In the void, Su Ke stretched out his hand, and the Time Stone instantly appeared in front of him. A burst of green light emanated, as if taking him into a long river of history.

In this long river of time, he saw the Avengers, the Justice League, Jean, Emma, and everyone he knew....

Likewise, he also saw countless versions of himself and countless futures of himself....

It was a feeling that was hard to explain. Whenever he tried to observe carefully, time would restart....

This is only because he has just obtained the Time Stone and has not yet mastered it. After all, the power of the Time Stone is very strong. Even for him, it takes some time to get familiar with and master it.

However, in a trance, Su Ke suddenly thought that since he has mastered time and has the Time Stone, doesn’t it mean that he can also cross the time dimension at will?

He can exist in any timeline, in the past and the future, and at any time!

Or, he does not actually exist in any timeline? Because he is time himself?

Shaking his head, Su Ke began to feel that this was really hard to explain. Sure enough, time is the most powerful force....

This kind of power cannot be explained by science and knowledge....

But there is one thing Su Ke can be sure of, that is, at this moment, he is above time....

After carefully experiencing the long river of time again, Su Ke still shook his head. Sure enough, the power of time is difficult to fully master, and it consumes a lot of energy. Even as strong as he is, he is a little weak after a short period of time.

It still takes some time to fully control time, but what he lacks the least at the moment is time.......

Let's go somewhere else and try out the most basic abilities!

Thinking of this, Su Ke opened another space channel and came to an unknown ocean on Earth.

"Let's go back 10,000 years first!"

Thinking of this, Su Ke suddenly had a time magic circle similar to a clock in his hand. He gently set the time on the magic circle to 10,000 years, and then he waved his hand at the ocean in front of him.

In an instant, the Time Stone began to show its power....

As the time magic circle rotated rapidly, the ocean began to disappear gradually, and then land appeared. Towering trees rose from the ground, and unknown creatures began to appear....

Soon, what appeared in front of Su Ke was no longer an ocean, but a vibrant primitive jungle....

This is the power of time...

Looking at the scene of 10,000 years ago that he had restored with time, Su Ke felt extremely happy. As expected, it felt great to have power!

After experiencing the power of time, Su Ke opened another space channel, stepped into it, and appeared in his own home.

Thinking about it carefully, today was really busy. First, I went to Tony's place and learned that Tony was creating Ultron. Then, during dinner, there was a robbery. Later, Diana rescued him heroically. Then, I got the Time Stone from the Ancient One. This day was really fulfilling!

Despite this, Su Ke still didn't let Emma go that night.......

In the next few days, Suke didn't go anywhere, but stayed at home to familiarize himself with the power of the Time Stone. On this day, someone from SHIELD came again!

""Dear, Agent Coulson from SHIELD is here to see you!"

Suk was getting familiar with the power of the Time Stone by the swimming pool when Emma's voice rang again.

Why is it someone else this time? Not Black Widow?

Suk thought to himself, and then shouted,"Let him in!"

Soon, Coulson in a black suit walked in.

"Mr. Su Ke, nice to meet you!"

When Coulson saw Su Ke for the first time, he immediately greeted him with a smile.

""Come on, Coulson, it's not the first day we've known each other. Stop calling me sir all the time. It sounds a bit awkward. Just call me by my name!"

Su Ke said slowly.

"Since you said so, I won't be polite!"

Coulson said with a smile. It was obvious that Su Ke had regarded him as a friend, which made him a little flattered. However, as a professional agent, he quickly returned to normal.

"Tell me, what did Nick Fury ask you to come to me about? To be honest, I'm a little busy recently. If it's not something important, you should let Tony and Banner do it, so that they don't have to do anything else and do something stupid!"

Su Ke said.

There is no doubt that Su Ke was referring to Ultron at the end....

But Coulson naturally didn't understand this.

"I assure you that this matter is definitely important, and it is about mutants. Because you have a special relationship with mutants, the director thinks it is better to tell you about this matter first!"

Coulson said, his face suddenly became a little serious.

About mutants?

Su Ke listened curiously, and then nodded and said:"Go on, I'm listening!"

Then, in Coulson's narration, Su Ke finally knew the whole story....

Two days ago, there was a very important meeting in New York City. Because it was about a global topic, the leaders of some countries came. There were about 30 people. The original time was to arrive in New York City that afternoon, but until that evening, the person in charge of reception still did not wait for the arrival of these other national leaders! More than

30 people, 30 planes, and they didn’t receive a single one!

This time, the President of the United States was completely panicked, and then he began to send people to contact those countries to ask what happened. After all, if so many people got into trouble in the United States, then he would definitely not be able to continue to be the President of the United States.

As a result, the information given by more than 30 countries was roughly the same, that is, they didn’t know either....

Leaders of thirty countries, along with thirty planes, disappeared inexplicably....

Recalling the previous Mutant Registration Act incident, the President pointed the finger at mutants for this incident, believing that mutants were responsible, and ordered Nick Fury to find out what was going on as soon as possible.

Then, Coulson came!

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