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Seeing this, Nick Fury cursed in his heart.

Then, without any hesitation, Nick Fury came to Su Ke and said nervously,"Mr. Su Ke, don't be angry, Mr. President is just upset for a while....Just give him some time, believe me, he will agree! You don't have to kill him, give him another chance!"

Although Nick Fury didn't quite agree to let mutants establish a country, it was obvious that he was more afraid that Suk would kill everyone here. If that were the case, Suk would be completely hostile to humans!

If he got mad, maybe he would"zero zero zero" and exterminate humans without waiting for the mutants to take action....

Su Ke ignored Nick Fury and walked to the space channel. He smiled and said to everyone,"I'm sorry. I didn't make it clear. You have no right to refuse me. You have no right to bargain. You only have two choices. Either agree or die!"

After saying this, Su Ke snapped his fingers. Then, the President of the United States fell from the space channel again, trembling all over.

Although he only stayed in space for less than ten seconds, for him, these ten seconds were almost like a lifetime....

After a short rescue, the US president finally returned to normal, but he couldn't help trembling all over.

Walking behind the crowd with his hands behind his back, Su Ke said slowly:"All of you are presidents, queens or kings of a country. Maybe in your eyes, your life is very precious, but in my eyes, it is worthless. Believe me, I don't care about your life or death at all!"

"Of course, don't think that the world will stop functioning if you die. Think carefully about how many people in your country are eager to take your place? I'm afraid you can't even count them, right?"

"If the president is gone, just elect another one. If the queen is gone, there is another queen. The king is even simpler. Your son can directly take your place. Tell me, are you really important?"As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent again....

Because they found that Su Ke was right, they were not the only capable people, as long as the subjects of their country were willing, there would be another person to replace them immediately....

Although agreeing to the mutants establishing a nation is a very bad decision, it is the only way for me to survive....

"Well, my patience is limited, I don't want to wait any longer, I need you to give me an answer now, agree, or die!"

Then, Su Ke suddenly spoke again

"I agree!"

As soon as Su Ke finished speaking, a voice rang out. Look, it was the US president who had just opposed it!

Seeing that the US president had agreed, why wouldn't the leaders of other countries agree?

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"Me too..."........

Soon, everyone present agreed to Suk's deal, and the plan went surprisingly smoothly.

Looking at this scene, Nick Fury could only shake his head helplessly, because he didn't know what the world would look like in the future.

But of course, this is not completely without benefits. At least for a long time, there will be no more wars between mutants and humans....

For Suk, the verbal promises of these guys were obviously not enough. At his suggestion, Nick Fury quickly put together a document similar to a contract.

This document was not formal, but the conditions in it were chilling. The most cruel one was that if the promised things were not completed, Suk would personally destroy them and their country....

Everyone signed the document tremblingly....

After everyone present signed the document, Nick Fury forced a smile, then handed the document in his hand to Su Ke and said,"Everyone has signed it, do you want to check it?"

"No need!" Su Ke waved his hand and said,"If someone regrets, the worst that can happen is that the country will be destroyed......." hehe...

Nick Fury smiled awkwardly. He really didn't know what to say.......

Anyway, the matter has come to a successful conclusion. The next step is to wait for Su Ke to restore those humans who were transformed into mutants by Magneto to normal.

And this is when the Time Stone will show its power.

Adjust the time on the Time Stone back to the time before these people became mutants, and then gently move them. In an instant, everyone returns to normal!

This...Is that the end?

When Nick Fury saw this scene, he almost vomited blood. He thought it must be a very troublesome and complicated matter, but he didn't expect that Su Ke could turn these people back to human beings so easily! Nick Fury suddenly felt that everyone was calculated by Su Ke....

The leaders of more than 30 countries returned to normal in an instant, and the first thing they did was to rush back to their own countries. After all, they did not forget the unequal document they had signed before....

No one doubted Suk's power, because they were not stupid. They had already noticed from Suk's previous actions that Suk could not only control space, but also time!

With such power, there was nothing he couldn't do in this world.......

Some even suspected that Suk was a god!

In any case, Suk's goal had been achieved. Those present, including the President of the United States, all 31 major countries agreed to the establishment of a mutant nation. As for those who did not come, Suk believed that with the establishment of a mutant nation, they would also compromise!

And he believed that no one would dare to disobey him, because the consequences of disobeying him would be very tragic.......

The matter of mutants has finally come to an end! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo Xiao

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