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In addition, Suk is an alien with powerful power and mystery. Out of curiosity, Scarlet Witch has a stronger sense of infatuation with Suk.

And Suk made it clear that the reason why he let Magneto go just now was just because he was his father. Isn't this a manifestation of Suk caring about her?

For a while, Scarlet Witch felt sweet in her heart.

But after the sweetness, she was a little doubtful. That is, could Magneto really be her father?

Just thinking about it, Suk suddenly walked down from the bed again, and then said to her:"Okay, Wanda, you stay here with me tonight, and wait until your brother wakes up tomorrow to talk about the future!"

"What are you going to do tonight?"

Seeing that Su Ke was about to leave, Scarlet Witch couldn't help feeling disappointed, but then, she suddenly realized that she shouldn't have said these words, and her face turned red again.

Looking at the beautiful Scarlet Witch in front of him, Su Ke's heart was also rippled, and he also understood the Scarlet Witch's intentions, but then again, it has only been a few hours since the two met, isn't this a bit too fast?

Besides, this is a mutant school, and Jean lives not far from him, Su Ke dare not act so blatantly....

Not to mention that Su Ke had already had several in-depth conversations with Jean during the day, so he decided to wait and see about Scarlet Witch....

Anyway, the Scarlet Witch is definitely his, and she will be eaten by him sooner or later!

Thinking of this, Su Ke smiled and said,"Don't worry, I have a place to stay here, you can rest here with peace of mind, and we can talk about it tomorrow if there is anything!"

"Well then!"

Seeing this, Scarlet Witch couldn't say anything more, and she really needed some private space to digest what Su Ke had said before....

There was something about Magneto being her father.

After leaving his room, Suk immediately walked towards Jean's room. Although the mutant school did not allow boys and girls to live together, who dared to control Suk?

If someone dared to say anything, Suk would not mind throwing that person into space to let him calm down....

Boom boom boom...

Knocking gently on the door, Su Ke whispered,"Qin, are you there?"

""Not here!"

Qin's somewhat angry voice came from inside the room.

Su Ke felt amused and walked in immediately. He saw Qin lying on the bed wrapped up like a dumpling. He didn't know what was going on.

"What's wrong? Who made you angry again? Tell me and I'll teach them a lesson!"

Su Ke said, pulling back the quilt, and then Qin looked unhappy.

"Who else is there besides you? Tell me, who is that woman next to you? Teacher Ruiwen is right, you men are always fickle!"

Qin said angrily

"Please, you misunderstood me, okay? Do you remember Quicksilver? The guy who ran very fast. Didn’t he ask me to save his sister before? That’s his sister. It was his first time here and she didn’t know anyone, so she followed me!"

Suke said with a smile.

When Qin heard this, her face instantly became much better, but she still asked uncertainly:"Is what you said true?"

"Of course! I just gave my room to her, otherwise why would I come here?"

Speaking of this, Su Ke took off his shoes and socks without any hesitation, and then jumped onto the bed.

Qin blushed and said,"What do you want to do? This is a school. If the teachers find out, it will be very troublesome!"

"What are you afraid of?" Su Ke said nonchalantly while holding Qin:"If anyone dares to talk nonsense, I will make him go to space for a spin!"

"You are such a scoundrel!"

Qin cursed with a red face, but her body could not help shrinking into Su Ke's arms. For a moment, the wolf in Su Ke's heart began to move again.......

Then, another good show started......

Early the next morning.

When Suk woke up, Jyn was still sleeping. Considering that Jyn was a bit tired last night, Suk did not disturb him. At this time, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch had also woken up and were eating breakfast in the restaurant. In addition to them, Magneto was also there, but it was obvious that the children and teachers in the school did not like him and kept a distance from him.

Suk was too lazy to pay attention to Magneto, and directly brought breakfast and Jyn to Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, and then sat down.

Seeing Suk's arrival, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch both showed a friendly expression.

"Thank you so much for what you did yesterday. If it weren't for you, we siblings wouldn't have been reunited so soon. Thank you!"

Quicksilver looked at Suke with gratitude.

Scarlet Witch said nothing, but nodded to Suke with a red face.

Suke smiled and said,"You're welcome. This kind of thing is just a piece of cake for me. It's no big deal!" But..."Aren't you going to recognize him?"

Suke said, pointing at Magneto who was eating breakfast with a spoon.

Hearing this, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch's faces changed slightly. Quicksilver sneered:"What is there to recognize? He may not even know of our existence. Is there such a father in the world?"

Scarlet Witch still didn't speak, but Suke could see that she also hated Magneto!

Seeing this, Suke didn't say anything. After all, this was a family affair between Magneto, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, and he couldn't interfere.

Then, just as Suke was about to say something, there was a sudden noise outside, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"It’s the professor. The professor is back, and he brought back a child, it seems that he is his son!"

"Son? How come the professor also has a son?"

"I don't know, but that guy looks pretty handsome!"..............

Then, a sound suddenly rang out from outside.

Su Ke smiled slightly. He knew that Professor X~ had found his son!

An Omega mutant named Daqun! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect and recommend

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