Marvel’s Superman

Chapter 404: There is an inner ghost, stop the alliance

Diana supported the Amazon Queen, and she was relieved when she was sure that her mother was only temporarily weak and not in serious trouble.

"Take care of Her Majesty the Queen."

She handed the confused and unsteady Hippolyta to the female general Antiope.

"It was probably just poisonous wine, which was mixed with the Aconitum of Cerberus. Fortunately, the dose was not large."

Diana not only knew the skills on the battlefield, she was also very good at learning and had a certain understanding of herbal knowledge.

Cerberus is the "three-headed dog of hell" in Greek mythology.

As soon as it sees the sun, it will spit poisonous saliva, and it will drip into the ground and turn into aconite.

It was a rare herb with a potent poison that not even Hippolyta's demigod body was immune to.

Poison the weak, then assassinate!

Diana swept over the bounced golden trident, and looked at the Atlantis mission a little badly.

Such a weapon is very similar to the weapon style of the people under the sea.

"Have you found the murderer?"

She turned her attention to Penthesilea, the most famous female warrior on Paradise Island.

When the assassination happened, she chased it out immediately.

"No, I only saw a back. The murderer jumped into the sea and didn't have time to stop it."

Penthesilea shook his head, showing regret.

"Let's go, let the delegation of the human world go out, let's go back to Paradise Island first."

Hippolyta was assassinated, unable to preside over the overall situation, and Diana should have stood up.

The Amazon princess proved to be very responsible and decisive, and quickly dealt with the chaotic situation.

Even if the suspicion of murder in the human world and Atlantis cannot be ruled out.

She still released the restrictions on entrances and exits, and did not create more meaningless conflicts.

Keeping the Amazon Queen safe is the top priority.

There are witches on Paradise Island, which can detoxify the poison of Aconitum.

"His Royal Highness Curry, he wants to come over and ask about the Queen's situation..."

An Amazon soldier lowered his voice and said to Diana.

The latter glanced involuntarily at Luke, who was leaning against his chest with his arms folded, and then shook his head in rejection.

For some reason, the Amazon princess didn't want Arthur Curry to appear at this time.

"I'm very busy right now. I've received the condolences and concerns of Atlantis. Let His Royal Highness go back."

Diana waved her hand and rejected the great hospitality of the future Sea King.

She didn't have the heart to deal with the other party. The sudden assassination of her mother cast a shadow over the peace talks that should have ended successfully.

Before long, the Amazon battleship moored at the port drove in.

The female general Antiope took Hippolyta on board the flagship and rushed to Paradise Island first.

"Come back with me."

Diana, who was in charge of the overall situation, slowed down and did not get on the boat, and said to Luke who stayed behind.

"Paradise Island?"

Luke raised his mouth and shook his head.

"The assassination of the Amazon queen will inevitably arouse the reaction of the gods of Olympus. If the murderer is the human world, then the war between gods and mortals will start. If the murderer is Atlantis, then the war between land and sea will start. To ignite, if the murderer is... a god, it's an internal dispute."

"Diana, there will be a lot of things you need to deal with in the next period of time, and all the responsibility is on your shoulders."

"So, I won't go over there to cause trouble, and I can't help much anyway."

At first hearing Luke's refusal, Diana pursed her lips, obviously a little unhappy.

But Luke's calm analysis later made her put away this willfulness.

This man can always convince himself.

"Did you know that there was a tradition in the Amazons long ago that if they liked a male from a certain tribe, they would ask him to fight and then try to defeat each other..."

Standing at the port, Diana's eyes were a little complicated, and she seemed to be entangled in her heart, making it difficult to decide.

"Stun him and take him back to Paradise Island. That man is her future husband."

Luke raised his eyebrows, and his eyes involuntarily turned to the Amazon princess who had put on the golden armor.

He was a little worried that the next moment the other party would knock himself out with a frying pan, or a shield or something, and then pack it up and send it to Paradise Island.

"It sounds a bit like the way of marriage in primitive tribes, stunned with a big stick and dragged into a cave to get married together."

Luke avoided Diana's gaze and changed the subject.

He still hasn't figured out how to take Wonder Woman out of Flashpoint World.

Besides, others may not necessarily follow you.

At this time, if you brush too much favorability, you will fall into a more passive situation.

"If you don't want to go back to Paradise Island with me, then why are you here?"

Diana was a little angry, and her instinct told her that Luke was hiding a lot of secrets.

If she could, she really wanted to use the mantra noose to tie this guy hard and let him come in.

"Certainly to keep the promise."

Luke spread his palms out like magic, conjuring up a strawberry ice cream.

Nuts were sprinkled on top, and there was no sign of melting, as if it had just been made.

"Gifts delivered."

He smiled and handed Diana the ice cream.

The Amazon princess snorted softly, and she has tasted all kinds of sweets in the human world these days.

But facing the ice cream in Luke's hand, Diana still couldn't resist the temptation, and took it over readily.

You deserve it!

"Don't buy me with this little thing!"

The Amazon princess said firmly while eating.

"Then I will reveal a little more information, can I ask Her Royal Highness to forgive me for my ignorance?"

The corner of Luke's mouth raised, he looked at the Amazon female warrior standing on the bow, and said softly, "There is a traitor in Paradise Island."

Diana, who was licking the ice cream, was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't hear it clearly, and then she reacted.


She almost subconsciously rejected this possibility.

Immediately, those clear eyes stared at Luke closely.

"who is it?"

Diana hesitated for a moment and asked in a deep voice.

If it were someone else, she would definitely not believe it.

Amazons value honor and comrades-in-arms, betrayal is a very shameful sin!

For so many years, the Amazon princess had never heard of anyone who would go against the will of the queen and the teachings of Mother Earth.

"Her Majesty's sister, Penthesilea."

Luke answered truthfully.

"She has an unknown identity, and that is Ares' daughter."

"Pentesilea" on Paradise Island is not a four-star card in a krypton game.

She is the daughter of Ares, the god of war, and one of the inner ghosts who planned the assassination.

"Besides her, Orm, the sea lord of Atlantis, was also involved, and perhaps there was a secret push from Ares himself."

Luke doesn't mind giving Diana a "spoiler", anyway, enough things have been changed in the Flashpoint world.

The original trajectory was actually the sea lord Orm colluding with Ares' daughter Penthesilea.

The two cooperated with each other, first assassinating the Amazon queen Hippolyta, and then assassinating the king of Atlantis, trying to provoke a war between the two sides.

As for the purpose?

Paradise Island loses Hippolyta, and if Diana doesn't show qualified leadership, Penthesilea is likely to be the new queen.

Ares, the son of Zeus and Hera, has an extraordinary position.

With his support, the gods will not oppose it much.

And the ocean lord Orm can also remove the biggest stumbling block on his way, his brother Arthur, and thus become king.

Finally, Ares, the god of war hidden behind the scenes.

You can also draw divine power and strengthen yourself through this world war.

A perfect collaboration!

Everyone is a winner!

Except for Diana and Arthur Curry, as well as the human world that was innocently involved.

"Do you have any evidence?"

After listening to the "spoiler" of the long talk, Diana was a little shaken.

She is not the type to easily doubt her companion's character, but these incredible guesses all came from Luke's mouth.

And it is well-founded and logically self-consistent.

"No evidence needed."

Luke looked into the distance and said softly: "The Amazon Queen was not successfully assassinated according to the original script. She is still alive, and the war between Paradise Island and Atlantis cannot be ignited."

"So, Ares will definitely shoot."

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