After coming out of the Science and Technology Exhibition Hall and returning to her car, Elena got back into the sports car.

""Master, where are we going now?"

Elena asked.

Just as Suke was about to answer, he suddenly saw a very familiar figure through the car window.

Black Widow!

Strange, didn't this guy leave? Why is he still here?

Suke thought with some curiosity.

Then, he suddenly saw several burly men appearing around Black Widow, and it was obvious that they were all carrying weapons. Under their coercion, Black Widow was forced to get on an armored vehicle!

As if she had noticed what Suke was watching, Elena said immediately:"Master, according to analysis, there is a 99% chance that Natasha was coerced. Do we need to launch a rescue now?"

"No...Just follow them, I want to see what's going on!"

Su Ke narrowed his eyes and said with a playful look.

Dare to kidnap a SHIELD agent in broad daylight, and a top agent at that. This kind of thing doesn't happen every day.���, and according to Su Ke's understanding of Black Widow, she could have escaped in that situation just now, but she didn't do so, but chose to follow the other party away, which is very intriguing!

Su Ke has always felt that Black Widow has many secrets that cannot be told, and even SHIELD doesn't know about them. Now, Su Ke thinks that it may be time to reveal Black Widow's secrets! After receiving Su Ke's order, Elena didn't dare to hesitate. After the other party's vehicle started, she followed it.

Moreover, Elena's tracking method is very special. She can quickly calculate the other party's approximate destination, and then take a detour to eliminate the other party's suspicion. So all the way, the other party didn't notice that Su Ke followed.

Soon, the car drove to a suburb of New York City and stopped at an abandoned farm.

From a distance, Su Ke asked Elena to stop, and then asked her to wait for orders outside, and he followed quietly.

Obviously, the other party didn't expect that someone would follow them, so there was no one watching around the farm, and Su Ke went in easily.

Sitting on a beam on the roof, looking down, the scenery below is in full view.

In the middle of the farm, there is a large open space. In the middle of the open space, there is a woman tied up on a chair. It is the Black Widow!

Beside her is a group of men dressed in very special clothes.

After a while, the leading man finally spoke.

""Black Widow, have you forgotten your mission? Where are the things we want? Why haven't you given them to us yet?"

The man said slowly, his voice indescribably cold.

The fearless Black Widow, facing the man's questioning, actually showed a trace of fear.

"I...I didn't forget the mission,...This matter is not as simple as you think. He is not an ordinary person. It is not easy to get his information. I am still working hard...."

The Black Widow said in a panic.

Su Ke was a little surprised when he heard this, because he suddenly thought that the"he" the Black Widow was talking about might be himself.

Just as he was thinking, the man in the lead finally spoke again.

"Really? But according to the report from our SHIELD internal staff, you have been in frequent contact with that man recently! It seems that you went to that place today because of that man, right?"

The man said while playing with the dagger in his hand

"no..."Black Widow shook her head and said in a panic,"I was just sent there by Nick Fury to talk to Tony Stark about something!"

""Asshole! You dare to lie to me? If I don't teach you a lesson, you won't know who I am!"

The man said, and suddenly slapped Black Widow in the face."


" There was a crisp sound.

Su Ke was calm when he saw this, because he had already seen that Black Widow seemed to have been working for another organization, and this organization seemed to want to get his specific information!

It must be said that this really disappointed him. He had planned to take Black Widow's...

Shaking his head, Su Ke was ready to leave. He didn't want to care about Black Widow anymore. Whether Black Widow lived or died, it had nothing to do with him.

But just as he was about to leave, the man's voice suddenly rang again.

"I said, you are not in love with that man, are you?"

Su Ke paused, and suddenly stopped again.

"without...No, I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Black Widow shook her head and said

"No? If not, then why are you unwilling to give us his information? Don't think we don't know. You knew a long time ago that the man was from outer space and was an alien, but you kept it a secret from us. Why? It's because you fell in love with that man! Don't forget, you are not even a human being, what qualifications do you have to love someone?"

The man said, becoming more and more angry.

And Su Ke was silent for a while.

He noticed that when the man asked Black Widow if she was in love with him, although Black Widow had been refusing, everyone could see that she was just lying!

Did Black Widow really fall in love with him?

Su Ke shook his head, always feeling that this matter was too unbelievable.

But then, he suddenly thought of another question.

What did the man mean when he said to Black Widow before, 'You are not even a human being'?

The most intuitive sentence���The explanation is that Black Widow is not a human, but this is obviously wrong! If Black Widow is not a human, then what is she? An alien?

This is even more impossible...

Forget it, I'd better go down and ask in person....

Thinking of this, Su Ke opened a space passage without hesitation. Then, a space passage suddenly appeared in the center of the venue below....

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