After a brief hesitation, the Invisible Woman finally spoke

"Mr. Suke, first of all, thank you very much for coming, but with all due respect, shouldn’t you go to the Avengers for this kind of thing? Our power is far less than that of the Avengers, and we simply cannot cope with such a world-destroying disaster!"

This is not because the Invisible Woman is modest, but she really has no confidence at all. You know, that is Galactus, one of the five great gods of creation!

Then, Mr. Fantastic also echoed:"Yes, I also think that this matter should be told to the Avengers!"

Suke was speechless, thinking that if it weren't for the mission, I would have gone to fight Galactus alone, so how could I have time to talk nonsense with you here!

However, just when Suke was about to say something, a news report suddenly appeared on TV.

"According to the latest news from our station, an extremely huge deep hole suddenly appeared in the sea outside New York. Someone even photographed a silver-white alien creature. We initially suspected that this alien creature was the culprit of this incident. Many rare events on Earth recently may also be related to this!"

Then, the picture flashed again, and then a big hole on the sea suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

And above the big hole, there was a silver-white figure!

Silver Surfer!

Su Ke was a little surprised. He didn't expect this guy to come so quickly!

""Johnny, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, the Invisible Woman shouted again. Su Ke looked back and saw that the Human Torch had appeared outside.

"Sorry, I won't wait for the Avengers to save the world. We are the Fantastic Four, we can save the world too!"

After saying this, the Human Torch suddenly flew to the place where the incident happened before.

Su Ke smiled slightly. This guy is really a fool. He didn't even bother to talk.

""Okay, you guys think about it, I won't bother you anymore!"

After saying this, Suk stopped paying attention to the Fantastic Four, and immediately opened a space channel and left.

Although the Silver Surfer is very strong, it is not to the point where Suk needs to take action. This matter can be left to the Fantastic Four and the Avengers.

As for the Galactus that appeared later, this is the opponent Suk wants!

At the same time, the Stock Building

"Jarvis, help me detect what kind of creature this is?"

In the office, Tony and Banner were studying a picture. There was only a silver-white figure on the picture.

"Zoom in, yes, that's it! Then ~ perform 3D simulation processing!"

Accompanying Tony's instructions, Jarvis finally successfully 3Dized the picture.

But then, when he saw what was displayed in front of him, he was shocked and speechless....

Because this is a humanoid creature with a silver body and a surfboard

"this...Is this an alien?"

Banner asked in surprise.

"Is there any need to ask this?"

Tony smiled bitterly and said,"Will humans look like this? First it was Loki, and now there is this inexplicable guy. The earth is really in danger!"

"Sir, according to my preliminary analysis, this humanoid alien creature has the ability to fly faster than the speed of light, as well as strong resistance to attacks. There are also strong energy fluctuations around it, which makes it an extremely dangerous existence!"

For a moment, Jarvis' voice rang again.

"I know! Jarvis, you don't have to explain it so clearly!"

Tony smiled and shook his head, then looked at Banner and said,"It looks like we have to call the Avengers together again!"

"Do you need Hulk?"

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Banner asked seriously.

Tony's face changed slightly, and he waved his hand and said,"Not yet. Compared with Hulk, I need you to help me analyze this alien creature more!"

Next, Tony began to contact other members of the Avengers and told them about his discovery as soon as possible.

At the same time, on the other side.

Continuously speeding up his own speed, the Human Torch finally saw the true appearance of the Silver Surfer!

This made the Human Torch very excited. He finally had the opportunity to fight the aliens!

However, facing the pursuit of the Human Torch, the Silver Surfer not only did not think about speeding up, but even slowed down his speed, and played a cat-and-mouse game in the air with the Human Torch one after the other. Even so, the speed of both of them was still unbelievable, and they soon came to a sandy beach. The sky above the desert.

But at this moment, the Galaxy Surfer suddenly stopped. Seeing this, the Human Torch behind him felt nervous. When he wanted to avoid it, it was too late. The Galaxy Surfer grabbed his neck and lifted him up in the air.

The temperature of the Human Torch was very high, almost close to the temperature of the sun, but even with such a temperature, he couldn't hurt the Silver Surfer at all!

But at this moment, the Human Torch, who was being held in the air by the Silver Surfer by the neck, felt very uncomfortable. Although he had super powers, he was still a human being. He was almost unable to breathe when the Silver Surfer grabbed his neck!

"Hi...Friends, we...We can have a good talk....There's no need for this...."

The Human Torch forced a smile on his face and said to the Silver Surfer in front of him that at this moment, he was really going to die!

But in the face of his request, the Silver Surfer did not show any expression, and his face was still cold.

The next second, the Silver Surfer suddenly took him directly to the sky, and soon, they had rushed out of the atmosphere!

Both the life and the flame of the Human Torch need oxygen to maintain, but there is no oxygen outside the atmosphere. Soon, the flames on the Human Torch's body gradually went out, and his consciousness began to blur, and finally he fell into a coma.

Seeing that the Human Torch had fallen into a coma, the Silver Surfer let go of his hand and let the Human Torch fall....

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