"My people have always been oppressed by humans. Even though everyone keeps saying they want peace, when have we ever truly had peace among us?"

"What are we in the eyes of humans? We are lab rats, we are their weapons, is this what peace should look like?"

"Don't you think that such things should not happen again? Don't humans look down on mutants? Then let's make the most powerful people among humans become mutants, so that they can also experience our pain!"

Magneto stood next to the mutant converter and shouted at the mutants around him.

Obviously, his mobilization work was very successful, and all the mutants were excited by his words, and the leaders of the countries trapped in the cage were so scared that they almost wet their pants....

This made Suke, who was standing far away and watching all this, speechless. Can't they just start quickly?

Soon, Magneto's mobilization work was finally completed.

Then, he walked to the side of the machine and reached his hand into it.

To transform humans into mutants, a powerful mutant is needed as an energy source, and Magneto is this energy source!

The moment the switch was pressed, Magneto suddenly became a little weak. His life and abilities were instantly transferred to the sleeping Rogue through the machine.

As more and more energy was transferred, Magneto became weaker, while the energy in Rogue became more and more....

Soon, the converter began to condense a beam of strong radiation, and then shot it directly towards the humans trapped in the cage.......

Because they were all trapped in the cage, no one in the cage could avoid the incoming light. They could only huddle together and wait for the mutant's light to shine on them....

Under the light, everyone felt the changes in their bodies. Their blood was burning and their internal organs were in pain as if they were torn apart....

"ah...Please let me go, I'll give you whatever you want...."

"kill me...Please kill me........"

"Why do you do this to us?..."............

For a while, wailing sounds resounded throughout the entire cave.

But no one paid any attention to them, and all the mutants looked at it coldly.

After the transformation was completed, Magneto took his hand out of the machine. Then, his body shook and he almost couldn't stand. Fortunately, a mutant jumped up in time and supported him.

Suk appeared next to the machine in a flash, and then reached out to test the little rascal's breathing.

Fortunately, the breathing was stable and it didn't look like she was injured. Magneto didn't lie.

Time is really a wonderful thing. Originally, in the current timeline, the little rascal should not have been born yet, but she still appeared in the mutant school.

Similarly, this incident should have happened decades later, but it happened now. Obviously, Suk's arrival really changed a lot of things....

"Boss, you go and take a rest first, leave this to me!"

Looking at the weak-looking Magneto, Tiger said hurriedly.

But at this time, Magneto waved his hand and said,"No need...I must see the plan succeed with my own eyes, otherwise I will be worried!"

After hearing this, Tiger had no choice but to help Magneto walk to the iron cage.

When he saw that those humans had begun to grow tentacles and scales, Magneto knew that his plan had succeeded....

Pushing Tiger aside casually, Magneto was extremely excited at this moment!

Success! He finally succeeded! He transformed all the leaders of more than 30 countries into mutants!

"I'm going to rest now. I'll leave this place to you. Remember, they are no longer human. Don't treat them the same way as before!"

Magneto suppressed his inner excitement and told Tiger beside him.

"I know what to do!"

Tiger nodded and said, then asked two mutants to carry the little rascal out and then sent him back to the room.

Staring at the panicked people in the cage, Suk didn't know what to say for a moment, but the only thing he could be sure of was that the war between mutants and humans should be inevitable.

Magneto knew this would be the result, but he still chose to do it.

Obviously, the world will not be at peace again.....

Shaking his head slightly, Suk opened another space channel and returned to the mutant school.

The next morning, Professor X~'s spirit was obviously restored. Then, after a simple preparation, under Suk's leadership, everyone came to Magneto's base again!

However, with Suk's reminder before, Magneto had already made preparations.

Therefore, when Professor X~ and others crossed the space channel, Magneto had already led everyone to wait on the other side.

"Eric, you..."

"Charles, don't be angry, the people you want are here, take them back!"

When Professor X saw Magneto for the first time, he was ready to curse, but before he could curse, Magneto interrupted him, and then Tiger came over with a group of people.

When he saw those people, Professor X was completely desperate. He didn't expect that he was still a step too late....

"Eric, you bastard, do you know what you did?"

Professor x~ roared

"Charles, you can say whatever you want, but you can't change this fact...Get ready, old friend, the war is coming soon, and I hope you will stand by my side!"

Magneto said calmly.

In the end, the two sides did not take action, because everything had become a foregone conclusion, and even if they took action, they could not change anything. Moreover, they had more important things to deal with right now, which was how to resettle these humans who were transformed into mutants by Magneto.......

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