When these small gangs were solved, the area controlled by the wild dog gang suddenly increased several times, about two or three blocks, which can already be regarded as a large gang within a small gang.

After the success of this plan, the Wild Dog Gang will have to develop for a period of time, and these chassis must be managed well.

Although you can gain a lot of territory by expanding too quickly, the actual degree of control is not high, and the wealth created is also very limited, which is far less stable and step by step.

Just like they are now, they can earn enough money by operating the current acre and three points of land, and the more money they have, the strength will naturally be strong.

At this time, Holm was also leaning on the sofa and enjoying it with his eyes closed, while also enjoying the strong excitement brought by the strong music, and enjoying that his territory and power were quietly expanding.

After a while, Home's eyes also became lustless, and the stocking sister next to her raised her head while obediently lighting a cigarette for Holm, who picked up a cigarette, and opened her mouth by the way, and then her throat moved to show a charming smile.

At this time, although Holm had entered the sage time, he was not a ruthless man, and I saw him smoking and exhaling a puff of clean smoke, while continuing to put his hand on the little sister's leg and helping her check the quality of the stockings.

As he was about to finish his cigarette, Ryan walked in through the door again and whispered in his ear that the plan had succeeded.

Holm didn't react unexpectedly when he heard this, because everything was expected.

He handed the cigarette butt to the young lady next to him, asked her to help him extinguish the cigarette butt, and then pulled Lane to sit next to him.

Holm grabbed Lane's shoulders, let him look at the lively scene below and said to him: "See the people below?" We are now sitting on top of their heads.

"But now there are also people, and there are a lot of people sitting above our heads."

"Do you know our goal?" Holm turned to look at Lane, then continued: "Our goal is to get to the top and get everyone to look at our asses, or not even our asses. Hearing

Home's words, the little bit of pride and satisfaction in Lane's heart suddenly dissipated.

He looked at Home's calm face and seemed to feel the great ambition hidden underneath.

With the man in front of them, they may actually reach that position one day.

He silently stood up and stood behind the sofa, quietly watching the lively crowd below like Home.

The night fades and the sun returns to the sky.

The night seemed calm but undercurrent, and after one night, all the small gangs in the neighborhood had disappeared, leaving only a wild dog gang entrenched in the vacant three blocks, gradually growing.

It was still two o'clock in the afternoon, still in the same wine, and Holm was sitting on the sofa, and in front of him stood small miscellaneous hairs that had doubled several times in number.

They may have belonged to this gang and that gang before last night, but now, they have all joined the big family of the Wild Dog Gang.

In a large patch of small miscellaneous hairs, the first batch of small miscellaneous hairs in the front of the suit, that is, the current professional security guards, stood with their heads held high, seemingly proud.

The envious eyes of the little miscellaneous hairs around them made them feel very useful.

Holm lit a cigarette and looked at the somewhat restrained newcomers and said softly: "Don't be shy, whether it is a new or before, introduce yourself, get to know each other, after all, they will all be brothers in the future, and they will work together." Hearing

Home's orders, the men began to introduce themselves one by one in order.

After basically recognizing all the people, Holm also took out tens of thousands of dollars from his pocket and put them on the table as usual, and then took out another 10,000 and let them go separately.

"The old rule, all the brothers have also worked hard during this period, and this $40,000 is a reward for the previous brothers and a meeting gift for the new brothers."

"The 10,000 next to it is the same, it is for the new brothers to change their heads, and everyone will be a family in the future."

"I think you should have heard about the rules, as long as you work well according to the rules, the money will never be earned."

After that, Holm handed the money to Lane and asked him to divide the money.

Everyone looked at the large wad of money in Lane's hand with burning eyes, and when they really got it, the professional security guards were full of excitement, and the new little miscellaneous hairs were in disbelief.

The professional security guards no longer know what to say, they are all making money during this time.

Every day, the business of the bar or casino is so good, their salary will naturally not be less, so they still have rewards for doing so.

Oh, my God! They never thought that one day they would earn money and think about how to spend it, which is so happy.

I used to want to do something, but I didn't have money, so I had to think that I must go when I had money.

Now this is a lot of money in hand, but I don't know what I want to do, find a way to buy something, or have some fun to spend money.

The new little miscellaneous hairs were so stunned that they didn't know what to say, they had heard that the treatment of the wild dog gang was very good, but they didn't expect it to be so good.

If they had known that it was really so good, they wouldn't have taken the initiative to clean them up, and they would have brought their boss over to join the Wild Dog Gang.

After dividing the money among the men, Holm let them go out and do what they needed to do.

He kept Ryan, Joey, and a few other leaders who had done a good job during this time to arrange the next development plan.

Lane has done a very good job during this time, and it can be seen that he is really talented and talented, and it is indeed a bit wasteful for the previous boss to use him to fight.

Joey is always the same as before, either following Holm or letting him go out and lead the team.

This young man doesn't like to use his brain, and his favorite thing is to move his hands and feet, so he has to let him go out for a walk from time to time.

Now the site has become larger, and although the work is similar to before, it is indeed a lot heavier in terms of workload, so the arrangement must be meticulous.

At Home's behest, all bars and casinos were changed in the same way as the Dingo gang had done before.

All protection fees are also paid according to their previously improved standards, and it is not allowed to overcharge those merchants or make physical threats.

After all the little brothers are ready, they will first be trained, so that they can understand the work of the wild dog gang, know the rules, and work hard so as not to cause trouble.

Dingo gangs need to maintain good order and discipline for development and growth.

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