Two hours later, George . Stacey walked out of the office, holding a stack of materials about the Dingo Gang, and walked over to the seat of the fat black cop and said.

"You help me put these information vehicles in the car, and then drive to the door to wait for me, and I will find a few more people to act with us."

"Act together? Where are we going? Sheriff. "The black fat policeman was just resting after lunch, but he didn't expect that the sheriff who had just gone to work in the afternoon was going to take them out for action.

George. Stacey raised her head, gestured to the information he was holding in his arms and said: "Of course, it's the people of the Wild Dog Gang, didn't we just investigate so much

" "Anyway, there are no clues now, only speculation, it is also reasonable to ask him to come back to assist us in our investigation, maybe they will show something themselves."

Hear George. Stacy's words, the black fat police officer also nodded, obediently holding the information and going out to drive.

Half an hour later, a police car pulled up in front of a beautifully decorated and characterful bar.

George. Stacy got out of the car and looked carefully at the bar, and then walked inside with seven or eight policemen.

They had just looked for several bars and asked a lot of the little brothers of the Dingo Gang, and then they knew that Holm was most likely in this bar.

and so George. After Stacey led the police into the bar, a well-dressed waiter with a kind smile on his face walked up to them and bent down slightly, and then said softly: "Officer, our boss is waiting upstairs for your arrival, I'll take you up." "

Hear what the waiter said, George. Stacy wasn't surprised, after all, they had just asked about several bars, and the little brothers must have told Holm about them.

Then George. Stacy nodded, and then followed the waiter up to the second floor with a group of policemen.

The decoration on the second floor is more luxurious than the first floor, and the private rooms one after another are obviously specially prepared for those guests who have more powerful spending power.

However, after continuing to follow the waiter around a few corners, the space behind is not as luxurious as the front, but a bit like the company's office area, simple and elegant.

After passing through this office area and a few doors, the space behind it changes again, looking more warm and relaxed, as if someone will live here all the time.

The waiter led them to a door and stopped, then knocked on the door and said, "Boss, the police officers have arrived." "

Come in." A clear voice came from inside.

After hearing the voice, the waiter also pushed the door open, and then made a gesture of invitation, signaling George. Stacy: They can go in.

George. Stacy and his men walked in with their feet raised on their faces, but in fact, they were also very surprised and fluctuated.

They've dealt with gangs before, but they've never seen a gang like the Dingo Gang, which is really eye-opening.

In George. When Stacy walked through the door, they found that the space inside was a huge living room with a super large round dining table in the middle.

In the corner of the round dining table, Holm, Joey and Lane were sitting there eating when they saw George. Stacy and they came in, and Holm stood up and walked over from the side with a smile on his face.

"Hello Sheriff Stacy and all the officers, I'm the boss here, Home. Colin.

Holm grabbed George as he spoke. Stacey's hand waved gently, and there was no problem with etiquette.

And then before George could wait. What Stacey said, he continued to point to Joey and Lane, who stood up, and said: "These are my two colleagues, Joey, the head of the security group. Ron also has the head of the entertainment group, Ryan . Filmin, come and say hello to the officers.

"Hello, Sheriff Stacey and all the officers." Joey and Lane also followed Home's example and said hello to the police present.

After listening to the two of them say hello, Holm pulled George again. Stacey's hand led him to the seat next to him.

Mr. Holm pulled out a chair for him to sit down, and then said enthusiastically at the same time: "I also just heard from them that the police officers were looking for me, so I prepared in a little hurry."

"All the police officers should drink coffee, I have asked people to prepare, and there are some small desserts, you can sit and rest, after all, driving all the way over, you must be a little tired."

"I originally wanted to have a meal together, but I thought that the meal was over, and the police officers should go to work, unlike me, who ate irregularly and only ate now, so after thinking about it, I still prepared afternoon tea..."

Under the warm words and hospitality of Home, George. Stacey didn't know how to sit next to him inexplicably, and the other police officers also looked at George. Stacy hesitated, and then sat down in the seat prepared for them.

The aroma of coffee continued to penetrate their noses, and a few of them were bold or simple-minded, just like the black fat policeman who had picked up the coffee cup and tasted it.

Looking at their suddenly lit up eyes and gently nodding their heads, the police officers next to them were also thinking that it seemed that this coffee was of very good quality.

Holm was also pleased with their reaction, which was not in vain that he had just asked people to prepare.

George. Stacy was more or less an old policeman, although Home's reaction made him slightly confused, and he sat down before he knew it.

But he quickly reacted again, and while mentally raising his vigilance against Home, he said: "Mr. Colin is too polite, in fact, we came today to ask you and us to go back to assist in the investigation." "

Originally, George. Stacy wanted to communicate with Holm in more serious terms, but he was already sitting here after all.

Moreover, some of the people he brought with no eyes had already drunk coffee and eaten donuts, and if he was too serious, it would not only be detrimental to the next communication with Home, but also embarrass his subordinates.

Reaching out and not hitting the smiling person, eating people's mouths are short, taking people's hands is short, this makes the same sense wherever it is placed.

George. Stacy was suddenly led into this trap by Holm, so there was no way but to give up the tough attitude she had just expected and communicate a little softer.

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