Marvel’s Superman

Chapter 216 Coming to Wakanda, an unfriendly meeting



Like New York, like what's happening around the world, here, too, has ushered in the death ending of snapping fingers.

Those tribal warriors in Wakanda, before they knew what was going on, turned to ashes.

As Thanos said, absolutely fair, absolutely random.

With a snap of his fingers, this mysterious excess living in the African continent, down to the commoners, up to the king, was completely wiped out.

There are not many leaders left except for General Okoye, who has won the trust of Black Panther T'Challa.

The moment the death scythe falls, it will not be treated differently because you are a king or a hero.

As for the Avengers, the death list is a long list.

What Winter Soldier, Falcon, Wanda, Vision, all are on it.

Only a few veterans were lucky enough to survive.

"We failed."

Captain America with a beard said weakly.

He sat next to Vision's body, staring at the horrific wound on his forehead.

Thanos abruptly pulled the Mind Stone off the latter's head.

Just half a minute earlier, Captain America had seen Bucky the Winter Soldier go to pieces and die.

The sadness in my heart cannot be described in words.

That is the friend who fought side by side with him, the friend who grew up together!

It was not easy to reunite again, but it was gone.

"The tyrant has succeeded, and his purpose has been achieved."

Thor was extremely regretful, and his heart was empty.

He should have chopped off the head of that purple sweet potato spirit with a storm axe.

This stops everything!

Stop the opponent from snapping that finger!

"Can I get in touch with Tony? What's going on with him?"

War Machine asked.

After an uphill battle, everyone was at a loss stage.

No one knew what to do. Some of them lost their relatives, some lost their lovers, some lost their friends, some lost their kings...

The sacrifice was huge and the price was tragic, but the final victory was still not won.

The ending is not like in the movies and novels, the hero defeats the villain, everyone hugs and cheers, and the story draws a happy ending.

"I don't know, Tony, and that talking bug, the cloak-wearing juggler, they're all on Thanos'... donut ship."

Banner, who couldn't switch the Hulk mode, wanted to say something witty to liven up the atmosphere.

But seeing that his partners were downcast, and even Captain America, who had always been determined and never discouraged, showed a confused look, so he swallowed the inappropriate jokes back.

"Do you have any plans, Captain?"

Black Widow remembered the eagle-eyed Clint who didn't know whether to live or die, and a look of worry appeared in her eyes.

Thanos snapped his fingers, erasing half of all life on earth.

The Clint family, I don't know how many will survive.


Captain America was silent for a while, then tried to sort out his mood and become the calm leader again.

"Go back to New York first and contact the Pentagon - if those acquaintances are still alive."

"With their strength, the list of casualties will be counted as soon as possible."

"We cannot let the social order collapse, and we must stabilize the situation as soon as possible to avoid riots."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. will also mobilize its strength to assist governments in various countries to resume operations."

"Also, find a way to find Tony! We need him!"


Captain America briefly listed a few plans to be implemented.

The entire world lost half of its population, which is equivalent to a huge machine that was running stably and suddenly stopped.

The magnitude of the impact is unimaginable.

In some families, parents may be wiped out by snapping their fingers, leaving only young children.

This requires proper placement.

In some countries, the senior leaders may be unlucky, wipe out most of them with a snap of their fingers, a vacuum in power and internal turmoil.

This needs to be stabilized as soon as possible.

All in all, as the world's population shrinks dramatically.

Whether it is a government or a superhero, they have many problems to face.

"Saul, what are your plans?"

Packing up his sadness, Captain America looked at Thor, who was carrying an axe and wanted to chop something to vent.

Asgard has disappeared, destroyed by the flame giants.

His subjects were also killed on that ship, with few survivors.

Of all the superheroes, Thor is the one who has lost the most.

"I...want to drink."

Sol said bitterly.

Hatred has propped him up to where he is now.

The death of the people and the death of Loki made him think about how to hack Thanos.

But with the snap of the other's fingers, everything disappeared.

Even with the storm axe in hand, he still failed and failed to stop all this.

"If any of you know the whereabouts of the purple sweet potato essence, please notify me as soon as possible."

Sol held Captain America's shoulders, and there was a faint flash of thunder in his eyes, which was jumping anger.

"Wherever he hides, I'll rush over as fast as I can and chop off his head! I swear in Odin's name!"

"Calm down, Thor. You should stay with us, S.H.I.E.L.D. will need your power, and the Avengers will need your power."

Captain America is very good at doing ideological work, and he calmed down the irritable Thor in a few words.

He looked around, looking at the few remaining teammates.

War Machine, Black Widow, Banner, Rocket Raccoon, and a General Okoye.

Tony, Strange and the chattering bug are all in a state of uncertainty.

"We failed, we faced the worst, and we need to face the toughest times of our lives."

Captain America's voice is not high, but it is extraordinarily powerful.

"But no matter how gloomy and gloomy tomorrow is and how hard the reality is, we have to take that small step, get back on our feet, and find our way."



It was as if a cannonball had hit the ground, splashing violent dust.

The dark red cloak twitched.

A figure appeared in front of everyone in such an abrupt way.

"That... Excuse me."

A gentle voice sounded, and its owner had a young face.

"Can you give me some time..."

"As an uninvited, strange guy who suddenly appeared, the first thing you should do is to take the initiative to report your name."

Thor, the god of thunder, looked alert and said in a deep voice.

Other superheroes reacted similarly.

They had just fought an uphill battle against one of the most powerful enemies in history.

At this time, any slight disturbance can easily arouse vigilance.

"I know that you lost your dear brother not long ago, and you also lost your irritable sister, loving father, mother who loves you, and a group of people who follow you and support your people... Er, I don't want you to pour your anger on me, understand?"

Luke, who rushed to Wakanda and then flew to this jungle, said lightly.

On the surface, his attitude seems to be to calm things down.

But according to this statement, no matter how you look at it, you are all dancing in the minefield.

"Haha, good."

Thor laughed in anger, thunder rolling in his eyes.

"Finally, a bastard has come forward, and I can give him a good punch!"

"No matter who you are or what your name is, wait until you beg for mercy later!"


The storm tomahawk lingered with electric light, and the sky was covered with dark clouds.

Sol clenched his weapon and locked his eyes on the damn bastard who dared to provoke him!

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