Directly touching Dormammu's energy body, a strong and pure dark energy began to transfer from Dormammu to Suk's body, which made Suk very happy.

But soon Suk found something wrong, that is, Dormammu's eyes seemed to be still moving....

"Ah! You damned fellow! How dare you use the power of the Time Stone to imprison me! Boy, quickly untie the imprisonment, or I will not let you go! I will make you wish you were dead or alive!"

Although the power of the Time Stone did not completely imprison Dormammu, it still made Dormammu's body temporarily unable to move, and he could only communicate with Suke through his consciousness.

However, at this time, Suke sneered in his heart.

"Dormammu, you've shouted this line at least a dozen times since I got here, but have you ever really hurt me even once? If you have the guts, stop talking nonsense and show some real skills!"


How dare you look down on me! A lowly ant!���At that time, Dormammu's huge head had already turned around with great effort, and a pair of eyes comparable to planets were staring at Suk.

Obviously, he had gradually gotten rid of the control of time!

Suk was a little surprised at first, but soon he was relieved, because he suddenly thought that Dormammu was a creature without the concept of time, so the power of time could not play a big role on him, and in the dark dimension, Dormammu was almost invincible, and even Suk could not kill him directly!

Suk could kill Dormammu by absorbing Dormammu's power, but you have to know that Dormammu's body is connected to the dark dimension. If you really want to kill Dormammu by absorbing energy, Suk is afraid that it will take 10,000 years!

This is indeed a very fucked up thing!

But think about it carefully, probably only he can play with Dormammu like this. If it were the Ancient One or someone else, I'm afraid they would have died 10,000 times!

Soon, Suk absorbed enough dark energy, and Dormammu also completely got rid of the power of time stopping.

When he looked at Suk again, Dormammu finally didn't dare to underestimate Suk, but his expression became more and more gnashing!

From before until now, this man has been absorbing his power. Although it is not much, it is just a drop in the bucket for him, but this humiliation is unbearable for him!

But he can't bear it, because this man is very powerful, so powerful that he can't do anything to him!

If he continues to consume like this, he will lose face, and it is obvious that this man will continue to absorb his power. Although his power in the dark dimension is close to infinite, what if this man can also absorb energy without limit? Does n't this mean that he will be sucked dry sooner or later?

Thinking of this, Dormammu is really angry and aggrieved!

I thought there was only one guy like Ancient One on Earth, who knew there was another Titan who controlled the Time Stone. This Nima suddenly changed from novice difficulty to hell difficulty. What the hell!

This is unplayable!

Thinking of this, Dormammu yelled at Suk, who was not far away:"Ant, I will let you and the earth go this time, but next time, I promise you will not have another chance. When I come to the earth next time, you will all die!"

Although he was preparing to escape, as a king of the dark dimension, Dormammu felt that he could not lose his momentum!

However, at this time, Suk, who was standing in the void, shook his head and said:"Dormamu, you are really stubborn. If you slip away with your tail between your legs, I might just let you go. But you said you have nothing to do, so why are you pretending? Next time, do you think I will give you another chance?"

After saying this, Suk suddenly sneered, and then the space gem and the time gem took effect at the same time. A terrifying crack began to appear on Dormammu's head, and it was still expanding. It soon spread to the entire dark dimension space, as if it was going to swallow up the entire dark dimension.

Inside the crack, there was nothingness!

And at the moment when the crack appeared, Dormammu clearly felt that he seemed to be constantly decomposed and sucked into the void space!

"you...What did you do to me?...What's going on?"

At this moment, Dormammu was completely panicked. He realized that he could not resist the crack that was enough to swallow the entire dark dimension. He was so scared that he almost peed!

If he could pee! (Just kidding!)

But at this time, Suke just watched all this with cold eyes.

This void space is a special space that Suke discovered when he used the time gem and the space gem at the same time. In this void space, there is no concept of time and space, let alone life, but only endless nothingness.

Dormammu is a very ambitious guy. If he is let go, he will always come back, so to deal with him, Suke can only uproot the grass!

Although the void space cannot kill Dormammu, the special structure can imprison Dormammu forever. This feeling is probably more uncomfortable than killing him, right?

"No...Let's make a deal! No matter what you want, I will satisfy you, as long as you let me go!"

Dormammu roared.

At this time, half of his body had been absorbed by the void.

Realizing that Suke didn't speak, Dormammu roared again:"I promise, I will never come to Earth again, as long as you let me go!"

Suke still didn't speak.

Then, it seemed that he understood that Suke would not let him go no matter what, and Dormammu's face finally became ferocious again.

"Titan...I'll remember you! Just wait, I'll be back! When the time comes, I won't let you go!"

Su Ke still didn't say anything, just quietly watching Dormammu being swallowed by the void.

This feeling is so comfortable.......

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