Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 95 "Heavenly Knife" Is Online, China Is Boiling!

After acquiring Fengxue Company and some game companies in Daoguo, Anji Company invested heavily in Xunteng and Ali Jisi.

Among these two future leading companies in China, Xu Dan alone owns 30% of Xunteng shares, and Alisi has reached a terrifying 51%!

After spending such a huge amount, the Antarctic company had to temporarily enter a buffer state.

In the final analysis, the Antarctic Game Company is his main body, and it cannot affect the operation of the main body for other reasons.

The last time he promised Xiao Ma a new game agency, this game has already been put on the agenda.

Xiaoma is a Chinese game dealer, and Huazhen is a nation with a long history and culture.

Unlike the guys from the United States who are tough and simple, as long as they play well and the plot is good, they don't have much cultural pursuit in playing games.

Not to mention others, even Xu Dan himself had a dream of being a knight when he was young!

I have been making games for so long, but I have never made an ancient game, not because of the difficulty, but because of the audience!

The previous Antarctic company was eager to develop, so Xu Dan chose some games that are acceptable to all people!

And now, Antarctica has become the world's game minister!

You have become a brand yourself!

What many game fans are chasing now is no longer the game, but the Antarctic as a whole!

Therefore, no matter what type of game is released in Antarctica, there will always be a large number of basic players!

This game is "Sword of Heaven"!

Let Xiao Ma act as an agent, he can rest assured.

Definitely, Xu Dan is well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the original version of "Heavenly Knife".

When I used to play "Heaven Knife", I often met friends who left the pit after the plot, or turned to the scenery flirting party!

Very few people play this game with heart!

Even later, this game also had a nickname————— Tianya money knife!

If there are not a dozen or so mines at home, it is absolutely impossible to continue playing!

This is also the main reason why Guofeng online games have not been able to persist!

Throughout the domestic martial arts-themed online games, from the very beginning to the rapid decline, which one is not defeated by the word "money"?

As a game developer, Xu Dan has already understood the shortcomings, so naturally he must find a way to make up for them!

First of all, let's start with the gameplay. Everyone knows that the gameplay of "Sword of Heaven" is rubbish.

That being the case, then integrate the gameplay of other games!

China used to be rich in countless martial arts online games, and there is a lot of material piled there, take the essence and discard the dross!

Secondly, that is 'pitting money'!

If a game cheats money for the sake of cheating money, such as a certain game, its existence will be meaningless, and it will ruin its earlier reputation instead.

However, if a developer develops a game and ends up not making much money in the end, it is also a failure!

There must be a degree in the middle!

Don't sell fashions and decorations all day long, there are some things that players can explode by themselves!

It is obviously such a huge and beautiful world, why not add a little sandbox element to it?

As long as the players work diligently in the game, there will be combat ratings, fashions, and girls!

Now that they are happy, Xu Dan is also happy!

Gandi is his favorite player type!

Points are more important than money!

Moreover, in the game, this is not the only change.

Players don't even need to take the main story line, it will be an open world, no matter which way to go, it is the player's freedom!

Whether you are a robber, a flower picker, a prince, or a scholar!

Even a little shepherd boy has wonderful ways to play!

After three months of publicity, when winter is gradually leaving, people take off their thick puppets.

"Sword of Heaven" also announced that it will be launched simultaneously worldwide!

The most enthusiastic responses are definitely Chinese players!

Chinese players have unique emotions for Antarctic Company's modified version of "Sky Knife".

That is the love buried in the bones!

Thousands of years of cultural heritage cannot be replaced by explosions, magic, orc roars!

Observation data from the background shows that in the short ten hours since "Sword of Heaven" was launched, the number of Warcraft players in China has lost 70%!

Definitely, they didn't abandon the game, but transferred to this martial arts game together!

There are also some people who have never liked online games, when they saw the promotional advertisement of "Heaven Knife", they chose to try it without hesitation!

Anyway, the game is completely free, and you won't lose anything if you play it!

Even some uncles of a certain age walked into the Internet cafe shirtless!

This game is not the money-charging knife used by Xunteng!

It is a game released by Antarctic Company, a well-known game manufacturer in the world, and represented by Brother Pony!

At this time, the word-of-mouth effect perfectly reflects the shit!

Even if the uncle born in the 70s doesn’t care about what Anji Company is at all, what haunts his ears all day long is how awesome Anji Company is and how conscientious the boss of Anji is!

Over time, a subconscious will also arise in their hearts——Antarctica is not only Antarctica, but also a very charitable and good company!

Chen Jianguo, a man born in that red era.

Today, he is already an uncle in his fifties.

When he walked into the Internet cafe, he found that the poker players in his community were there!

It seems that he is the only one who also dreams of martial arts!

He happily walked over and reached out to pat the shirtless shirt.


"Hey, Old Wang, you're playing too! Which district are you in? Come on, let's play together, my son just taught me how to play this game!"

"I'm in the Phoenix collection, dog day, hurry up!"

Chen Jianguo boarded the game, and the picture in front of him stunned him.

When I humbly asked for advice before, I didn't feel how the game was.

But now when I play with myself, I realize that this is simply the gate to a new world!


Fly over the eaves and walk on the wall, punish the evil and help the weak!

This jump is three feet high!

Green shirt and long sword, chivalrous heart!

This sword has a three-foot cold glow!

This world is the perfect world he imagined in the storyteller's mouth!

From the player's point of view, it's his own character's long hair like ink, and the craftsmanship of each strand of hair made the uncle's eyes sway, and he subconsciously touched the top of his head.

He pressed the button and walked towards the mission location.

The lush willow leaves in Yu Guangli are not as good as the beauty in my eyes! Mingyuexin!

Tom Tom!!

Heart beating!

So beautiful!

People in reality, even if they dress up thousands of times, are not as perfect as other women!

As everyone knows, this is just Xu Dan's Elementary level special effects optimization!

If the medium level of "Heaven Knife" is optimized, I am afraid that all male players will lose their sense of real women!

He manipulated the character and walked over, and an option box popped up immediately.

"|| Young Hero..."

This night, Huaxia boiled.

"Heavenly Knife" produced by Xu Dan can be said to embody China's knight culture to the fullest. In the game, there are some easter eggs from time to time, which embodies the great wisdom that only Chinese people understand!

It's the first day of official operation, but it's 100% positive on the whole network!

Whether it is a former professional troll, keyboard man, barman, or sailor, they have devoted themselves to this game this day.

Admire its beauty and admire its rhyme!

Even the relevant departments in China have specially invited Xu Dan to participate in some cultural (Li Wang's) speeches.

On this point, he has no reason to refuse!

He was originally a Chinese, with the characteristics of a real person.

Anything that has been approved by the government is genuine and should be sought after by everyone!

"A game developer was invited by the relevant department?"

Just such a question is enough to attract many people.

It also happens to be able to break some stubborn ideas!

Playing games is just like watching movies. Once you fall into a certain work of a certain actor, you want to watch all the works of this actor!

"Sword of Heaven" is like an introduction.

Sucked away 60% of Huaxia's players from "Warcraft", and then fed back more players back!

Now, many people are not only knights in the rivers and lakes, but also warriors in the mainland.

Observing from the background data, China's online rate has now become the region with the highest proportion in the world!

Because of this cultural resonance, the system points have also undergone a further surge!

This made Xu Dan more determined to enrich the connotation of the game and improve the quality of the game.

Let people not only play games, but also learn from them!

This is one of the ways to keep the game fresh!.

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