This world and his previous memory of Peter. The story of Parker becoming Spider-Man is similar but different.

According to Gwen's narration, she should also have been bitten by a spider in high school, and then accidentally acquired Spider-Man's ability, which is what she just mentioned hiding from Peter.

After gaining magical abilities, Gwen also began to use her abilities to emerge and become known as Spider-Woman.

Gwen thought she was hiding it well from Peter, but she didn't expect that Peter had discovered her secret, and Peter should still be a little transparent who was bullied at school.

But in this world, he did not obtain Spider-Man's ability as Spider-Man, but her good friend Gwen obtained Spider-Man ability and became a masked hero.

Watching his good friend rise to the limelight and become the Spider-Woman that everyone sings, as a high school student, Peter will of course be envious.

He also wanted to be as special as his best friend, so he did the experiment that Gwen said to achieve his goal.

As a result, he did not expect that the experiment failed, and it also led to a bad result, which caused him to have this accident at the graduation party and finally died in Gwen's arms.

Holm roughly recreates the whole process, but he doesn't quite understand what Peter did and what experiments he did to cause his death.

But this doesn't matter, he just needs to go back and check the news when Gwen is about to graduate from high school.

If something unusual happens, something will happen to her school, and the media will certainly report it.

"Whew~" Holm suppressed the thoughts churning in his heart and forced himself to accept this reality.

In fact, his shock was mainly focused on Peter. Parker will die, after all, before hearing this with his own ears, he would never have thought of Spider-Man Peter, who has always been the protagonist. Parker will also become a pain in someone else's life.

But when you gradually accept this reality, and then think about it, you will find that in fact, Gwen's growth trajectory is still what most Spider-Man has to experience.

Gwen didn't experience the death of Uncle Ben, but she also experienced her best friend Peter. Parker's death left a deep pain in his heart.

Likewise, Peter. Parker took the inspiration from Uncle Ben's death and she also took it from Peter. Parker's death gained something like the principle that greater ability comes greater responsibility.

After thinking clearly, Holm gradually stabilized his mind, gradually cleared the chaotic thoughts in his mind, and refocused his attention on Gwen, who was still silently crying and sobbing on his shoulder.

He took out a tissue and gently wiped the tears from Gwen's face, and then comforted softly at the same time: "Cry, just cry."

"I know you've been blaming yourself and always felt like you weren't doing a good job, but it's been so long that it's time for you to come out."

"I don't think Peter would have wanted to see you so sad because of him if he were still there."

"We have to admit that we do make some mistakes in life, but it doesn't have to be irreversible, and it doesn't have to be infinitely magnified."

"I'm sure you should also know that in fact, even if you tell him what you are hiding from him, you can't change anything."

"His behavior at that time was caused by a combination of factors, not your responsibility alone, you don't need to take all the blame on yourself, and his parents didn't blame you either."

"I think you should really face this past." Holm said while holding Gwen's face, looking at her big teary eyes and saying sincerely.

"I am also a good friend of yours, and to a certain extent, I should also be able to bring Peter's perspective."

"If I were Peter, I would never see you so remorseful and so miserable about this."

"You may not have told me something, but it's not wrong, everyone has some secrets of their own."


to Home's persuasion to herself, Gwen's mood gradually calmed down.

In fact, she herself knows that even if she tells Peter that she is Spider-Woman, there is no way to get Peter out of his inferiority heart, but it may exacerbate his thoughts.

Peter himself is more emotionally sensitive, coupled with the role of the adolescent heart, so Peter will want to make himself special, want to attract everyone's attention, and become the focus of gaze.

Peter sees the focused and envious look on Gwen as Spider-Woman, but he doesn't see what Gwen sacrifices to become Spider-Woman.

What really troubled and painful Gwen was actually that when facing his best friend in trouble, he didn't really play a role in pulling him out of the abyss.

Watching Gwen gradually calm her mood, Holm also continued to whisper to her: "As long as you open your eyes, you will find that no one is actually blaming you, on the contrary, you are now pushing yourself into the same predicament as Peter."

"I want you out of this predicament, just as you wanted Peter out of that quagmire, and you don't want me to sit alone under the moon and cry silently in the future."

Under the persuasion of Home's soft voice, Gwen also gradually opened her heart.

In a trance, she was familiar with Peter. Parker's face seemed to coincide with Holm in front of him, but soon gradually dissipated and disappeared into the air.

When Gwen came back to her senses, she found that she was still staring at Home, and Holm was also looking at her with the same tenderness and affection, and those warm hands were still caressing her face.

For a while, grievances and sadness dissipated without a trace, replaced by some embarrassment and some shyness.

Holm also noticed that the atmosphere seemed to change slightly, so he immediately withdrew his hand and touched his nose with some embarrassment.

It was only when he touched his nose that he smelled some Gwen on his hand.

It was a faint aroma, only Gwen's, fresh, sunny, gentle, sweet, but with a hint of sadness.

Gwen's face turned red again at this time, and she hurriedly turned her head while Holm withdrew her hand as if she was burned.

She was a little embarrassed, but more shyly looking at the dim sky and bright moonlight in the distance, as if she wanted to spread the heat from her face into the air.

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