Marvel’s Superman

Chapter 444 Don't talk about martial arts, female commander

North American Air Defense Command.


This is the temporary operations center for round-the-clock observation of the giant ship.

Once General Zod has any action, the news will be sent from here, and the military of various countries will be quickly notified and then respond.

Just two minutes ago, an American soldier seemed to have noticed something, shouting: "The satellite has detected an unidentified flying object, and it came out of an alien spacecraft!"

"Zoom in, I need a clearer image."

General Swanwick, who was sitting at the headquarters, said in a deep voice.

He is the top commander of NORAD and a notoriously hawkish general in the Pentagon.

Whether it's Superman, or Zod, who made a public threat, the black general has nothing to do with it.

Swanwick believes that these outsiders are malicious, like a time bomb that can be detonated at any time, full of danger.

This is also the general view of the military.

Most of the bigwigs in the military have experienced the Cold War and have a heavy psychological shadow.

Even without Superman, without General Zod.

The hawks of the Pentagon, like a persecuted paranoia, will search the world for the imaginary enemy of the United States.

"It's a suspicious aircraft!"

The GI zoomed in on the image captured by the satellite and projected it onto a screen.

The alien craft was arthropod-like and extremely fast.

It is like a blurry afterimage, making it difficult to see.

"What is its purpose?"

General Swanwick frowned.

The twenty-four-hour deadline has not yet reached, but Zod has sent an aircraft, what are you going to do?


said the American soldier.

"The aircraft was breaking into the skies over Kansas at 380 knots, and they didn't answer our calls and ignored our warnings."

General Swanwick first breathed a sigh of relief that the aircraft was not headed for the Metropolis or Washington, D.C.

Then the dark face became darker.

Without the permission of any country and without any legitimate reason, these guys broke into the airspace of the United States.

General Swanwick picked up the phone at hand, dialed the Pentagon's encrypted channel, and he decided to give these unscrupulous alien visitors a little color.

"This is the North American Air Defense Combined Command, today's code 'Trident'."

"A suspicious aircraft broke into Kansas, intending to violate the personal safety of local residents. I need to mobilize a fighter group to carry out fire strikes."

"Remember! The target is extremely dangerous! Once discovered, destructive violence must be carried out, and it must not be taken lightly!"



Clark, who was far away in the small town of Kansas, did not know for the time being that a Krypton spacecraft was on its way.

He carried an axe, like a real peasant, chopping up the hills of firewood.

"Oh, it's so powerful."

Adoptive father Jonathan said with relief.

"You must be a better farmer than me in the future."

Clark finished his work without a trace of sweat.

This little amount of exercise is equivalent to a walk after a meal, which is nothing at all.

"My biggest dream in the past was to inherit this farm, and then drive a jet plane to spray pesticides..."

There was a trace of nostalgia in Clark's eyes, the happiness of childhood is always so simple.

"Now? Ready to be a superhero?"

the adoptive father Jonathan asked.

These days he talks to Clark about future ideas.

"Helping others makes me happy."

The young Superman nodded, looked at his adoptive father, and said with a smile, "You taught me this. You said that my arrival must have its meaning, and I have some kind of mission on my shoulders."

"Although I still don't know what it is until now, I'm not lost anymore, I've found my way."

Adoptive father Jonathan understood, a smile appeared on his wrinkled face.

Clark wanted to say something else, like discussing what's for dinner, or what's going on at school, or if Lana's been looking for herself.

But his ears moved slightly, and he seemed to hear the harsh roar of high-speed objects rubbing against the atmosphere.

"You go into the house."

A warning sign rose in Clark's heart, urging his adoptive father, Jonathan, to hide in the house.

He narrowed his eyes, looking in the direction of the sound.

It's an aircraft!

Almost instantly, it had come over the Kent farm.

Slowly landed, the hatch opened, and several figures in dark armor appeared.

They were wrapped in helmet-like breathing apparatus, exuding a sense of oppression.

"Very familiar scent."

Clark dropped his axe and watched the group of uninvited guests.

He could feel the strong hostility and unfriendly attitude emanating from the other party.

"who are you?"

Clark asked.

In any case, before a fight, you have to figure out what the other party's name is and who it is.


The leading female commander tilted her head and said softly.

She could tell at a glance that Clark was a Kryptonian.

"I'm not the person you're looking for."

Clark shook his head.

When he saw alien spaceships come to earth before, he also doubted whether it was his compatriots.

But now, the young Superman dismisses the idea.

"My alien name is Kakarot, from the planet Saiyan."

Clark said solemnly.

He never doubted what the big cousin said.

"What a mess..."

The female commander expressed that her brows were slightly wrinkled, and she felt like she and the other party were chatting across servers.

"Kal-El, son of Joe-El, the tribe of Krypton, General Zod orders you to hand over the Birth Code!"

A series of question marks also appeared on Clark's head.


Fertility Code?

What it is?

"Where was the spaceship you took when you came to this earth?"

Upon seeing this, the female commander changed the way of questioning.

Because it seems that the other party does not know the existence of the birth code, his eyes are full of doubts.

Clark didn't answer, but he wasn't very good at lying, and out of the corner of his eyes glanced subconsciously at the barn on Kent's farm.

"I see."

The female commander nodded in satisfaction.

Bend your legs slightly and jump with force.

The whole person jumped into the sky like stepping on a spring.

Then, like a cannonball, it smashed into the barn.


The ground trembled.

The resolute female commander opened the closed spaceship with her bare hands, and a stream of dust rushed to her face.

After a few glances, she didn't find the birth code, and she slammed open the barn again and landed in front of Clark.

"I ask one last time, where is the birth code?"

This time, the attitude of the female commander has become much worse, and it seems that she has lost patience.

The Fertility Code is about the grand goal of rebuilding Krypton, and there is absolutely nothing to lose.

"You broke into my house without authorization, smashed my house, and showed such an unfriendly attitude... I think you should teach you what is politeness."

Rao is Clark's good-natured temper, and can't help but feel annoyed at the reckless behavior of the female commander.

"They are your relatives, right?"

The female commander of Krypton seemed to smile, and she looked past Clark and saw the two humans in the room.

She walked to the house and reached over to overturn a jeep.

Clark, who was about to continue his reasoning, changed his face greatly, and his body suddenly flew into the air, trying to resist the car with both hands.

The weight of more than a ton was pressed down, and the young superman who did not adjust his posture in time fell into the room.

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