sheet into a rope, hung him and jumped from the window.

As soon as he hit the ground, he ran wildly.

Now with the suppression of the 'drug' given by Xu Dan, he can run as fast as he wants without having to worry about heart rate, let alone worry about turning into a green titan.

When the soldier kicked Banner's room open and looked at the open window, he realized that something was wrong and the target had escaped!

They immediately ran to the window, spotted Banner fleeing at a glance, and immediately mobilized the ground team towards the wireless communication!

The soldiers had guns in their hands, and Banner was really worried.

Although those 29 guns are full of narcotic bombs, as long as they are caught, their fate is the same!

The soldiers chased him all the way, and Banner was quick to use his wits. The only person who can help him now is probably that Mr. Xu Dan who has never met before!

He immediately took out his antique mobile phone and dialed a stored number.

New York.

Antarctic Game Building.

Xu Dan was still typing codes desperately, when suddenly, the mobile phone on his right rang.

"Banner?" He almost has a photo memory now, and when he found the Banner number that day, he had already remembered it.

There was a burst of panting on the other end of the phone, and Banner urgently shouted: "Mr. Xu Dan! Luo... General Ross... I am being hunted down!"


Xu Dan understood immediately.

It's just that I didn't expect that General Ross would appear sooner or later, but at this time!

Looking at the work in his hand, he sighed helplessly.

Said: "Banner, don't worry now, Ross and the others are not willing to kill you now, as long as you keep running away, or even if you are caught, it's fine, I will send someone to rescue you right now!"

Hearing this solemn tone, Banner was finally relieved.

After Xu Dan hung up the phone, he immediately found a number in the address book that he hadn't dialed for a long time.

This is the phone call he arranged for Gonitz at the time. After all, in the environment of modern New York, without a mobile communication device, it is no different from a primitive person!

"Hello, my lord!"

Gonitz's tone was still so rigid, he said that other gangsters are called bosses, but he just didn't change his words.

"Go to Brazil and save someone!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Gonitz didn't even ask anyone, and agreed directly.

This is loyalty.

After Xu Dan finished the communication, he immediately sent the map and Banner's personal information to Gonitz's mobile phone, and he was relieved.

Then there is no need to worry anymore, Xu Dan has always been at ease when Gonitz handles the affairs.

Putting down his phone, he continued to work.

Banner had the bottom line in his mind, regained some strength all over his body, and hurriedly continued to run wildly.

However, a person's strength is always limited, and behind him is an army led by a royal agent!

In addition to this team, there are several off-road vehicles around to track and round up!

Escaping is very difficult!

He looked up at the deep forest outside Hecinia, and immediately decided to hide in the deep forest temporarily!

As long as you enter the woods, at least those cars can't drive in!

Moreover, if the woods are deep, it will affect their wireless signal, and the commanding team will be lost at that time, and it will be weakened a little bit anyway.

Emil Bronski, an agent from Croatia, a veteran in his forties!

He has spent almost half of his life on missions, and has exceptionally rich combat experience. General Ross specially took him in and ordered him to capture Bruce Banner.

A mere Bruce, for the experienced Bronski, is actually very simple.

However, Ross's old thing presents a problem!

First, you are not allowed to shoot Bruce Banner, so you can only use tranquilizer bombs.

Second, be careful not to irritate Bruce Banner. As for why, no one knows.

The first constraint is acceptable, and I have done similar live capture tasks before.

But the second article seems a bit too much, what do you mean not to irritate the target?

However, Ross's military rank is now a general, and Bronski can only bite the bullet and obey orders.

He led the team and chased Banner all the way into the woods.

In this dense forest, their tranquilizer guns are restricted again!

Want to hit the running Banner unless it's Marksman coming!

So, there is only one way for everyone now, and that is to silently follow Banner, using the most energy-saving running method in the army, until Banner is exhausted.

General Ross was sitting in the car, but he was already distraught.

He concealed the fact of the monster from his soldiers.

So, they don't even know what kind of terrifying existence they are chasing now. Once the Banner explodes and turns into a monster, I'm afraid they will all be smashed to pieces!


The first wave of undercover arrests had failed, but Rose didn't want to give up.

So he keeps the squad in hot pursuit.

But in this way, there is a 217 serious problem, that is, the Banner may transform at any time!

This is what Ross is most worried about. Once that monster transforms, even the tanks and cannons will be useless, let alone this small team!

He stared at the screen closely, paying close attention to the vital signs of every soldier. Once any soldier died, it meant Banner went crazy!

However, after such a long pursuit, he himself was sweating profusely while waiting, but Banner still didn't respond!

"What the hell is going on? Could it be that he has... Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Bronski! Answer me! What's the matter now!"


Coincidentally, the wireless signal was interfered at this time!

Rose's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. According to his personal rational deduction, the dense forest can easily interfere with the current communication, but is there another terrifying possibility...

"Oops, Bruce, that guy may have gone crazy!"

Immediately, he quickly ordered the soldiers in the car, "You, restore the communication for me immediately, no matter what, connect me to the team ahead!"

"Yes, General!"

Ross jumped out of the car depressed, looked at the forest in front of him, and jumped with hatred.

"Bronsky is a waste, I can't even catch a Banner!".

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