Home's kick just now brought him not only pain all over his body, but also endless humiliation.

He was terrified, how could he be defeated by such an unknown guy who appeared out of nowhere.

"Buzz! Airplanes! Airplanes! Several

shockwaves rushed towards Holm at an extremely fast speed, and Holm did not panic and dexterously move to avoid these attacks.

In the next second, the scene in front of Holm suddenly changed, and the terrifying and ready rhinoceros that had just finished attacking had disappeared, replaced by a wide and boundless sea.

Seeing the sudden transformation of the abandoned factory into a tranquil seaside, Holm couldn't help but marvel at Mysterio's ingenious technology.

It stands to reason that with such technology, how good it is to open a holographic projection cinema, it is estimated that you can directly become the world's first.

As a result, people just don't want to, I have this technology, but I just don't want to start a company to make money.

I just like to steal and rob, like to get some money through criminal means, like to walk on the edge of the law, gray area, it doesn't matter if I earn money or not, the main thing is a thrill.

"Dude, I have a proposal, do you want to consider it, I can pay for it, let's start a company together." Holm shouted loudly to Mysterio while guarding for the sudden attack that appeared beside him.

"You see how good and advanced your new projection technology is, it's very valuable."

"If you make it into a projector, it can beat all the projector brands in the world, and if you put it in the cinema, the film market will probably usher in a revolution."

"Or we can approach theme parks, like Disney, and we can use your technology to make it a unique park in the world."

"Isn't this faster to make money than you can hire to kill?" Hello villains are also people who have this kind of technology, how do you not want to make money with your brains, just think about making money by some reckless means.

Just as Holm was impassionedly depicting the vast prospects of holographic projection technology, thousands of mysterious figures suddenly burst out from the surroundings, and they all pointed at Home's figure and angrily reprimanded: "How can you understand my ideals as a guy who only has money in your head!"

"I'm not trying to make much money, I'm trying to prove myself!"

Then Mysterio gave another impassioned speech, what is the only way to prove his excellent value, prove the advanced and mysterious of his technology, if the general public can experience his advanced technology, then what is he called Mysterio.

Of course, he did not forget his mission during Mysterio's impassioned speeches, and he also covered the attacks of horror and rhinos while speaking, allowing them to sneak out of sight from time to time and surprise Home.

While grabbing the rhino's horns, holding him around a few times, and then throwing it out and smashing into the terrifying body, he listened to Mysterio's extreme ideas and shook his head helplessly.

This mysterious man's brain is like a door clip, completely unreasonable, forget it, just as he just said a fart, if he does business with this kind of person, then he must not be dragged to death.

But ah, although Mysterio is obviously not able to do business together, can not deal with each other, but his technology is indeed good technology.

Although the technology is now in the hands of the mysterious department, when I beat him to death and crack his technology, won't this technology become mine?

Thinking of this, Holm suddenly felt that his hands were strong, and he punched the rhinoceros that rushed over again.

Then he pulled the horror out of the phantom, and then pinched his arms that were gathering strength and preparing to release the shockwave, and slammed it hard.

"Click! Click! Click! With

a tooth-biting bone cracking sound, the terrifying two arms directly turned into soft twists, and the soft stomach was pulled on the shoulders.

"Ah!!" The pain of shattering bones made Terrified fall to the ground and struggle with constant screams.

In addition to the physical pain, he also had psychological shock and doubt.

He didn't understand why Holm was able to pull him out of the phantom with such accuracy, or why the cover Mysterio had given him suddenly lost its effect.

It was obviously very effective when facing Spider-Woman or facing Holm at the beginning, why did it suddenly change?

Seeing him in such pain, Holm was also a little unbearable, so he raised his foot and put it on his neck, and then stepped directly on his neck with a slight force, ending his wailing.

"I'm so kind, I just can't hear people scream." Holm shook his head and removed his feet as he thought about it, and then continued to look for Mysterio.

Mysterio's visions, while realistic, are of little use to toxins.

Because toxins can be sensed, it can know exactly where each person is.

Although the illusion can cause Home's eyes to be disturbed in one way or another, it can never be misjudged by the toxin.

The location of several of them in this old factory building is as bright as a candle fire, no matter what Mysterio turns this place into with illusions, whether it is the sea, or the desert, or the snowy mountains, even if it becomes a V shooting scene, it will not make Homem's Dao heart shake in any way.

Seeing Holm so decisive, Mysterio's chattering self-statement came to an abrupt end.

It's as if Holm doesn't understand why he uses such advanced technology to carry out some such non-technical activities.

Mysterio also couldn't understand what was going on in Home's head, obviously he said that he wanted to cooperate with him just now, but now he directly began to kill, and he didn't blink his eyes and didn't hesitate at all.

The clicking sound of bone cracking and the screams that stopped abruptly have been haunting Mysterio's mind, and although their goal this time is also to kill Spider-Woman, he asked himself that he would never be as decisive and ruthless as Home.

He is actually more like a scientific scholar than a killer, and all he has to do is prove his results.

"Why don't you suddenly speak? I probably know what you think, since there is no way to cooperate, then I will not persuade much. Holm continued to shout at Mysterio as he walked in the direction of Mysterio.

"But I think your technology is still quite good, anyway, you may have to explain here today, it is better to give the technology to me, I will definitely be able to carry it forward

for you" "When the time comes, I will definitely come here to draw a circle for you and burn more paper, so that you can enjoy the scenery below."

"By the way, don't you like Spider-Man? When the time comes, I'll burn you a few Spider-Man toys, and you can clean them up below, of course, if you get beaten by them, you can't blame me. "

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