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"How dare you do this to me!"

After being kicked into the black hole by Su Ke, the Sentinel immediately tore a passage from another place and crawled out.

When he came out again, he wanted to eat Su Ke alive!

However, Su Ke didn't care about the Sentinel's anger at all. Anyway, he was going to kill the Sentinel no matter what!

Being played with by Su Ke one after another, the Sentinel's anger was a little out of control. In addition, he had never really controlled his own power. At this moment, he felt that the power of millions of stars in his body had begun to surge in his body.

It was a power that was so powerful that it was indescribable, a power that could destroy everything in the universe!

"hehe...Do you think you are powerful because you are powerful? In front of my power, any power is insignificant. I will kill you, and then let everything in the universe be buried with you!"

The Sentinel said with a grim smile, and an incredibly powerful force began to surge around his body.


Su Ke was shocked and thought, damn, this guy is not going to release the power of millions of stars in his body, right?

Then, the next move of the Sentinel confirmed Su Ke 000's thoughts.


With a loud bang, with the Sentinel as the center, an energy that was enough to destroy the universe suddenly erupted.... but...

Just when the sentinel thought he could destroy the entire universe and Suk, something strange happened!

The energy that burst out could not spread outwards at all when it reached Suk, as if it was suppressed in this area!

Then, in the surprised eyes of the sentinel, all the energy began to flow into Suk's body........

"this...What is going on? Why is this happening? Why can this man absorb such powerful energy?"At this moment, the sentinel was almost dumbfounded. You know, this is half of the power in his body!

At the same time, on the other side.

Su Ke is very uncomfortable now, really uncomfortable!

Even the half of the power in the sentinel's body made him feel unprecedented pressure. The huge energy filled his body and wandered around in his body unscrupulously, without any control. His indestructible skin was cracked by such power!

Although it was very uncomfortable, there is no doubt that this is the best experience for himself!

Su Ke did not seek help from the system, and endured such pressure and indescribable pain, because he knew that some You still have to rely on yourself!

Not long after, the power in the body finally settled down completely, and the wounds on Suke's body also returned to normal in a moment. Moreover, it seemed that because he absorbed half of the sentinel's power, his skin became more indestructible.

When he looked at the sentinel again, Suke had only one thought in his mind!

I want to blow up the sentinel!

Obtaining half of the power in the sentinel's body made Suke feel an unprecedented feeling, a feeling of greater desire for power!

He wants to blow up the sentinel! He wants to get all of the sentinel's power!

At this moment, the sentinel had long lost his previous arrogance, and his face was full of shock.

But now, it's too late to say anything....

Before, when Su Ke hadn't obtained half of his power, he could fight him to a draw. Now that Su Ke has obtained half of his power, how can he be Su Ke's opponent?...

Taking a deep breath, Su Ke looked down at the sentry not far away like a god and said,"Very good, I'm going to blow you up now!"


With one punch, the whole universe seemed to shake, and the surrounding space was shattered at this moment.

There was no time to react. In the surprised and panicked eyes of the sentry, his body began to break, and all the remaining strength began to explode again!


Then, all the strength was absorbed into Su Ke's body again..................

On Earth.

The Battle of New York is still going on, but in S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury receives a call from his superiors.

"After our research and decision, we have decided that New York City cannot be saved. In order to prevent further alien invasion, we have decided to use nuclear bombs to destroy New York City!"

A very stiff voice slowly said on the other end of the phone.


When Nick Fury heard this, he instantly broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly said,"We can't do this. There are still millions of citizens in New York City, and the Avengers are still fighting. We will win. We can't use nuclear bombs. I refuse!"

"Chief, this is an order, you can't refuse!"


At this point, the other party hung up the phone.

At the same time, in a dark room, several people were discussing something.

"He won't listen to you, Nick Fury is a stubborn man, he won't do such a thing!"

"I know, but you have to understand that the Avengers will be a stumbling block on our way forward, and they must be eliminated!"

"Any power that cannot be used by us must be eliminated!"

"It's time to let the people in SHIELD do their work!"

Several people smiled at each other.

"Long live Hydra!"..........

On the other side, Nick Fury's face turned pale, as did everyone in SHIELD!

It was simply unreasonable for them to destroy New York City, which had a population of millions! Moreover, the Avengers were still fighting, so were they going to be killed together?


"Shut up Coulson! I know what to do!"

Coulson was about to say something, but Nick Fury suddenly stretched out his hand to interrupt him, then looked at the people in front of him and said:"All of you listen to me, from now on, no plane is allowed to move without my order!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a female agent in the command room stood up in surprise, and then hurriedly said:"Director, a plane took off without approval, and the plane was carrying a nuclear bomb...."

Damn it!

Cursing inwardly, Nick Fury immediately ran outside, grabbed a rocket launcher from a soldier at the door, and quickly aimed and fired!


The plane that had just taken off was blown to pieces!

But at this moment, another plane took off next to it, and at this time, Nick Fury could no longer stop it........._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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