"Stop! You are surrounded, surrender now, or we will not be polite!"

As soon as he arrived at the corridor of the prison, a large group of prison guards suddenly rushed out from all directions and surrounded Suke.

Facing this group of alien prison guards, Suke just felt very funny, but then he said:"I came here just to find something, you'd better not stop me, otherwise if I get angry, the consequences will be very serious!" When the prison guards heard this, they looked at each other in an instant, but then they pulled the trigger....

Then, a scream like ghosts and wolves howling suddenly sounded from the corridor......

But soon, everything returned to calm!

After everything was completely quiet, a prison guard carefully stuck his head in, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he almost vomited.

At this moment, this short corridor was full of all kinds of internal organs, blood dyed the entire corridor red, and corpses with extremely tragic deaths were everywhere.

"this...What on earth is going on?"

The warden of Qien Prison gasped when he saw the situation in the corridor through the monitor. You know, since the establishment of the prison, they have never encountered such a thing!

Although he knew that the opponent was very strong, in order to avoid being criticized by his superiors, the warden of Qien Prison finally issued an order!

"No matter what, we must stop that man, even if it means death, no one can retreat!"

After hearing this order, the prison guards in Qien Prison were almost desperate. If the other party was just an ordinary person, then there would be no problem at all. But the other party was obviously an extremely powerful being. Killing them was like playing. Why did they want to die?

Although there were many complaints in their hearts, facing the instructions of the warden, prison guards continued to intercept Suk....

But of course, they were all killed by Suk......

Anyway, after a while, Su Ke finally arrived at the place where the mortals were imprisoned.

He casually pulled over an alien who looked like a lizard, and Su Ke immediately said,"A human and a blue-skinned woman came here before. Where are they now?"

In the Guardians of the Galaxy, Su Ke didn't care much about other people, but he was more or less interested in Star-Lord and Gamora. First, because the Cosmic Spirit Orb had always been on Star-Lord, and second, because Gamora was the goddaughter of Thanos, Su Ke thought he might be able to get some information about Thanos from Gamora!

Through the video he just watched, the alien already knew that Su Ke was the one who attacked the Chien prison before, so in the face of Su Ke's questioning, he immediately pointed in a direction, and then tremblingly said,"Over there!"

Throwing away the prisoner in his hand, Su Ke chased after it again.

At the same time, on the other side, Star-Lord and others were fully prepared to escape, and even seized the command room in the middle of the prison, but just as they were about to escape, a man suddenly appeared in front of everyone. This man was none other than Su Ke!

When Gamora saw Suk for the first time, she was shocked, because she had seen Suk's photo in Thanos's place a long time ago. Therefore, she knew that the man in front of her was none other than Thanos's younger brother....

The same Titan as Thanos!

"How could it be him..."

Gamora muttered, looking shocked.

"What? Do you know this guy?"

Rocket Raccoon said, and suddenly picked up the gun in his hand.

"do not know...But I know who he is. He is the brother of the Mad Titan Thanos, a man named Suk. Run away! The Cosmic Spirit Stone cannot be obtained by this man! Otherwise, the entire universe will face a catastrophe!"

Gamora said, and suddenly pulled down a switch on the command desk.

Almost instantly, a special energy beam suddenly enveloped the command room where they were, and then, in the blink of an eye, the entire commander suddenly disappeared, as if he was teleported to another place.

This made Suk speechless, because this scene was obviously different from the movie! These guys can actually use the command room to teleport, what a shitty thing!

Soon, Suk discovered that the power of the space gem could be used in prison again. There was only one result, that is, the Cosmic Spirit Orb was no longer here.......

This is really a cooked duck flying away....

Shaking his head helplessly, Su Ke could only start to head to the next place, which was also the last place where the Guardians of the Galaxy appeared!

The place of no existence!

Soon, in the universe, a huge head suddenly appeared in Su Ke's sight....

Although he already knew that the No Existence Land was the head of a member of the Celestial God Group, Su Ke was still somewhat surprised when he saw the head again, because the head was really too big....

It's just a planet!

Compared to him, Dormammu, Galactus and the like are not even worth mentioning.

How big should the real Celestials be!

Shaking his head, Suk flew into the Celestials' heads.

According to his estimation, the Guardians of the Galaxy should not be here yet, so he can just sit back and wait. Anyway, he must get the Power Stone!

It is worth mentioning that the guy in charge here is called the Collector, and his strength is completely different from that shown in the comics and the movies. It can almost be said that they are one on top of the other. In the movie, the Collector is just an alien with no ability who likes to collect all kinds of rare items. Anyone can knock him down, but in the comics, the Collector is a well-known Elder of the Universe, and his ability can even play with all the members of the Avengers!

Because of the confusion of the timeline, Suk doesn't know what kind of Collector here will be.

But then again, no matter what kind he is, Suk can beat him up and make him call him grandpa......

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