As if she had seen what Drax was thinking, Gamora shouted,"Drax, don't be impulsive. Ronan is not that easy to deal with. Moreover, he brought his entire fleet with him this time. You will only die if you go there!""

"So what?" Drax said firmly,"Even if I die, I can be reunited with my family!"

""Asshole! Go die if you want to! I'm not going to fight with that lunatic!"

Rocket said angrily.

Star-Lord had a headache. It was obvious that he didn't expect Ronan to find him so quickly, and he came with his fleet. Under the current circumstances, if a fight really broke out, they would be blown to pieces by Ronan's fleet in a moment....

With a flash of his eyes, Star-Lord suddenly looked at Su Ke, and at that moment, he came up with an idea....

"Mr. Suke, although Ronan came for Gamora and me, his real purpose was not to find us, but to find the Cosmic Orb on us, which is the Power Stone you got before. But now that you have got the Power Stone, it means that Ronan is actually coming for you. So do you think you have to take action on this matter?"

Star-Lord looked at Suke and said nervously.

Suke found it funny, and then said,"Don't worry, I won't take your things for nothing. Ronan's matter can be regarded as a reward for the Power Stone. I will kill them!"

After hearing this, Star-Lord and others breathed a sigh of relief, because as long as Suke agreed to help, they should not be in any danger.

Then, a space channel opened, and Suke suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.

"I say, are you so sure that this kid can defeat Ronan and his fleet? You know, that's an entire fleet!"

Rocket said with some worry.

When the Collector heard this, he smiled and said,"Don't worry, as a mad Titan, he has power that is not inferior to Thanos. This kind of thing is just a piece of cake. What I am most worried about right now is that the battle between them will destroy this place. I have to do some reinforcement work. As for you, as a reward, I allow you to stay here until the war outside is over!" The

Land of Nowhere and everything here are the Collector's hard work for thousands of years. He doesn't want his hard work to be destroyed in this battle, but fortunately, the Land of Nowhere still has an independent defense device. As long as this defense device is turned on, his hard work will be fine!

Then, the Collector left.

But when he heard these words, Drax felt unprecedented humiliation!

He waved the two knives in his hands and shouted,"No! I am Drax the Destroyer, I am not a coward! I will not stay here and wait for the end of the war. I will kill Ronan and avenge my wife and daughter. I will not hesitate even if it means death!"

After saying this, Drax rushed out regardless of everything.

Gamora's face was complicated at first, and then suddenly she was relieved. She looked at Star-Lord helplessly and smiled:"Maybe I helped Ronan and Thanos do a lot of bad things before, but I never think of myself as a bad person, and...Some things cannot be avoided. This is my war!"

Then, Gamora also chased after him.

"Damn it! Are these two guys stupid? We are facing Ronan and his entire fleet now! Are they going to die?"

Rocket was going crazy.

At the same time, Star-Lord suddenly looked at him:"Rocket, it's nice to meet you, and I'm sorry that you didn't get your bounty. I'll give you my spaceship as a bounty. I hope you can treat it well. If we can survive in the end, I hope we will have a chance to meet again in the future!"

After saying this, Star-Lord also rushed out.

"Damn it, damn it! What on earth are these guys doing? Is it so fun to die? Never mind, never mind! I am only with you because of the money, who cares if you live or die! If you want to die, go ahead and die, I don't care! Groot, let's go!"

After saying this almost in a roar, Rocket was dejected and wanted to leave.

But at this moment, a branch of Groot stopped Rocket.

"I'm Groot!"

"No...They are not family, they are not partners, they are just...only..."

At the end of the conversation, Rockets suddenly couldn't continue.......

"Damn it, if I don't die this time, I will definitely teach those guys a lesson...."

Rocket shouted angrily, then he jumped onto Groot's back, and then they both walked out....

In this way, all the Guardians of the Galaxy left here, gathered together, and launched an attack on the Kree in the air on a spaceship....

At this time, Su Ke, who had been observing all this from outside, laughed.

Sure enough, he was not mistaken. These guys were indeed a group of heroes........

At the same time, a Kree warship suddenly landed on the ground, and then a group of Kree soldiers came out to protect a Kree man holding a long-handled warhammer.

This man was none other than Ronan the Accuser, and next to him was Nebula!

Ronan came here just to deal with the matter of the thirty Kree people being killed earlier, but what surprised him was that just now, his subordinates actually reported to him that they had seen Star-Lord and Gamora here.

In addition to being surprised, Ronan was also happy in his heart, because for a moment, he had already thought of Star-

Lord and Gamora.

���Why did Ronan and Gamora come here?

There is no doubt that they are definitely here to find the Collector to sell the Cosmic Orb!

While issuing the order to kill Star-Lord and others, Ronan walked towards the place where the Collector lived.

The Cosmic Orb was an important thing in his deal with Thanos, and he had to get it no matter what!

As for the fact that thirty Kree were killed before, who would care?

The Cosmic Orb is the most important!

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